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Posts posted by Justler

  1. That's a really interesting find, thanks for sharing that Sally. Might have to send some interesting seeds your way, if my methods fail me.

    On another note, I've read previously (can't for the life of me find the article) that worm 'urine' increased the production of the alkaloid Capsaicin in chilli's. I've often wondered if it would have similar effects on other alkaloids.

    Edit: Similar article found.

    Worm Juice:

    Worm juice consists of a number of components that provide benefits to plant health.
    Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium are available in a high number of plant-available forms to allow nutrient absorption through all plant pathways.
    Plant growth promoters (plant hormones) are also detected in the product. These include (but are not limited to) Auxins, Cytokinins and Gibberellins all of which regulate cell development, growth and elongation.
    Microbial loading is very high in worm juice. There are a number of beneficial bacteria that offer synergistic assistance to the plant. Such bacteria colonise the plant rhizosphere (root zone) to extend root surface area and thus increase nutrient/water absorption capabilities. The bacteria also often produce localised chemicals that prevent further colonisation of pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes.
    Chitin (a key component of insect exoskeletons) is also contained in worm juice. When detected around plant roots, signalling mechanisms trigger the plant to produce defence chemicals that are shipped all over the plant to deter feeding insects (e.g. aphids, thrips, white flies, caterpillars).

    As a summary worm juice feeds plants thoroughly, permits optimal growth regulation, offers microbial pathogen resistance, pest resistance and drought resistance.

    Use of this product allows the full genetic potential of the plant to be achieved (i.e. maximising the pungency of a chilli).

    http://thechillifactory.com/hottest - Not exactly a journal article, but interesting starting point for research.

    Secret to hottest chillies: worm juice

    The two worked with honours student Mark Peacock, who was studying chillies at the University of Sydney. Mark's technical skill supplemented the farmers' practical know-how.

    Marcel adopted Neil's idea in using liquid runoff from a worm farm - 'worm juice' - to fertilise the crop and he believes this is the secret to the super-hot chilli.

    "He originally worked with it but didn't understand why it worked," says Mark, who studied the fertiliser. He discovered that worm juice contains nutrients, plant growth hormones and promoters, beneficial bacteria that colonise the root area, and chitin from dead insects that triggers the plant's natural defence systems.

    Mark uses worm juice on the Trinidad Scorpion Butch T chillies growing in his back yard.

    "We use very, very similar growing techniques and that probably has the most to do with attaining maximum genetic potential of the chilli," says Mark.


    Application of chitin and chitosan as elicitors of coumarins and fluoroquinolone alkaloids in Ruta graveolens L. (common rue).
    Orlita A, Sidwa-Gorycka M, Paszkiewicz M, Malinski E, Kumirska J, Siedlecka EM, Łojkowska E, Stepnowski P.

    Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdañsk, ul. Sobieskiego 18, PL 80-952 Gdańsk, Poland.

    Common rue (Ruta graveolens L.) accumulates various types of secondary metabolites, such as coumarins furanocoumarins, acridone and quinolone alkaloids and flavonoids. Elicitation is a tool extensively used for enhancing secondary-metabolite yields. Chitin and chitosan are examples of elicitors inducing phytoalexin accumulation in plant tissue. The present paper describes the application of chitin and chitosan as potential elicitors of secondary-metabolite accumulation in R. graveolens shoots cultivated in vitro. The simple coumarins, linear furanocoumarins, dihydrofuranocoumarins and fluoroquinolone alkaloids biosynthesized in the presence of chitin and chitosan were isolated, separated and identified. There was a significant increase in the growth rate of R. graveolens shoots in the presence of either chitin or chitosan. Moreover, the results of the elicitation of coumarins and alkaloids accumulated by R. graveolens shoots in the presence of chitin and chitosan show that both compounds induced a significant increase in the concentrations of nearly all the metabolites. Adding 0.01% chitin caused the increase in the quantity (microg/g dry weight) of coumarins (pinnarin up to 116.7, rutacultin up to 287.0, bergapten up to 904.3, isopimpinelin up to 490.0, psoralen up to 522.2, xanhotoxin up to 1531.5 and rutamarin up to 133.7). The higher concentration of chitosan (0.1%) induced production of simple coumarins (pinnarin up to 116.7 and rutacultin up to 287.0), furanocoumarins (bergapten up to 904.3, isopimpinelin up to 490.0, psoralen up to 522.2, xanhotoxin up to 1531.5) and dihydrofuranocoumarins (chalepin up to 18 and rutamarin up to 133.7). Such a dramatic increase in the production of nearly all metabolites suggests that these compounds may be participating in the natural resistance mechanisms of R. graveolens. The application of chitin- and chitosan-containing media may be considered a promising prospect in the biotechnological production of xanthotoxin, isopimpinelin, psoralen, chalepin or methoxylated dictamnine derivatives.

    Dont have access to the article or time to search at present, but it sounds interesting. Time to start a worm farm :devil:

    • Like 2

  2. Can dogs detect LSD ? Maybe it was very, very poor judgement on the carrier's part that he had a 1/4oz of weed on him.

    Sucks that so many tabs were geographically within my reach, if I had known, I would have rolled the cunt.

    Would probaly have taken his grass too. And then got busted ! So it all worked out well in the end.

    Yep, dogs sure can.


    "Substitute for controlled substances in the training of narcotics detector dogs. Mimics the odor of LSD."

    Whether or not all dogs are trained too is a different story, but the means to train them exist.

  3. Top 5:

    Anadenanthera colubrina - First plant I grew from seed. Loved seeing it develop. It grew incredible fast in the first few weeks. Such a nice plant to look at.

    Banisteriopsis caapi - Love watching these guys grow! Every time I walk past, the new growth is in a different position, exploring the world around it. :)

    Argyreia nervosa - Another amazing plant to watch grow. Such a fast grower, with beautiful heart shaped leaves.

    Trichocereus var Roseii 1 - My fastest and largest Cactus. First Trich flower I've ever seen in person. Love it!

    Alicia anisopetala - New to my collection, but my most treasured plant at the moment. I think it's more the mystery of this plant that makes it so special to me.

    • Like 2

  4. Hi lovely people!

    I'm in search of some special vines and would appreciate any help I could get to source a live plant / rooted cutting.

    The vines that interest me the most are:

    • Banisteriopsis Muricata
    • Tetrapterys methystica
    • Diplopterys cabrerana (chaliponga)
    • Rattle Caapi or Ayahuasca cascabel
    • Boa Ayahuasca
    • Red Ayahuasca
    • White Ayahuasca

    I believe some of these are already floating around Aus, and I'd happily pay good coin for a plant.

    Also interested in any other exciting vines out there that I may not be aware of B).

    If you can help, please contact me.



    • Like 1

  5. Nice collection you've got there Khala.

    I'm interested in your methods for Peganum Harmala, as from what I've read they aren't very easy to grow.

    Care to share? :)

  6. That's ridiculous. I wouldn't knowingly buy a party product like that if they killed a bunch of dogs and rats test it's safety. Why wouldn't they look to legalizing E and other substance that a significant amount of data regarding risks and lethal dosages already exist about. Although they've probably done similar tests with E on animals, there is no need for more death.

  7. Stumble accross this site today in my quest for knowledge, and low and behold the chaga mushroom was mentioned in a product by ShroomTek.

    You might be able to contact ShroomTek for a source of Chaga.

    "Chaga and Reishi Mushrooms

    Chaga mushrooms are cultivated in cold climates and have a history of therapeutic use that dates back to the 16th century. The slow growing fruiting bodies from chaga mushrooms reside on bark of birch trees and have a charcoal appearance due the high content of melanin. Chaga mushrooms contain a high density of antioxidants, phytosterols, and polysaccharides that contribute to modulating immune function[3]. Chaga uniquely contains an ingestible form of betulinic acid, a cytotoxic agent typically present in birch bark that induces apoptosis and anti-proliferative responses in certain cell types [4]. The immunostimulatory benefits of chaga mushrooms derive from the both low molecular weight soluble compounds, as well as the heavier polysaccharides.

    The reishi mushroom, also known as lingzhi mushroom, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years, making it one of the oldest fungi to be used therapeutically. A high density of antioxidants and triterpenes contribute to the immune enhancing effects[5]. A recent study on the antioxidant extracts from Reishi mushrooms displayed a protective effect against the oxidative stress and DNA damage [6]."

