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Posts posted by sascacheuan

  1. hello.

    Long time ago i smoked a full joint of leaves and i didnt get to feel anything.

    Perhaps i collected another specie different from pilocella, i know there are 4 o 5 hieracium species growing in Spain.

    where does your pilocella came from?.

  2. Wira, your last post are vey interesting but your friends may be very brave or perhaps very rash.

    i would like arundo may be a good a sure source of triptamines because it is a very common plant where i live but i would need more information to try a ayahuasca analogue with it. most likely quantitative and qualitative chemical information.

    thank for share your experience!!!

  3. i belive that the safest way to deal with Bufotenine are smoking it or sniffing it.

    Injecting or ingesting it may be very dangerous stuff.

    I have read too that arundo leaves have a toxic glycosides which can damage the heart.

    i am very interested about details of this experience, could you tell us??.

    "Still, I know of at least one person who had a very strange and very psychedelic experience using A. donax rhizomes with [admittedly a large dose of] P. harmala seeds".

    How many gr of arundo roots did your friend use?.

    how many gr of peganum seeds?.

  4. Arundo potency are very very low. I have read ayahuasca analogues and Ott saids it only contains traces of DMT. also arundo contains a toxic sustances even bufotenine.

    A similar plant to arundo are phragmiters australis. It will surprise in the future.
