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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Benzito

  1. Benzito

    Iam drunk as fuk

    Amulte, you around?
  2. Benzito

    Loph for sale

  3. Benzito

    Forum upgrade

    All praise to the big T-bag! Seriously, thanks Torsten, you really are a dedicated guy. It would've taken me a week or two to bother with the upgrade. You're a good role model for a st0ner. Reading this thread, I've gotta say I was amazed by the first page of posts. Torsten starts off with "I've changed the forum software, I'm focusing on making it work right now before I change the color scheme back to what it was before", the next 20 posts are people complaining about the colour scheme! You can't please them all, but you definitely please me torsten.
  4. Benzito

    Google and the smoking gun...

    So, Torsten, will your restricting of Google stop us using Apo's cool trick to search the site? I think the Ethnobotany and Cacti sections should always be available to Google. I was into Ethnobotany, and buying from Herbalistics, for about 6 months before I even knew what an SAB was. You like your privacy don't you mr Torsten?
  5. Benzito


    I can't actually respond to that without swearing or name calling. Coopers may not be 'interesting', but it is technically wonderful beer! Any self respecting beer drinker considers Coopers the starting pole for beers - they all go up from there. But Crown, VB, Tooheys, Coldies, any of that other crap should just be given to alcoholic zoo animals. It's not fit for people.
  6. Benzito

    When i saw the crab........

    That's beautiful, but probably belongs in the creativity forum. Sorry to sound like a wet blanket.
  7. Psychopath, is that a current pack? As I mentioned in my first post, I don't smoke anymore, but all the friends' packs that I look at lack this information now. Is my whole argument just retarded and based on an assumption?
  8. Benzito

    TEK Forum or Sub Forums

    I think Apothecary started the ethnowiki. The whole community was really into it and got it up and running about a year ago, but there really isn't a good link to it anywhere so it is forgotten by alot of ppl. Me included. Why not you? It's a wiki, everyone is meant to help.
  9. Benzito

    TEK Forum or Sub Forums

    I forgot we even had the Wiki! Wow, I sure was offline for a while wasn't I?
  10. Benzito

    Possible short-notice Sydney meet....

    Thanks Morg. Well, due to a poor weather forecast and lack of interest, this definitely WILL NOT be happening. Can't wait to see all the Sydney peeps in the new year!
  11. Hey guys, I had a thought today, and they don't come often, so I thought it best to record it for posterity; Who would like to meet in the RBGS on New Years Day for a chilled wind-down after the big night? We could even just sit in the herb garden all day long, no need to move anywhere or do anything. Just a chance to wind down in the way that only ethnoheads do. Eg. Me smoking cones of legal Tobacco embarrassing us all infront of passers-by. So, anyone up for it? We could aim for 11-12 meet time or something, cause I'll probably still be up from the night before.....
  12. Benzito

    TEK Forum or Sub Forums

    You could write it up in your blog?
  13. Benzito


    Cognac would be my drink of choice, but not for getting drunk, just for enjoying a drink or two. I won't pretend I can afford to drink a bottle of that in a night, hell I make a bottle of Cognac last for a few months! If I'm getting drunk, then beer is good. A real good beer is made by the sunshine coast brewery, a chilli beer. You can buy it online. They even make one that actually has chillis in the bottle! Another fave is Amaretto and Coke, somehow it ends up tasting kind of like Cherry Coke and you can barely taste the almond? Weird, but I love it when I'm at clubs, etc. Either that or White Rum and Coke. I like sweet mixed drinks if you didn't guess....
  14. Both, Creach. I think it was a '4' had 4mg of tar and generally 0.4mg of Nicotine. A '12'- 12mg tar, 1.2mg Nicotine. etc The point is, they used to actually have the figures for tar, carbon monoxide, and nicotine printed down the side of the pack, and now don't. I really only think you need to know how much nicotine is in it, cause that is the main addictive chemical in it, and if you want to reduce your daily dosage of it, it should be easy to do. How do you judge which Nicotine patches to buy now aswell? If you don't know how much Nicotine you absorb in a day normally?
  15. Benzito

    Newbie cactiphile

    Welcome aboard deadman, but you will need to put the effort in. As soon as you make the pic easy for people to see, you'll get a positive ID within a day or so around here! Click 'reply' and then click on the little picture of the tree above the box where you type your reply. Go to the gallery in another window, click on your picture so you are looking at the big picture, not the thumbnail. Now right click on the large picture and click 'view location'. Copy the URL, and Paste into the little box that comes up after clicking on the little tree picture I mentioned above. Make sense?
  16. Benzito

    mesc extraction video

    Did you see the books on the shelf behind the jars while he's doing the extract? Like the Shulgins need this guy bringing any more attention their way.
  17. Sobriquet, I would have to disagree. While an addict who is mindless of their habit will just 'titrate their dose' as you say, when someone WANTS to quit, they will be mindful of how many they smoke per day, time between smokes, etc. For the smokers who want to keep smoking, all those dosages mean nothing, they will suck harder or smoke two in a row if they don't get what they want. But if someone is trying to responsibly manage the health risks they take, then they may well want to be aware of such information. It's just the age-old government line; "This thing is bad for you, don't ask any more questions, it's just bad mmmmkay!" Scare campaigns rather than education. I only ever smoked '4s' when I was a smoker, cause I've got asthma and never should have been smoking. If I was smoking '8s' or '12s' my lungs would seriously deteriorate in a matter of days. My coughing would get worse and my chest would feel really tight. I eventually cut down more and more, from 12-8-4, and found '4s' to be a happy medium. I got the drug I wanted, but didn't feel like a 60 year old with Emphysemia.
  18. Yes, I believe you are right there Mr. Creach. My apologies, treat all mention of grams as milligrams in the above post.
  19. Benzito

    Nicotiana sp. and cancer

    When I used to smoke cigarette's, one 'rollie' would cut my lungs up and have me coughing for a few minutes, not to mention the head-ache I would get. But I could smoke a pack a day of my 4mg brand-name cigarettes, with little more than a nasty morning cough. That said, I was smoking 4's, which supposedly contained 0.4gm of Nicotine. Rollies would contain a butt-load more than that! They are such rich tobaccos. The way I see it, we all get cancer eventually. If nature can't kill you with other illnesses, it gives you cancer. If it didn't there would be 300 year old people walking around! (I know it's a pretty ignorant view, but let's accept our mortality and embrace life)
  20. Benzito

    P. viridis orally active W/O MAOI?

    *edited, not relevant to conversation anyway. Gomaos, let us know how your chewing experiments go?
  21. Benzito

    Iboga leaf

    What is a small dose trip like Gom? Very psychedelic, or just mainly body load stuff? How long does it last for at low doses? Still a whole day kind of thing? I only ask cause I don't think I'll ever get to travel to a place where you can legally and safely do Iboga.
  22. Benzito

    Sad Sally

    They're not really that touchy. I've seen them grown in some very cool, dry climates. You've just gotta gradually introduce them to their new living conditions over a few weeks, and they'll take just about anything you can throw at them. Just tell your mate to water it everyday, and if it was in a high humidity environment before he got it, then mist it everyday aswell. Start reducing the misting to every second day, then twice a week, once a week, etc. Just watch for the wilt, and give it heaps of water! Whoever said Sally don't like wet feet probably hasn't grown Sally.
  23. Well make sure you keep a little cutting growing! If your mate says it's potent, then you'll wish you had more!
  24. Benzito

    Possible short-notice Sydney meet....

    Ohhh, too bad Apo. I changed my self-incriminating post for you. I should've specified I was talking about smoking Tobacco cones. You're no fun since you became a Mod!
  25. Benzito

    Sad Sally

    Have is actually been watered at all Synaesthesia? Salvia will wilt in the space of 2 hours, on a warm day, if it needs water. Water the pot and spray the leaves for some foliar absorption. It should spring back within a few hours, and look almost back to normal by the next day.