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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by 2Deep2Handle

  1. 2Deep2Handle

    fresh loph/trich seeds

    ill take 100 mate. Can do payment any time after Monday. Are they from your own stock? or if from a vendor which one? i have a couple more LW on the way, and looking for diversity. :D this is going to be fun...graft comp here i come. Thanks tipz
  2. 2Deep2Handle

    Argyreia nervosa woes..

    And if you do discover it is indeed some sort of mite, Yates tomato dust is awesome for everything and is considered organic and safe. Combination of Sulfur and Copper and Spinosad, so tackles fungus, bacterial disease, and creepy crawlies (who are supposedly slowly becoming immune to the spinosad) Steer clear of other brands , especially David Grays, as most other brands still contain Carbaryl (nasty ass stuff and should only be used for the Cycad moth/beetle when new flushes of growth appear on cycads) Powdered Carbyl is incredibly dangerous without correct respiration-mask. It is however, the only known effective target against the larvae of Many other brands (including David Gray's) Also contains rotenone, another one that is getting a bit of bad publicity lately as another nasty.
  3. 2Deep2Handle

    Argyreia nervosa woes..

    the only thing i can add is i agree Pennypacker...looks like old spider /two spotted mite damage. Looks old though, and if you keep em wet, i doubt this will remain a prblem. Temp has never been a prob for me and my 7 agreiyas copped a mad frost last season...all were young cuttings...2 boomed on and are now full sized vines, and the other 5 lost all their leafs over winter and looked like abused stalks until about 4 weeks ago. try and blast the undersides of each leaf whilst you hold them in your hand when your watering, and this will keep any mite populations very unhappy....water once every 3 days....Gold Coast climate I started them under some shade cloth in with all my bromiliads and they loved it. They get rootbound fast. And the ones i let get root bounds are the ones that went into dormancy. 2Deep
  4. 2Deep2Handle

    Mosaic virus?

    Not TMV...ive got a nice infetion through my chillies atm....think it started with my nicotiana rustica or datrua strammonium looks more like blight (one of the common leaf spots) use tomato dust....good all rounder that contains copper and no hardcore nasties
  5. 2Deep2Handle

    Opuntia is the bomb for grafting Trichos

    laughed my ass off so bloody hard...Ive had several nasty encounters with my microdasys, and i must say i can relate.....but the mouth and lips...i lost my shit! sorry at laughing at your misfortune Mud
  6. 2Deep2Handle

    uber cacti sale

    ill never forget the time at Wet n Wild on the Gold Coast trying to Snap the egg out of a giant cicad, and as it snapped i had nothing to support myself on and ended up putting my palm in hard against near the base. I spent the next 2 weeks picking thorns out of my swollen palm of my hand, and 6 months later the black mark under my fingernail that hurt like hell turned out to be a spine that had taken that long to grow out. I thought it had gone in and come out in the incident but apparently not. I was like 14-15 so almost a decade ago, and still dotn really ever wear gloves
  7. 2Deep2Handle

    perth plant sale

    your khat seedlings are too cheap for WA ;)
  8. 2Deep2Handle

    Free Pereskopsis cuttings

    This is Exactly what i've been looking for :D Ill take any pieces you can spare. karma and +1's for you my friend. PMed Thanks Mate
  9. 2Deep2Handle

    Free cactus seedlings

    Good work Bulls. Karma and +1s for you
  10. 2Deep2Handle

    Need Pereskopsis cuttings

    Need a few of these guys. Willing to trade any of my seeds collection. If you live in SE QLD and can get to Nerang then also willing to trade almost anything out of my garden. Pm me about em I got Trichocereus spachianus Mammillaria ? Datura stramonium Datura metal Nicotiana tabacum Nicotiana rustica Peganum harmala (Syrian rue) Heimia Salicifolia (Sinicuichi, Sun Opener) Leonotis leonurus ( Lion's Tail, Wild Dagga, orange Dagga) Leonurus sibiricus (Siberian Motherwort, Honey-weed) Yopo Ipomoea tricolor Syn. Ipomoea rubrocoerulea Cul. Heavenly Blue (morning glory) Sida cordifolia Nymphaea caerulea (Blue Lotus) Acmella oleracea Syn. Spilanthes oleracea, Spilanthes acmella (Toothache plant) Echinacea purpurea (Purple cone-flower) Chia Petalostylus Labichoides (Butterfly Tree) Acacia macradenia Acacia podalyriifolia Acacia acuminata Acacia mangium Acacia Floribunda (Gossamer Wattle) Acacia Victoriae (Gundabluey) Trinidad scorpion butch T Chilli Orange Habenero red habenero Siam chilli Inferno Chilli Rainbow Chilli Birds Eye Chilli Snap Peas Stringless dwarf snap beans Thanks guys..like i said heaps more cuttings and mothers available out of my garden. 2Deep
  11. 2Deep2Handle

    Anyone still waiting on trades from me ?

    thats what happens when you leave the drug addicted Gold Coast my friend. You suddenly find yourself struggling to find a place that sells resealable bags to store small quantities of 'stuff' make em yourself out of plastic binder sheets for a4. just cut squares and seal em with lighter...."The famous GREENY technique" ..you know darkspark ;) peace bro and see you shortly in the aisle!
  12. 2Deep2Handle

    vines please!

    please be aware that unrooted caapi cuttings are considered as material, and therefore illegal i believe. Just a note
  13. 2Deep2Handle

    Grafting competition 2011/2012

    nice nice.... a couple of weeks aint going to matter cactuscarl so long as ive got em to put down before 1st Dec
  14. 2Deep2Handle

    4 x Silene capensis up for trade

    Please list your location (ie Gold Coast SE QLD in my case) so peeps no how much roughly postage is going to cost before they approach you, not to mention if they realise you are local to them, they may be able to arrange pickup / drop off to avoid postage on large items. Or is everyone on here to paranoid to post their locations just because their gnomes might occasionally put their gardens to what the government likes to deem as "misuse"? 2Deep
  15. 2Deep2Handle

    F/S loph seeds

  16. 2Deep2Handle

    Qld breaks new ground with analogs clause

    I drink coffee every morning because it wakes me the fuck up...not because it tastes great (tastes alright)... i'm doing it to get off or get a stimulated effect from it, no different to the effect i would i would get (although somewhat subdued) if i were to ingest illegal amphetamines. Does that mean i can be processed as a commercial supplier of the brown buzz if i have over 500 grams? Stupid fucking laws! what fuck-wit (labor no-doubt) politician got paid out the ass to come up with this one? They should all be charged for possession of money which makes them feel GOOD!
  17. 2Deep2Handle

    Free Datura stramonium seeds

    Hey guys and girls....just wanted to try and give something back to a community that has already taught and given me so much (spiritually and physically) Have a few stramonium seeds (which may be Var Taula as pods are shiny and flowers are white with a muave/purple base) 20 seeds each to the first 3 members with 5-50 posts to claim. Sorry for anyone else who wanted these, but wanted to encourage the newbies as i had done for me! Thanks again Corroboree and all its members 2Deep
  18. 2Deep2Handle

    Keep Scenic Rim Scenic

    World Heritage Listed National Parks. The Scenic Rim Region is blessed with one of Australia’s most biodiverse areas. It has a variety of significant habitats including the World Heritage listed Gondwana Rainforests of Australia. These rainforests include the most extensive areas of subtropical rainforest in the world as well as containing nearly all of the Antarctic Beach cool temperate rainforest. The mining and petroleum exploration leases that have been granted in the Scenic Rim region directly conflict with the protection and promotion of these World Heritage National Parks and would have a direct effect on the sustainability of these international treasures should they progress to actual mining. Can the Minister please outline how the State Government is planning to protect the Scenic Rim’s World Heritage values from the obvious threat of mining? GO TO THE SITE AND STOP THIS MADNESS NOW! http://www.keepthescenicrimscenic.com/
  19. 2Deep2Handle

    700th post giveaway

    Homo Suburbiensis For Craig McGregor One constant in a world of variables -- A man alone in the evening in his patch of vegetables, and all the things he takes down with him there Where the easement runs along the back fence and the air smells of tomato-vines, and the hoarse rasping tendrils of pumpkin flourish clumsy whips and their foliage sprawls Over the compost-box, poising rampant upon the palings ... He stands there, lost in a green confusion, smelling the smoke of somebody's rubbish Burning, hearing vaguely the clatter of a disk in a sink that could be his, hearing a dog, a kid, a far whisper of traffic, and offering up instead Not much but as much as any man can offer -- time, pain, love, hate, age, ware, death, laughter, fever. By non-other than the incredibly talented Australian Postie (probably helps deliver our seeds to each other) Bruce Dawe Loved this one since grade 10 English like 7 years ago
  20. 2Deep2Handle

    700th post giveaway

    When the world grows weary and society does not satisfy there is always the garden off a plaque in my garden, my place of solitude, reflection and tranquility! Good job mate tis' the season indeed
  21. 2Deep2Handle

    Seed Giveaway

    hope im not too late:D i dont need the peganum, and i already have heaps of stramonium but im keen to grow some more to compare..... so all but the syrian rue please :D thanks heaps centipede.... i hope my shitty (in comparison to this one) D. stramonium giveaway earlier in the week, is one of the ones that inspired you, because that means that karma has worked and come full circle on me already....and so quick too :D
  22. 2Deep2Handle

    free seeds

    if ya got any dagga seeds left i would love some :D
  23. 2Deep2Handle

    Free Datura stramonium seeds

    Alright all done and dusted....last batch going to Roopey. Will send them all out on wed or thurs thanks for your patience guys
  24. 2Deep2Handle

    green fairy absinthe

    replying to an insanely old thread ( everything is revived/reused sooner or later :D), but felt the need to comment due to my insanely pissed-ness off 2 30-35ml shots of this stuff. Got a bottle with a couple fo friends and my girl tonight and suddenly realised this was no ordinary alc Right now am feeling (as stated or mentioned earlier) an extreme appreciation for all music (more than usual from alcohol) strangely different to the usual inebriated affects of alcohol. (and this is off 60-70ml shotted in 2 hits straight (claims 60%) Would have to agree that this is due to the synergistic effects of not only the herbs added, but of course...the alcohol itself all acting together to create one fucking good time! ave to also note increased perspiration used with Mary jane also on that note....off to have another one and then peel label off this bad boy to see if i can confirm the reports of 70-80% being written on the bottle under the label :D too late...smashed a hit straight from the bottle and have decided that this is def some potent shit! as if high proof grog wasnt enough....lets starty chuckign herbs and spices in to mix it up... On another note Im pretty sure SAB sells la fee verte extract....the 3 herbs needed to make true absinthe.... Torsten if your around and see this please feel free to help me revive this, as Artemsia absythium *scuse spelling was pretty much amongst the first plants i ever bought direct from your nursery. (such a beautiful place) 2Deep
  25. 2Deep2Handle

    Free Datura stramonium seeds

    Ow and jebus if ya dont have stramonium yet pm me mate and ill hook you up...your close enough to the post count ;)