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Posts posted by altenate

  1. I set up a dual battery thing in my ute. Cost a little bit the battery was the most but well worth it.

    You can make it pretty simply or as complicated as you like depending on how much you want to spend. Made a solar panel pretty cheaply for day charger when we aren't driving. Chinese cells but basic soldering will suffice & a few odds & ends.,

    The regulator was approx $120 but will never drain the main battery.,we run lights( again cheap Chinese strip led lighting), an iPod & speakers , watch the odd laptop thing & most importantly keep the fridge with cold beers going.... Lasts longer than I thought!

    Get a good battery or look into reconditioning old batteries...it's supposedly doable...

  2. Yep. Fair call eatfoo!

    Still got some labels.

    Things that say sausage, pyscho, rosei open 1 sso1 x etc etc. The Juules & Taq's & Val's are still a bit small....the rest are mixed....

    So shall post a thread soon for some good price seedlings.....just testing the waters so to speak & seeing what interest is out there b4 I put em up for sale.,

    & shall post pics soon.....

    & yeah Prioritise - looking forward to a catch up & come take what ya want.....

  3. Any requests for edible plates?.

    I need to reslant my collection over the next few weeks/months so I am happy to make up a few plates as well.....

    Can also do dowels for applicable species.

    Its time to check whats viable & whats not....

    This will be an ongoing project so it may take me a a bit of time.....

    Ive just rejigged my work space & have a little bit of time ....(finally)

    Ive got a few varieties floating around.

    Mainly Pleutorious, ganodermas, shiitakes, Calocybes, Enoki, Hericium, etc etc.

    Original stock came from a trusted member & has been successful (generally) & viable.

    Apologies to those that didnt get viability. Hence the reculturing & cleaning up....

    Pm me if interested or requests. I will see if I have it....

    Happy to trade or whatever...

    • Like 3

  4. Def mould.

    But in your breaking bad setup is that a rug on the floor??

    If so burn that thing now! Are you sterilizing the plates long enough b4 use? & checked your flow hood? Try clean plates of agar, exposed to the flow& see what happens. Also what's your agar mix? That could be part of it.... Sometimes

    Having OCD helps with agar.,,,

    • Like 4

  5. One day you can walk& move, the next you can't...

    I would like to know what plants/therapies can truely help here?

    From painkillers, to mood, from neuro techniques

    How does one escape / accept the prison that their body has become? How does someone move forward?

    My mate is a strong one....

  6. Hillbilios- not sure that your last suggestion is going to work! Esp combined with DL's suggestion!

    Standing naked & getting lashed is going to tickle more than one fancy! If not mine then I am sure others! You would get repeat offenders .....

    "Hi officer, I have on me xxxxx! Can I get my MDMA now? Please lash me! I would prefer you handcuff me first though...."

    The hard question to ask & depending on who asks it " is it harming anyone else" ??? That's very subjective!

    One persons poison is another's medicine!

    A recurring addict or problem child ain't going to blame the drugs etc but they may.its an easy out depending on circumstances!

    I think personal use is just that ( personal use)but that's a can of worms question!

    Nice question BTW

    • Like 3

  7. Yeah, interesting days ahead here! It's getting eerie.lets hope the back burn works! All ok at the moment. It's kinda strange trying to work out what you can fit in the car that can't be replaced or covered by insurance!

    Sounds a bit dramatic but getting prepared.

    They evac ed the road on the ridge next to us.

    Not sure who else is in the bluies but best of luck!!!

    In an aside note just wondering if any one local to the springwood/ Faulconbridge areawants to caretake a few plants& rare ish seedlings till this is over???? That might be over drama rising but thinking of options.

  8. Anything rope access based or difficult confined space access then I can help! From flying foxes to sign installs to fixing stuff to.....,whatever. If it involves rope & heights then let me know...

    Kind of Sydney based but happy to travel...

    • Like 3

  9. One of our ancient trees!

    Just wondering if any one else is growing?

    Any thoughts on medicinal action of the sap or bark? My guess is it would have similar resin structure to other pines so might be good for upper respiratory stuff, but can't find any studies done.

    I also found one or 2 very interesting bracket like fungi growing in them but have no idea what they are!

    Interested in people's thoughts on the wollemi.

    My plants I have had from cuttings a few years ago, in large pots & have set heaps of cones.

    Btw have a few seeds & pollen if any one is interested in trying to grow from seed or an environmental crossing.

    • Like 2

  10. So who is up for a weekend of fun & mayhem?

    August 23rd weekend. Out the back of the blue Mtns, not far from the 'go! 3 days of wickedness in a beautiful environment!

    Look up psyfari & the noisy chickens.

    These guys put on great parties!

    Only a couple of hrs from Sydney - close enough , yet far enough;) but well worth your time!

    Enough said!

    Maybe a few from here will turn up....

    • Like 2

  11. Was always my intention to delete this thread when I got a result.

    So it's looking like being on its way to being sorted so hence the edit!

    I know trading reps is where it should have been

    So if a mod wants to delete this thread please do so.

    Thanks for your time.

    • Like 3

  12. Hi

    Iam looking to buy/trade

    native psychotrias:



    & maybe P. loniceroides.

    Also after a Neiosperma poweri (milkbush).

    Described in Australian native plants by Wrigley & Fagg as' containing useful foilage'. Whatever that is!

    I cant find much info on any of these plants so if any one knows I would muchly appreciate it.

    Can trade the good ol $ or have a variety cacti seedling varieties etc.


    • Like 2

  13. So what can I do about someone who vanishes from the forums with my $?

    Not much I guess!

    You know who you are!

    I have tried to contact you but there ain't much forthcoming.

    Don't trust everyone..

    Even if they had a good trading rep!

    Welcome to the Corroboree....

    I must say I have many good dealings with the people here in general but it doesn't take much to spoil my insulated beliefs.

    Buyers be aware!!

    I will apologize in due course when & if things are made good.

  14. So I have some excess ginseng seed to sell or trade. Prefer trades but not cacti!

    A few packs available up to 50 seeds in each.

    You need to see if your locale environment, suits this though. I have struggled with growing it.

    Pm if interested

    The seeds are currently being cold stratified so they will need more time in the fridge or whatever.

  15. Maybe we can start new thread with our results

    Maybe under sustainable or something.

    Interested to see how it goes!

    But for the moment,,,,

    So diluted some of mine in 3 diff batches.

    Keep a bit to see what it does with seed / cuttings.

    Basically, as an outline, strip feed some grass ( not the smoking variety), a vege garden, a strawberry patch etc etc.

    mixed a bit with seasol

    Mixed some with carp & the above

    Feed a worm farm with spillage.

    Curious to see what it does!

    Thanks Anodyne

    • Like 1

  16. Is there any source of info that actually records deaths due to taking of a substance? Legal highs, or other?

    I understand there have been a few ecstasy deaths due to bad reactions over the years ,others mentioned recently due to bad acid ( which I find it hard to believe it was actually LSD & not a nbom type of drug) & now all these deaths due to synthetic cannabis etc. od's from opiates are in there own class of deaths! So not taking that into consideration.

    Interested in deaths figures due to actual taking of the substance & not due to misadventure!

    There must be an accurate recording somewhere?

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