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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Benzito

  1. Benzito

    weed in queensland? where the hell has it gone?

    Yeah, Western Sydney as far as the Blue Mountains is dry aswell. I know people who have been making 1-hour drives to try and score, and a few people who have quit due to lack of availability. It's Operation Noah and all their raids, and I have also heard bikie's are causing problems for some dealers, supposedly demanding a cut of the action.
  2. Benzito

    still 4 sale

    Spudamore, are you sure you haven't developed an expensive addiction recently? You seem to be having a 'everything must go' sale, and you're in a hurry!
  3. Benzito

    My newest additions (Image Heavy)

    Okay, it's on then! A competition! I bet my penis (plant) is bigger than yours! I'll get pics tomorrow. Amulte, it has pupped quite a lot since you first saw that beauty!
  4. Benzito

    White lotus alkaloids ? (for lotuswhine)

    Well, when you do get a straight answer, please let us know. Wouldn't it be nice to get some hard info on these lotus'?
  5. Benzito

    Sydney Meet

    If you and I can make it work Amulte, along with our special ladies, then who cares who else can make it?
  6. Benzito

    Ethnobotany in Indonesia

    Doesn't one of our members even have his own block of land in SE-Asia, possibly indo, where he grows Kratom, Sally, etc in a huge private ethnobotanical garden? I feel horrible for not remembering who it is...
  7. Benzito

    Drying seeds?

    I put seeds & foliage into a brown paper bag, chuck a couple of dessicant sachets in, fold the top over, and hang it up in a warm, dry room somewhere out of direct sunlight. Works for just about anything!
  8. Benzito


    Anodyne, doesn't this same deficiency cause DXM to actually have a heightened effect/allergic-type reaction? Foolsbreath, have you ever taken a DXM containing cough-syrup?
  9. Benzito

    Sydney Meet

    Well, after all that assing about, can we make it the 7th of April? It's only half a month notice now, but hopefully people can free themselves up?
  10. Benzito

    Psychotria Viridis

    Your climate will vary, so will your potting mix, so will the fertilisers you use, etc, etc. Take it easy this year, and guage how quick it grows back for next season. Or, just mow it back and learn the hard way.
  11. Benzito

    a. obtusifolia near sydney

    No one is going to tell you where to find tree's in the wild. As a new member, no-one knows what kind of person you are, and so far your posts seem to hint that you are very keen to strip some Acacia's to get high. I mean no offence, just telling it how it looks.
  12. Benzito

    Have you sent me any mail recently?

    Sounds like your friend needs some of these ones:
  13. Benzito

    Whats your occupation

    I work in a mushroom farm, my role is 'post-harvest' but the shroom-pickers all call me a 'box-boy'. Essentially, I do all the non-technical dirty work around the place. Mainly the manouvering of boxes. Menial labour kicks ass over my old office job!
  14. Benzito

    Happy Bday Gomaos, Kaktus & Shruman

    A special happy birthday to Gom, and a not-as-special-but-only-because-we-arent-that-familiar happy birthday to Kaktus & Shruman.
  15. Benzito

    Psychotria Viridis

    If you are harvesting leaves from ANY plant, you do it while they are alive and healthy. If you wait till the leaves die, they will have nothing active in them. Any harvesting you wish to do, would be best done during the warmer months, so the plant can regrow some foliage before winter. Just pick them, then use them as you would phalaris. Levels of actives will be different to Phalaris, obviously.
  16. Benzito

    Birthday...get together.

    Cause that's Gom. He'll be OK in a short while.
  17. Benzito

    A friend with cancer

    It hasn't hit you yet because you don't miss him yet. Don't beat yourself up about the way you feel, that's beyond your control anyway.
  18. Benzito

    Sydney Meet

    I wouldn't bother with two meets, the second one will suck. If I can't make it, I can't make it. It's all good.....
  19. Benzito

    Native Soil for drainage???

    Nope. Native mixes have specific nutrient levels too which aren't correct for said plants. Try mixing some sand into a normal potting mix for the ibogaine, and mix vermiculite into a potting mix for the psychotria.
  20. Benzito

    ants and plants

    Okay, easy solution to your problem: Submerge the pot FULLY for a good period of time. I say half an hour to be safe. The plant won't mind. Main problem: You haven't tried this simple solution yet. Try submerging the pot, as everyone is suggesting. I guarantee it will work. You can always put your pot-plants on a table, and put each table leg in a bucket of water. This should have your plants quite safe without increasing humidity, or affecting yuour watering schedule.
  21. Isn't this akin to stripping a branch, and sticking it into a termite nest to get termites? I swear monkeys already did this! I'll be honest with you, I'm not that surprised that a chimp could work out a sharp stick would get bush-babies better than the blunt one they use for termites. The day they use a stone-head on that spear, I'll be finding myself a female chimp to settle down with, because they are bound to become our new rulers. Until then, I'll stick to stabbing bush-babies with what works best for me.
  22. Benzito

    Sydney Meet

    Why not 7th April? That sounds like an awesome date Benzito! (said in voice different to my own) That is the next Saturday I have off work.
  23. Benzito

    A friend with cancer

    Shit man, I am so sorry. What a quick demise after fighting for so many years. Don't worry man, while it hurts you like crazy right now, guaranteed your friend isn't in any pain wherever he is. Even if you don't believe in an afterlife, at least he isn't fighting cancer anymore. Your grief will pass, and when you remember Brendon in the future, it will be with smiles and laughter. Best of luck to yourself, and your friends family.
  24. Benzito

    Considering username change

    Obviously no Trailer Park Boys fans on SAB.
  25. Benzito

    Non-fogging intoxicants

    I rate D. Bosseranum root powder as a much better option than Scelly. Smoke a few dry-cones of the stuff from Herbalistics, and you will feel stoned, but still mentally functioning. The several times I tried it, I wouldn't really say it hindered me at all, mentally. It's a real body stone, especially in the extremeties. Lotus is very stupefying, I would say. At the levels I've always tried to get to anyways. Give that one a miss.