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Everything posted by caludia

  1. caludia

    SAB forum members with ADHD

    Hi everyone. Are there any adult SAB forum members with diagnosed & medicated ADHD? (not self-diagnosed ) ps Hi to all my old SAB friends PM me if u'd like to get back in touch!
  2. Over the past 6 months i have discovered for myself the joys of fasting (and of calorie restriction in general) Not only is calorie restriction the only proven dietary method for extending the maximum lifespan of mammals (this has been known for 50 years, and presumably including humans, though there is a lack of controlled data), but the act of food restriction induces a sense of alertness and health in many people (me inc.) i weighed 185 pounds in June and I now weigh 155 pounds. I'm at my desired weight (for height) and i feel great from a physiological standpoint. i had tried methods like hoodia before, but with no success, though i don't claim to have tried these methods 'correctly' for me, 48 hours into a semi-fast (or substantial food intake reduction), music sounds better, i have more energy, and i'm friendlier and more observant and empathic. And when the fast is broken, food tastes unbelievable (like it should). Food appreciation is deadened in our society of excess and wealth, but fasting can renew your appreciation of it. there is a danger that this fasting euphoria could become anorexia in some people... so i don't necessarily advocate fasting. but i was wondering what other folks' experiences were like in this area, and of calorie restriction over long periods (years, anybody?)
  3. caludia


    i'm getting some sass. albidum's springing up. the little rascals arent easy! Great for root beer. does anyone else grow this, and if so do you know the gender of your trees?
  4. nice post Jay....can i be frank? a quick venture online shows the prevalence of aspies (look at fucking Wikipedia for the LORD's sake!), unnecessary hyperlogic, narrow technocratic viewpoints it's borrrrrring! look at the way ppl dissect opinions by doing that "quote" BS and replying to each element of a post like it was an academic treatise pisses me off no end, and i am just 35 yrs old. Fucking imagine what a crotchety git i will be at 70. Lung cancer cant come too soon Go to hell! modern life was always rubbish but its starting to stink more with each passing year information my foot. Singularity BS... or if it's a singularity god help the rest of us. analyze THAT
  5. caludia

    blangschpeer email me :-)

    ok thanks 4 that
  6. caludia

    Richard Dawkins

    agree re: using QM as an excuse for evidence and argument when none exists... however i think you are too quick to categorize ESP as a 'crackpot scheme'. there are mysteries (does anyone really think that after a couple of hundred years of 'scientific method' humans now know basically all there is to the Universe??) take the Philip poltergeist conjuring in Canada in the 70s. Plenty of other examples exist as to why even "everyday consensus reality" and physics may not be all there is to the story. and that doesn't even address a more solipsistic viewpoint such as McKenna's where your particular state of consc. may reveal underlying non-time-dependant (synchronistic) logic (or illogic) to the Universe. and since i can never be another, i have to take my own perceptions, confusion, biases seriously.
  7. I think it's like the turtles anecdote "the earth sits on a turtle" "what does the turtle sit on?" "no use asking, buddy... it's turtles all the way down" i reckon consciousness wouldn't be an emergent phenomenon of complexity, for that would be like creation ex nihilo so everything, all the way down (and up), must have the spark and this of course leads to pantheism (or panentheism if you are not assuming that what you see is all there is)
  8. caludia

    modafinil -- modavigil

    i can def see how that would be... one thing's for sure, it does have a strangely targeted effect on alertness. I just wanted some stronger euphoria to go with it. But if you got strong euphoria plus alertness + no major heart rate/ blood pressure changes, well then, the thing would be illegal wouldn't it? ;-) Can certainly see how the desire to work gets improved (or aggravated as the case may be ) i'm just glad i had a chance to try it... always good to try something new.
  9. caludia

    i know there have been discussion here b4, but.....

    re: khat, they seem to strike strongly if you keep them nice and humid in addition to warm in fact, i remember striking at 80%+ even when nighttime temps fell under 10 deg C. With warmer temps the strike rate was even higher. Sphagnum seems to work well with em too..
  10. caludia

    modafinil -- modavigil

    good to hear from you too yep, can surely see that it could be a benefit in that regard. i have taken up bouldering/climbing as a hobby (indoors), and unlike ritalin or even coffee, modafinil doesnt raise my heart rate or bp (do you get the same result?), and so there doesnt seem to be much danger in taking it even when you are exerting yourself. i climbed extra hard when i was on this so i do see the benefits. i think i would just need something to go along with this to provide a bit of artificial enthusiasm, you know, in conjunction with the "awakeness" no point being awake if you're bored like me better off going to sleep, resting and regenerating, and going to dreamy land where i can be a viking like ralph on the simpsons in fact there was a slight rush to this... just not a euphoria. a standard dopamine-style sense of "can-do" i spose. just not my thing atm.
  11. caludia

    modafinil -- modavigil

    i ahvent posted for a while since i dont really have anything to add, but i saw this topic tonight and thought i'd better chime in ;) i got a script of this hyper-expensive thing a couple of weeks ago, after reading some articles about how it's supposedly a 'smart drug' and can at least keep you awake with no ill effects and no crash. like most people i get the afternoon sleepies, and i enjoy grabbing as many unfair advantages as i can over my fellows effects were noticeable at 100mg, not all that much more noticeable at 200mg actually, so i reverted to 100mg and took it for about 4 days straight, in the monrings with my coffee and then sometimes in the afternoons too. the cost here in the USA was $230 for 1 month's supply, called provigil over here. After my health insurance company decided i could have it (in the USA, it's your health in surance company, not your doc, who decides what medication you can take... docs will just prescribe anything you ask, in my experience), the end cost was $80. to be honest i thought it was a letdown... very specifically targeted, nothing other than a trifle more alertness and a definite difficulty in falling asleep. Def kept the afternoon blahs away too. if i ever get excited about anything in my life again, and need/want to stay awake and put in monster hours, this will be handy. Until then, it's useless, for me at least. No euphoria, no increased clarity. Just less desire to fall asleep. i can def see why it's good for airforce pilots too. Would be good for anyone on shift work really. oh, one more thing: it's by far the most effective appetite suppresant i have ever tried... i believe this is a major off-label benefit of the drug. Far more effective than hoodia at keeping hunger at bay. Induces a faint (but not annoying) nausea and puts all thought of face-stuffing to bed.
  12. caludia

    what is life?

    something complex with an energy inflow and outflow, which tends to remain in equilibrium over time & needs this energy inflow and outflow to maintain this equilibrium?
  13. caludia


    It's amazing what's out there in Rx ! Thought i would never see such a combination of alkaloids, especially not for "IBS" http://www.donnatal.com/ Tropanes for constipation, i suppose. A bit of each of the faves - atr, hyo, scop, and some barbiturate for good luck. Wash it down after gorging at Burger King, when the stomach cramps start. You'll be right, mate.
  14. caludia


    side effects of incorrect dosage may include headache, dry mouth, sleepiness. Oh, and flying, bodily transformation, and conversations with roomfuls of familiar people who swear they weren't actually in your room...
  15. caludia


    Phenobarbital, USP (3/4 gr.) ................................48.6 mg Hyoscyamine Sulfate, USP ...................................0.3111 mg Atropine Sulfate, USP ...........................................0.0582 mg Scopolamine Hydrobromide, USP .........................0.0195 mg http://www.donnatal.com/professionals/prescription_info.asp
  16. caludia

    kava recipes

    i havent drunk (or ingested) kava for a while because its effects are way too long lasting for me (2 days is not convenient) but when i used to drink it a lot, i still hated the taste. Darcy reckons that mixing into a sort of milkshake is good. I tried that but didn't agree in theend i used to just blend it together with orange or apple juice. No point trying to sweeten something as bitter as kava root just gulp it down... i used to just gulp down including all the roughage. Because after our experience with Elvis, we know that roughage is essential to good bowel health.
  17. caludia

    Analyze This

    I have a recurring dream which is bothering me. Or more accurately, my dreams have a recurring plotline which reappears under different guises in my various dreams. To summarize the general plot: In my dream, I'm in school (it feels like the final year of high school). In the previous year of the dream, I passed the final school examinations with no hassles. I got a good grade. After passing I decided to spend another year in school/university/whatever, a year in which the curriculum and testing procedures are identical to those of the previous year's. Why did I decide to spend another year repeating the exact same classes as the last year, especially since I successfully passed the same course last year?? I don't know. Why am I being permitted by the 'authorities' to re-undergo this year's classes and tests, despite the fact that I passed the previous year's tests with flying colors? Why does it seem to take me a long time (in the dream) to remember that I've already passed all the relevant tests etc. the previous year? I don't know. A variation of this dream has me in my final year of high school, anxious that I have not prepared for any of this year's periodic tests. I know that if I sit for these tests, I will fail. The rest of my student contempories do not seem to be particularly worried about the tests. I, however, have been skipping classes and skipping the periodic assessment tests too, and I will fail the upcoming exams (eveb though I passed them the previous year). In fact, in some dream-versions I have subsequently been to university and am, in fact, degree-qualified - i.e. far in advance of any of the other students! Yet because of my laziness and irresponsibility, I am going to fail this year's high school tests. I just couldn't be bothered to read the required books, or to attend the required classes. In my dream, I often (not always) become aware of this situation during the dream: I realize that for whatever reason I am re-attending a year of school that I have, in fact, already passed successfully. In some versions of my dream, however, this fact doesn't dawn on me until very late in the dream. What does this recurring plotline mean? I literally must have experienced this general plotline a hundred times in dreams. A hundred, seriously! What's going on in my subconscious???
  18. caludia

    Rev... What the ...!

    and i know this isn't entirely logical, but it's probably bad ettiquette to be using his full name on this post too (i know it's on the FF site, but still.... etiquette) i wouldn't be losing sleep over your order Rev is not exactly the kind of guy who will fly by night & rip you off Anyone in the business of ethnos obviously has a passion in the area, you just have to remember that it's a totally niche market, more of a hobby income in a way, and therefore you can't expect the style of interaction that you'd expect at McDonalds
  19. caludia

    woman dies after ecstasy "overdose"

    Exactly... and this notion of the Australian (and world) authorities is not just antiquated, it's intolerant, puritanical & murderous (in effect). However if MAPS in the USA, Europe and Israel are successful, MDMA treatment (without fear of impurities, vagaries over dosage, etc.) will be available to people with PTSD (at least) in 10 or 15 years. For now, it's just booze and valium for the populace. Keep the workers sedated, angry, and stupid. That's how industrial progress is achieved. If anyone has even a TAD of interest in the use of MDMA therapeutically, i heartily recommend donating (you can use Paypal) to www.maps.org No group in the world is more 'serious' about the un-demonization of mdma than MAPS (and they have many psychiatrists and other specialists on board) www.maps.org Donating will also get you the monthy email newsletter.
  20. let me rephrase. Maybe activity=immaturity/foolishness. And yes, maybe that is the ultimate expression of intelligence (but not human intelligence) Who says we're intelligent? Why, we do, of course
  21. thanks Nab, you gotta agree with a guy called Doctor Bjork actually i reckon that it's this implicit assumption that aliens would want to travel and be all terkonogikal that could be another soln to the Fermi problem. Just because humans like to run and build and fight and fuck and all the other monkey-things we do, ... why would a group of beings, possibly immortal beings (having solved all illness), 100 million years in advance of us in terms of knowledge, .. why would THEY be interested in sending exploratory ships to other solar systems, or even in communicating with us? perhaps one prob. is that physicists and cosmologists are being anthropocentric in their imaginings of what an advanced race would be like. i reckon it's possible, like Warrior Sage possibly suggests, that all beings of appropriate groundedness and focus and intelligence and wisdom realize (especially after 100 million years!) that certain behaviours are futile... like the planet-wide ocean in the movie & book Solaris, which is 'conscious' (Maybe), much smarter than a human too, but completely disinterested in activity/conversation/conquest etc. Maybe activity=dumbness.
  22. WS, this is an interesting post. I have often though the same things are you express here. Here's an example that fascinates me: Fermi's Paradox is the question of "Where are they?" when it comes to extraterrestrial technological societies. If they exist, and our Galaxy (let alone all the billions of other galaxies) is so HUGE (100 billion stars or more), where are the ancient and incredibly advanced technological civilizations? Why aren't we picking up radio transmissions from them? Why have we never encountered self-replicating Von Neumann machines in our own solar system? Why have we never observed a Dyson Sphere? (sphere of energy redirection around a star) To me it's inconceivable that humans, dolphins, chimps etc. are the only intelligent species in the Milkly Way at the moment. So where are they? I think that it's possible that "activity" is a brief phase that beings go through before they realize that nirvana/contemplation/ego-absorption is the most sensible and worthwhile path. So there may well be astonishly advanced beings out there, on worlds orbiting other suns, but they long ago stopped "yacking" and turned inward. Maybe wisdom turns you into a cosmic navel-gazer
  23. caludia


    does anyone have a set of scales they would be willing to trade plants for? If so, please PM me... preferably i'd like a set capable of measuring weights from 10mg to 500g (or a greater range of course!).. i have no idea what regular scales are capable of so sorry if that sounds like a ridiculous ask!
  24. Oh yes. That's why I need to wear glasses, because he made my eyes so perfectly. And when the retarded & deformed infant emerges for the first time from her mother's womb, it's joy all around. And the most perfect specimens of men, intellectually & emotionally powerful and stable and happy, physically functional in every respect.... they still smell bad to me. What a friend we have in Jebus.