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The Corroboree

Halcyon Daze

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Everything posted by Halcyon Daze

  1. Halcyon Daze

    Perennial trees for edible leaves

    Anything with the botanical name edulis means edible (in some way). Catha edulis is a good example of this. Another good edible leaf is hemp and I'd be personally quite interestd in any hemp breeds selected/ developed for this purpose
  2. Halcyon Daze

    Spain Now Producing 24-Hour Solar Power

    Renewables are cooool! Now if only there was a way to encourage a shift towards renewables and away from fossil fuels, without stifling free market mechanisms. If only there was a way...
  3. Halcyon Daze

    Quick POLL

    MALE!?!? That's no fun
  4. Halcyon Daze

    Quick POLL

    Teoz in my opinion is one of those super-women like Oprah, just like a regular woman in every way except she is hiding a little monster that gives her super powers. So be careful, she is extremely competitive and will take pleasure in kicking your arse if you give her half chance. And if you're really nice to her she might even show you the little monster lol.
  5. Halcyon Daze

    Will Rekowski aka Gomaos has died.

    I had nothing but good dealings with him. I'll miss his little blue watering can on ebay. RIP
  6. Halcyon Daze

    South America 2012

    Well since you're such a salvia buff I'm surprised you're not hunting down Salvia venulosa, the closest relative to divinorum. Looks like an awesome adventure for somebody, some day.
  7. Halcyon Daze

    Unknown fruit

    Just for the record, the reason that the seed you cut in half looks so much like a fig is because it is infested with grubs. This is more common than not with lily pilies so you must get to them before they do. Lily pilies are awesome plants.
  8. Halcyon Daze

    Unknown fruit

    Yeah definitely Acmena ingens. Easy to grow from seed if they haven't already been destroyed by the grubs. Soak them in cold water for one night before sowing and this will kill any grubs.
  9. Australia's top climate scientists have been receiving death threats, while Monckton Accuses Garnaut of being a Nazi. As the world moves toward acting on Climate Change, many deniers are turning to more and more extreme measures. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/climate-scientists-angered-by-deniers-death-threat-campaign/story-e6frg6nf-1226079058193 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/environment/climatechange/8594194/Outrage-as-Lord-Monckton-calls-Australian-climate-change-adviser-a-Nazi.html
  10. Halcyon Daze

    greenpeace destroys GM wheat trial

    Wow, do you actually believe GM foods can be better for your health? What about CSIRO's pea that caused cancer in rats and reduced productivity in pigs? http://www.lifescientist.com.au/article/144463/csiro_abandons_gm_pea_project_/ GM foods can be patented and therefore our food supplies can be controlled and profited from in a way never before seen by humanity. Who's behind this not so secret conspiracy? Huge multi-nationals who don't give a stuff about your health.
  11. Halcyon Daze

    Recovering from FACEBOOK

    What a coincidence, I just deleted my account late last night. Mainly due to all the people I hated at school. I don't want them to know anything about me, I don't want to have to live up to anyone else and I don't want them to know the good things that are about to happen in my life. Fu#k 'em. I've had a sense of freedom ever since. edit. I didn't realize how old this thread was. Any tips santiago? I already deleted most of my content weeks ago but I want to be free for good. How does one deal with life after facebook?
  12. Halcyon Daze

    Just got bitten...by a bat

    I've had pretty much everything except the flu shot which I'm getting in 2 dys time. I've had no troubles from any of them, not even from the Japanese encephalitis. I do worry about rabies because if I get bit by anything I have only 24 hours to get the post-bite vac. Problem is I'll be 2 days hike from anywhere.
  13. Halcyon Daze

    Send to Mexico

    Dude, you should be sending stuff to us. I'll send you my Christmas list.
  14. Halcyon Daze

    Oregon USA

    This looks like such a beautiful place, still in it's natural state and all. The music is by WA artist Pogo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2w-v1HAIdI
  15. Halcyon Daze

    Oregon USA

    I prolly should have put a hipster alert on this. If you are offended by hipsters tune out now.
  16. Halcyon Daze

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    Hutch tries to make himself the focus of every climate discussion. He just likes to be the center of attention. Every single post it's all LOOK AT ME! ME, ME, ME! While never hesitating to use base language at anyone who doesn't agree with him. He talks shit and I get tired of his constant push for the spotlight. His behavior sums up that of most chronic denialists these days... Empty Vessels! (Sorry Hutchie-boy, someone had to say it) edit. Don't get me wrong, I love constructive debate. That's what I'm hoping to engage in here. But it would be nice not to have to deal with someone who speaks a constant flow of shit like some busted sewer pipe, ruining things for everyone.
  17. Halcyon Daze

    Do "magic" mushrooms have medicinal value?

    I read in a book on Magic Mushrooms that cubes contain a drug which helps alleviate hearing loss. The author had grown them commercially for the pharmaceutical industry.
  18. Halcyon Daze

    Just got bitten...by a bat

    When I was a kid a mate and I found a bat and it landed on his shirt. It clung to the front of his shirt for a while and then for no reason bit him, right on his nipple! I can only imagine the pain he experienced as a small patch of blood appeared. Moral of the story, never breastfeed a bat.
  19. Halcyon Daze

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    The sense of urgency is thought to have dropped in the mainstream public since the drought broke, The recent flooding is probably just adding to confusion,. However, climate models predict an increase in both droughts and floods and an increase in their severity. We will definitely need those de-sal plants before too long. Next time we need them, it will be for 5 years straight and we'll be glad we have them. Climate change is well under way and it's getting more urgent every day, despite the latest polls. It's not an easy thing to explain to the masses, especially when so much mis-information is being spread. People are getting confused by the mis-information but the true science shows things are getting worse than expected. That's where you need a government who's willing to make the tough decisions.
  20. Halcyon Daze

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    I guess I should mention that Monckton has made some public apologies about his comments. Kinda surprised me to hear that, probably because he got so flamed over it. Questioning the science is what scientists do on a regular basis. Scientists are the true skeptics, it forms the basis of the scientific method and hypothesis testing etc. But eventually you get to the point where you can say you're 99% sure of this and one dodgy graph sponsored by an oil company ain't gonna change it. There's 6.7 billion people on this planet, wiping out forests and pumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Those who say that humans are not having any effect on the atmosphere are abandoning common sense and want to be owned by an oil company. Is that what you want us to do Hutch? Abandon common sense and be OWNED? No way sucker!
  21. Halcyon Daze

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    Species go extinct naturally at the rate of approx 1 species per century. 25 extinctions per day is simply not natural and is caused by man. This George Carlin guy simply lacks understanding of the sheer scale of the problem. 6.7 billion humans on the planet is also not natural and neither is the destruction of most of the worlds forests. To simply ignore the problem and hope it will go away is ludicrous. I'd strongly advise against listening to ludicrous advice like this. As for the Carbon Tax, I don't particularly support labor or their goals but I do support (on principle) the idea that doing 'something' is far better than doing 'nothing'. The problem is that people are bagging it out before they've even announced the details of the tax. They're still negotiating it so how can one be so strongly for it or against the details. We're still dealing with the 'principle' of it at this stage. Besides, The idea of a carbon tax follows the mainstream economic literature and many countries around the world have already implemented similar taxes. Even the poorer countries are putting us to shame. As far as I can see, if it was to stifle business, they'd simply adjust the rate with the stroke of a pen. Problem solved. Anyway, I'm awaiting the outcomes of the negotiations just as much as any one else at the moment. We'll have to wait and see.
  22. Halcyon Daze

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    lol, too hot in the kitchen for ya?
  23. Halcyon Daze

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    Yeah! lol
  24. Halcyon Daze

    Climate evidence is in.

    "advances in climate change science have therefore broadly confirmed that the earth is warming, that human activity is the cause of it and that the changes in the physical world are likely, if anything, to be more harmful than the earlier science had suggested" Not only is Climate change proven as being caused by humans, we now hear that we are polluting more CO2 than ever before. Climate deniers have been sabotaging our precious ecosystems for too long. Make a stand, support those who are trying to help this catastrophe, reject those who are hindering progress. http://www.abc.net.au/unleashed/2739078.html http://www.tgdaily.com/sustainability-features/56272-co2-emissions-hit-record-high
  25. Halcyon Daze

    Climate Scientists Recieve Death Threats

    You're a true champion for the cause Hutch, First sentence of my first link. 'executive director Anna-Maria Arabia received an email saying she would be "strung up by the neck" and killed for her promotion of mainstream climate science.' Sorry Hutch but your argument that nobody is even getting death threats is quite simply full of crap, like most of your arguments. And as for your cheap shots on me (well I couldn't care less really) but you're way wrong. Anyone who bases their arguments on insults is not helping the debate.