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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Benzito

  1. Benzito

    New member

    Excellent news, sounds like you are doing it all the smart way. I started out much like yourself, just buying one plant that took my interest, before I knew it I had about 40 plants in my 'future basket'. Best of luck with your new found hobby.
  2. Benzito

    Morning Glory voyages

    Double post, server problems.
  3. Benzito

    Morning Glory voyages

    I used to use Morning Glory seeds regularly until I found out that doing so is probably illegal. A few times I did the extractions, I used alcohol, I used water, I got sick every single time. I could never enjoy the trip, cause I always got sick. But I have always had a weak stomach and just figured that LSA's were going to make me sick. Bad luck. One day I decided I was just going to chew some seeds. I had thousands that I harvested from my own plants and they were real potent! So, rather than ingesting a brew in one-go, that contained 150-300 seeds or something, I chewed 25 seeds. After 20 minutes I felt fine, so I chucked another 25 in my mouth. I kept going like this till I had ingested something like 200 seeds over the space of 1-2 hours. Half an hour after the last dose, I was on the floor of a bookshop in Katoomba giggling like a school-girl. It was the best trip I ever had on LSA! Ever since then I've just stuck to chewing increments at a time. Between 25-50 every 15 minutes or so, it works a treat and I don't get sick. As everyone said, LSA is a pretty unenlightening trip, even if it is legal where you are, so probably not worth the effort. But, I think alcohol is a boring drug, and I still bother using that occassionally. If LSA was legal, I would still use Morning Glory. Probably only every couple of months, for a bit of fun though. Happy voyages.
  4. Benzito

    All purpose potting mix

    I would avoid all these brandname potting mixes that contain slow-release fertilisers(like thrive) and 'added nutrients' etc. Most of these would be non-organic fertilisers, and I don't ingest ethnobotanicals unless they are organic. Apothecary taught me that lesson, and I think he's right. Everyone knows organic shit is better for you, and things like cacti can store pesticides, and toxins, etc for months/years. Make sure if you are harvesting, and trading, materials that you let people know that it isn't organic. If you're making a potting mix yourself, the idea is to just buy the most basic, no-frills mixes and add them together with some blood and bone or something, for nutrients. As far as ratio's, recipes, etc. I just make my stuff by eye every season, so I'm sure it varies, but what I judge to look like a nice soil for a certain type of plant tends to work out.... oh yeah, I forgot, vermiculite and perlite are your best friend as far as improving drainage and water retention. Perlite has a tendency to work it's way to the top of the pot over time though...
  5. Benzito

    New member

    GiR! Read up on morning glory a whole lot before you try ingesting any of it. That dark purple/blue variety is I. Indica which is NOT what you want to be growing or ingesting. It's nothing more than a toxic weed, I think most people would agree, and in Australia it doesn't even set seed very regularly. It prefers to grow vegetatively for some reason. Welcome aboard, and make sure you use these forums for everything they are worth before you decide to ingest anything that could make you sick, or be breaking the law.
  6. Benzito

    air de-ionisers

    Does he put a rag in the top of the bong when he's not smoking? I used to punch cones at night, and just exhale out the window. The room was close to smoke-odour-less within 30 minutes of ceasing the smoking, but I used to chuck an old sock over the bong that covers the shotty and the mouthpiece as soon as I was done smoking. That way if I hadn't been smoking recently, the room don't smell like I had. edited for grammar
  7. Benzito

    personal pic

    The avatar option is NOT blocked.
  8. Benzito

    Trichocereus 'snake cactus'

    Not it isn't Rev! Your avatar isn't even a flower, it's some guy with a weird alien carcass on his head...
  9. I do the same thing Prier. Less these days than when I was a teenager though. Just cause heaps of us are doing it doesn't make it right though, does it? eg. A joke about eating babies = hilarious watching a person eat a baby = not so hilarious But then I hear a racist joke and get angry, whereas some ppl probably say they 'laugh at racist jokes, but don't find racism funny'. Are those ppl justified in laughing at racism? Not in my mind. Laughing at a racist joke just encourages the racist sentiment. So does laughing at disgusting/dark humour encourage those sentiments?
  10. Benzito

    The Weed!

    I love 'The Weed' Prier! As a long-term stoner I can relate to every word in it. And Shiva, I also read that paper on Personality types & trait absorption. It was very interesting, and made me a little more comfortable with my personal use (whether that's good or bad, who knows?). It basically suggests that people who would normally be more inclined towards introspective states are drawn to the weed, rather that the weed making people less social and more introverted. I wish I could find where I ever found that article, but I'm sure it would've been through SAB.....
  11. Benzito

    personal pic

    Torsten, it's quite simple; Go to your account controls, down the bottom on the left hand side there is an option for 'Edit Avatar Settings' and directly beneath it is an option for 'Change Personal Photo'. The personal photo option is blocked. Can you remove that from the list of options?
  12. Benzito

    Anyhow, have a dose of rat poison

    All these scare campaigns, but we're not even allowed to know how much tar, nicotine, and Carbon monoxide that they produce anymore! Stupid government.
  13. Benzito

    James Brown dies

    Good God now! I can't believe this. I passed up two chances to see him perform live at festivals in the past few years, cause I wasn't keen on the rest of the acts, and now I feel like an idiot. Rest In Peace James.
  14. Benzito

    personal pic

    Lol, nice avatar mushhunter! welcome aboard.
  15. Benzito

    a health/medicine forum?

    I think Torsten needs to keep this as a free forum, to make sure it stays what it is. EBA was a forum that took money from it's users and it was a pretty unprofessional operation, that I personally didn't find nearly as informative as SAB. But, as Amulte said, I would also be more than willing to chuck money in, but I know Torsten and he will come up with a solution that only costs him. Not us. Costs him money, time, and headaches..
  16. Benzito

    Visited a collection today

    :drool: Man! If I were you, I would let the owner and the real-estate agent know that you will BUY the cactii if the new owner wants to remove them. If they have someone willing to do the work, they may let you have them for free!
  17. Benzito

    Christmas Cactus

    Nice! Where did your pops buy them? online or locally? Happy birthday for the other week.
  18. Benzito

    Where to get cool plants?

    Even if MountainGoat had clearly named a plant, which is illegal within his jurisdiction, is he breaking the law taking photos of it? I still reckon it's a Coleus that he is describing anyway??? I honestly think that the 'n00b' comment was nothing more than a waste of space, and the people giving him a hard time for asking for an 'illegal plant' should probably get their hand off it. I have seen plenty of people on these forums make much dumber, and blatant, requests for illegal materials and they are still around now. He never said "SWIM took illegal drugs", or "A gnome I know is looking to purchase illicit materials within the jurisdiction of the Australian Federal Police" I think Morg put it best: Being a stickler for the rules doesn't make you a valued member. Welcome aboard MountainGoat! My only advice: rare plants are best identified during personal conversation/viewing.
  19. Benzito

    Personal Pic

    Dude, no offense meant towards you, but that is horrible! Most people have regrets from their past, but that's the key word: regret. I sincerely hope you regret treating a person in that way, otherwise you are gonna get your ass kicked by psychedelics! I know I treated a fair few people quite horribly when I was younger, including objectifying women(*ahem*avatar*ahem*), but there isn't a day that goes past that I wish I could take it all back. To think that I made people feel bad about themselves, or about having to go to school/work/etc, makes me feel horrible.
  20. Benzito

    merry christmas

    You better all enjoy Christmas, or else!Peace, love, and nothing mild from Benzito. :D
  21. Benzito

    Kava prices?

    Osiris, SW Sydney may not be the worst place in the world, but it will be our first proper Ghetto in Sydney. Without doubt. Go to Liverpool and look at the street prostitutes, and drug dealers on every second corner. I have been offered watches, gold chains, and smack by guys just walking past on the street. With the new plans to put a major train freightline through the area with 10' high concrete walls, it will seriously just become a slum.... All that said, here is the phone number for 'Pacific Island Foods', 75 Boundary Rd, Liverpool; 9821 1005. Merry Kava-mas. :D
  22. Benzito

    Salvia D. Flowers.

    I think you would find they just flower so infrequently in captivity, that there hasn't been enough opportunities for ppl to try them. If I were you Entheogen, I'd give them a go. Smoke them or go the oral route. They might taste nice..... Just make sure you report back here with your results.
  23. Benzito


    I think I've got a Pontica out the back, so if you get a photo, I'll try and help you with the ID....
  24. Benzito

    Kratom the Healer

    Thanks for sharing Gom. Sounds like a big decision you made, and the right one. Living in a hut for 4 months to witness the birth of your son, well worth it. Like Andy said, you're life sounds so cool sometimes!
  25. Benzito

    NSW police targeting drug users on the roads

    So, does every police vehicle have the ability to RDT in NSW, or do they just have the one support vehicle that will be set-up in one specific location? Anyone know? Hey-Hey-Hey...... everyday....