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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by hypnotoad

  1. *sigh* Just more plants to be added to the schedule list. Better get on it quick Federal Government, PRECIOUS LIVES ARE AT RISK!!
  2. That's really weird! too bad there aren't more pictures. Google isn't much help either. I've always wanted to invest money into a mountain papaya, but I hear you need both sexes and they're hard to tell apart.
  3. hypnotoad


    edit don't pm me please
  4. hypnotoad

    M.Hostilis 4 M.Pudica? <3

    How do you do that?
  5. hypnotoad


    Not to mention they stink.
  6. hypnotoad

    M.Hostilis 4 M.Pudica? <3

    That would be super badass! But sadly probably not.
  7. hypnotoad

    help Dream Herb dying

    Have you checked to see if it has leaf curling mites or similar? I had the same problem as you for a while and I thought they were just shriveling up because they were unhappy. Turned out they had mites and they spread to my other plants too but thankfully they were more resilient. Been spraying them with chilli and plant based detergent ever since and never looked back. Even experimenting with two in full sun and they're both doing well too. Hope this helps. Peace. edit (they're all in premium potting mix mixed with horse poo and hay, and sometimes I can be really lazy with watering too)
  8. hypnotoad

    obama hacked merkels mobil

    Sounds like you're just regurgitating things that I've said.
  9. hypnotoad

    obama hacked merkels mobil

    I'm not looking for trouble, but you appear to regurgitating things that you've seen on TV and have done very little discovery of true facts. I suggest you read into how the economy works and perpetual debt. Then read a book called War is a Racket by Smedley Butler. Without going all weird test tube clone/satanist/esoteric/banking syndicate conspiracy theory up in here, understand that war is a business, America's number one export is war. Everything about Americas identity as a country has been built from the suffering of others. America as a country has an imperialistic plan, everyone who has every tried to change this plan has been assassinated, defamed, executed or just disappeared (PROVEN FACT). Barack Obama being the new figurehead of the States has the responsibility of continuing this agenda. And because of this, it makes him emotionally incapable of giving a fuck about your family, my family, the sonar testing in the ocean or the fucking battery bears in China. Especially when the wealth generated by the global labor force is more than enough to fix all of our problems a hundred times over. (please excuse the language, I'm passionate)
  10. hypnotoad

    obama hacked merkels mobil

    You should probably stop drinking the tap water.
  11. hypnotoad

    obama hacked merkels mobil

    Your family's country's elected leader doesn't give a fuck about your family and their needs.
  12. hypnotoad

    Scientists stop light for a minute.

    We could spend the next 30 years perfecting the quantum computer. But your mind will always be a better computer, people just ain't using it right.
  13. hypnotoad

    Scientists stop light for a minute.

    You've got to do something with your time if your mind is trapped in the material world.
  14. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach (1970) A seagull who frees himself from the shackles of flock life to find God through the perfection of his physical and spiritual self. A book everyone should read in their lifetime, it's very short so even people who don't read should read it. Mum gave it to me when I was very young. I still love reading it! "The only true law, is that which leads to freedom" - Jonathan Other books like War is a Racket, Smedley Butler; The Doors of Perception, Aldoux Huxley; The Cosmic Serpent - Jeremy Narby, and the Torah Gospels and Qur'an.
  15. hypnotoad

    Toromiro - the tree from Easter Island and other Sophoras

    Those macro photos are pretty badass!
  16. hypnotoad

    Growing Coffee

    Did you start with the fresh berries? If so, how did you clean the flesh off the bean? No matter how hard I tried it always went moldy before it germinated.
  17. hypnotoad

    Growing Coffee

    I'd love to know how you germinated them, my first try was unsuccessful and I have 2 trees full of berries I'd love to turn into a plantation.
  18. There was a very similar story to this on Sunrise a while back (the alien part at least)
  19. hypnotoad

    Giant pumpkin contest!!

    I'm keen
  20. Now to lighten the mood of this morbid thread... A positive drug story. Brother is fresh.
  21. Quite disturbing! Not unlike this poor chap.
  22. hypnotoad

    Animals taking psychoactive plants

    "In the vast wilderness of the Canadian Rockies lives a unique species of yellow-green lichen that will fuck you right up" Hilarious!
  23. hypnotoad

    Free Ethnobotanical's (Australian Members Only)

    Thanks indian dreaming VV Gets 10 x loph, 10 x salvia 'psuedo nuetans', 20 x rosella all seed VV