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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by applesnail

  1. yeah shop around first always pays to if buying online, i have one the top ones(the first one in the list) and they work really well the one they got for $197....last forever if well looked after...cheers and gd luck!

  2. i dont need you to apologize chnt...we have entirely differing opinions..i can live with that quite fine in my life...i clearly don't support government funded prostitution or sex with severely disabled ppl....but obviously there has to be some kinda criteria and one would hope if such a bill was drafted it would recognize the moral decency to only grant those with a stable mind to participate in this proposed bill....not the lesser unfortunate with mental deficiency's!

  3. I wouldnt say im missing the point, i understand this arguement quite well, i just have my own moral stance and opinion on this topic with my "totally knobs the big veiny one.opinion".

  4. i have quirky humour and never take much seriousness to any situation i mean no harm darklight my apologies if i have offended anyone..but was just expressing my opinion whether good or bad!

    and i still stand by i dont think it is correct to engage in sexual behavour with mentally handicapped ppl...thats kinda a molestation of the unfortunate i think...its morally wrong in my viewpoint!

  5. Gosh i hope i meet the criteria..ive been disabled since 2008...ive got my snorkel and flippers ready all i need now is a plane ticket to SA.... :blink: whats that number?? can i get a motherly hook up also? i may need to wear floaties for that one!! to tame that wild beast!

  6. sex therapy...what a nice name...some of these disabled ppl im referring to, as i have said time and time again in my posts have no comprehension of there actions or what there doing they constantly have tantrums and no ability to even be aware of there actions and you think sexual healing is going to help them...sry but life isnt a marvin gaye song...they have illnesses and conditions that im pretty sure cant be cured by sex......but as i said if manwhores/hookers wanna have sex with spastic ppl as a humanitarian effort then so be it..but this taxpayer has had his say on it and thinks it entirely wrong, i think the bill should be drafted to provide better care faciltys and wages for those who work with disabled ppl or on medical research for the conditions they suffer...ditto!

  7. I have a friend who works with severely handicapped ppl and daily sexual assaults are more then common already without influencing sexual behavior in the disabled ppl she works with, as are high level risks of being bitten and bodily exchange of fluids from patients who inflict injury upon themselves or in worse conditions upon others, ..this is my two cents on this topic!

    Which also makes one wonder how ethical are sex workers when there willing to drop to there knees for a dollar! :scratchhead:

  8. Why would anyone compare you with a right to die activist? Maybe your thinking of Eugen Fischer. :scratchhead:

    Implying that prostitutes are going to start pumping out babies to fathers with severe mental and physical illness shows how informed your opinions are.


    I was sarcastically implying euthanasia...by mentioning Dr kervorkian...since sterilisation was mentioned figure id notch it up a little with a twist of euthanasia..

    I was referring to ppl with the mental capacity to not be able to judge right or wrong..eg:- disabled handicapped man/woman gets some sweet paid orgasmic relief..has a multitude of disorders, and cant comprehend right from wrong and when there nurse or carer comes to give them a sponge bath cos they defecate there own pants each day...this lovely nice handicapped male/female may interpret it as fun time wednesday, at the pink parlour or the manstick inn (to avoid further bias sexual discrimination) and decides ok lets get it off and decides/thinks it TLC feelgood wednesday...now disabled carers are already underpaid and do a noble enough job without having to be sexually assaulted, and ppl who work deal with some fairly hard situations as it is....but what the hell, we live in a lovely world...if hookers or manwhores wanna give handjobs or crazy eights to folk who cant get none, with a government grant(taxpayer funded) then let it be.....the world needs more compassion and we all deserve love even if folk have to pay for it and if it only lasts for an hour and cost you extra $100 to do it wearing a pair flippers and a snorkel with pegs clamped to your nipples then so be it...im bailing out of this thread before i do any more damage!

  9. perhaps therapeutic massages would be more suitable for severe psychologically disabled folk, so they get there physical intimacy and a frustrating chubby!...the rub without the tug...i can only imagine a disabled person with obsessive compulsive disorder getting some pussy for the first time :scratchhead:

  10. Im mostly referring to cases that involve serious mental disabilitys, not a person in a wheel chair with no legs who can still get a boner, or joe blow who broke his back and disfigured his upper lip while riding a motorcycle and now has a head like a jar of foreskins, but the more severe cases of mental deficiency or serious neuro disorders like mental retardation or borderline intelllectual functioning who can have the capacity to have a whole array of various psychological idiosyncracies..

  11. Sounds like a bunch of hookers are just trying to find some government funded work so they can increase there bank balances,if these ppl are disabled without the adequate intelligence( mental disabilitys) god only knows to what extent, how they perceive the world or what there thoughts are, christ ive met some fairly intelligent ppl with some bizarre perversions or deviancy, so lets introduce disabled ppl to hookers so they can perceive woman in a sexual manner?? there is something seriously wrong with this draft i think..as for what happened to this great nation by the looks of it, its raising our lovely union jack and southern cross, to the lowest denominator of degradation for woman, prostitution!
