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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by qualia

  1. qualia

    Post a random picture thread

    ^^ that first pic, like an alien landscape, but it's here. we are the aliens
  2. qualia

    Protest Monsanto - May 25th

    you just put yourself on an FBI terror watchlist, but seriously, governments don't give a shit about peoples wishes. i mean, it's noble to try and save the planet and all and yeah we should do what we can, but humans are fundamentally stupid and ignorant, and things won't change, not in your or my lifetime. i remember recently watching a video (maybe it was the woody harrelson doco?) where there was a quote along the lines of "the people can't be trusted to make decisions", and when you consider purchasing decisions such as this i happen to agree with them. GM mass produced foods will always be cheaper than organic, and the purchasing decisions outlined in the preceding article will show anything other than price will not persuade people to think and act according to their own interests, or the long term interests of the planet.
  3. qualia

    Post your track of the day

    http://youtu.be/Fk-4lXLM34g standing in line at the supermarket, thinking about the video EG posted, and this song pops in my head, pretty much all over from there
  4. cactus cuttings? don't give up, you might be surprised just what will actually strike root and pup,
  5. qualia

    recycling potting mix

    thanks, i should have qualified it by asking do i need to make special considerations for bacteria which might be present, and transfer to new plants? i might just put it away until spring time, should be nice by then.
  6. qualia

    recycling potting mix

    mountain dew and red bull?
  7. qualia

    recycling potting mix

    so, if i have a plant which starts to rot noticeably because the soil has broken down to compost underneath and apparently not due to any pests, what's the best way to recycle it? i ask because it appears to be beautiful rich compost and has worms spread throughout and i don't want to waste it.
  8. qualia

    Post a random picture thread

  9. http://wsws.org/en/articles/2013/04/30/secu-a30.html
  10. qualia

    This is water...

    if i'm stuck in a line line, personally i'm just glad to be out of the house. "Hooray I'm doing something"
  11. qualia

    The good vibes generator

    yep, stand tall myco. we're all here for you brother.
  12. qualia

    Lophophora williamsii illegal in W.A.

    the likely outcome is bunnings will just take the products off their shelves. i doubt they make enough money for them to be bothered to fight it too hard.
  13. qualia

    us to expand internet wiretaps

    looks like it's set to get approval from Obama the Cruel http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/08/us/politics/obama-may-back-fbi-plan-to-wiretap-web-users.html?_r=1&
  14. qualia

    youtube movies

  15. qualia

    Lophophora williamsii illegal in W.A.

    so you know about monsanto/dupont/syngenta and gates foundation seed bank storing food etc. seeds, and now to find out the EU poses a law criminalizing such seeds unless a fee is paid. this world is a mistake.
  16. qualia

    Lophophora williamsii illegal in W.A.

    bunch of chair sniffing shit heads. fuck australia.
  17. qualia

    Lophophora williamsii illegal in W.A.

    damn sorry to hear man. fwiw i jsut checked vic laws as best i could and they appear to remain unchanged, so don't go shredding your garden just yet amz
  18. qualia

    Plants 'talk' to plants to help them grow

    seems it's just speculated that it's acoustic. it would be cool if there was some sort of quantum entanglement going on, like a kind of plant telepathy.
  19. qualia

    ripped off

    contact the mods, Torsten or Evil Genius and start some arbitration.
  20. qualia

    Liberal Party ad on youtube...

    yes i found it, as much as you might not believe in polling it at least provides a snapshot of some voters thoughts, "voters are so primed to ditch Labor out they will vote against their own interests to do so"
  21. qualia

    Liberal Party ad on youtube...

    i'd say they're pretty much spot on.
  22. http://theconversation.com/get-smarter-about-illicit-drugs-to-help-balance-the-budget-13841
  23. qualia

    alex wodak on smartening up drug laws

    i don't think he's talking about full legalisation. at least in the case of heroin he's recommending alternative programs aimed at harm reduction and treatment as opposed to strictly punitive measures. and i hardly see how legalising cannabis will "attract a bad element of drug dealers". even looking at the US medical cannabis has produced a class of budding entrepreneurs. you can't have criminals without crime.
  24. looks like someone didn't like the cold mornings. question: should i cut the pup off the side, pop it in the shed and lay it flat, or is she a goner?