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Posts posted by LikeAshesWeFade

  1. My kanna powder arrived today!! SAWEEET! :) Had the botanical name and all on the front of the parcel and it still got through fine, so if customs pulled aside the package and had a look there was obviously no problems at all.

    My guess is they obviously never seen it because they'd atleast want to heat treat the dried herb. So for anyone wanting to order Kanna powder/capsules into WA you shouldn't have any dramas aslong as it's properly labelled on the package.

  2. if you cant be bothered building a greenhouse ebay has some very usable cheapies , i got one and man does it get hot in there!


    Ya not bloody wrong! I ordered a 2x2x1.2m greenhouse through Oz Auction on 3bay for only $60 inc. postage to WA. Had to have it down the side of my house due to WA's coastal gale's, almost had it launch one day so I've had to place bricks inside aswell as the tie downs it came with. Made the SILLY mistake of forgetting my plants in there on a 38 degree day, they had plenty of water but just the shear heat and humidity was too much for them to cope with considering they'd just come from inside which is constantly 21 - 26 degrees and relatively humid.

    I've come to the conclusion that it's only good for seedlings or light plastic pots, you've got no chance at putting more than 4 full 5L terracotta pots on each shelf. In saying that.. it was only $60 and will serve me very well during the colder months.. just not summer lol.

  3. That's so fucking wrong! If your going to try a new "legal high" you certainly don't abuse it because it's legal!! Or mix it with other drugs.. Bloody idiots!! That's half the problem with the media hassling HHH, too many young dipshits abusing the legal pills and ending up in hospital from an over-dose. So many times I have seen people take too much X and freak out.. it's silly, why do so much when it'll just fry your brain.

    Beyond me.. haha. :scratchhead:

  4. it's always easy to have them form root, but the process of getting them used to less humidety is the more tricky one.


    Ya not bloody wrong!! My 3" viridis has been a sook ever since I've had it! I also had success when cutting one whole leaf in half then placing them both in a small vial with a little distilled water. They've been planted into some coir and have not yet karked it, they've been under blue spec fluro for roughly 3 wks and still alive n green! :)

    Hopefully being cloned in a temperate environment should harden them out a little when sprouting new growth.

  5. That is fucking amazing, thanks for sharing.


    ^^^^ Exactly what I was going to write until I reached the bottom and seen my words had been stolen! :P haha, amazing bioluminescent mycena dude.. I have never been in such "awe" in my life, absolutely beautiful!! No other words could describe them!

  6. haha yeah I know of silly bastards that have paid $400+ for a measly Oz of sticky wet stuff. It's becoming more and more like other filthy drugs with the price they're charging, IMO I think Kronic is safe, but only when used in moderation. I think the heavy smoker could handle maybe 4 - 5 a day, but for the young fella who thinks he could fool his parents.. he's got noooooo chance! :P So yes.. unfortunetly the cocky teens will ruin it all for us in a matter of time.

    It may be like when they legalised 2c-b as a sub for X back in the day, or when Mr. Hoffmann invented LSD.. who knows how long it will last but it's great while it lasts! :lol:

    Synchro - I totally understand you with it being needed for medicinal purposes and to the oldschool smoker, but like I said, it's just a new thing that aint gonna last long and if I was still smoking MJ as hard as I used to I'd certainly still want the real deal as a long-term thing. I would also buy myself an Oz of this stuff just to have a few mths of something different and almost a new experience it's quite a ride.

  7. Sorry, but that's expensive IMO. Especially considering that it's not the real deal.


    Meh. Who needs the real deal, this stuff is 100% legal for the time being so IMO there's less paranoia involved with purchasing such an amount and MUCH less stress involved in going through dodgey dealers, getting something that looks ok but is actually crud. Or getting something thats half dry and heavy as hell so you end up with half Oz for $350.

    I'd prefer to get the same potency each time and whenever you feel like, no need for waiting/hoping or crackin the shits when it falls through! :) Which is something that used to spark my fire.. having it fall through when you've been hanging for a pipe all day!! :BANGHEAD2:

  8. Interesting. Do you know exactly what's in it?


    Not exactly dude, I have a faint idea but nothing to sort of narrow it down. Just alot of study on CB1/CB2 receptors has lead me to read up on a Mr. J. Huffman, very interesting! :)

    Oh and Evil Genius - It's not for Human Consumption, just an incense! Just don't breath in too much of that smoke bro! :P

  9. There is definitely some blue lotus in the purple haze, but other than that no idea bro. I just tried a little of the Tropical Explosion then after I had 1 of the Skunk Blend first and I would say its a little more mellow than the Skunk Blend but then again I had that first. So I may wait until it all wears off later on and try the Tropical first.

    The only thing I could see with these Kronic blends or the others that are now coming out, Northern Lights is the newest and that's meant to be the ducks nuts from what I've read on the reviews. Skunk Blend though is by far enough for me atm and I could see maybe a potential for someone wanting to relapse with this stuff into a heavy user again, and you would really want to hope your working in the mines for the $$$ you'll be spending. In saying that, $265 AU for an Oz. is fucking amazing!! :drool2:

  10. Just thought I would write a little about this Kronic stuff. I've now tried Kronic - Purple Haze which was when I was still using MJ quite heavily and it was decent. Now since I've been using it VERY rarely I thought I'd give this Skunk Blend a go.. well.. F**K me sideways.. I can say I've smoked some seriously potent MJ in my lifetime and this stuff.. well.. hmm :scratchhead:

    I am quite familiar with the secret behind this stuff, but this has gone faaarrrr beyond my expectations! I've just smoked two bowls of this stuff within a period of 10minutes and.. yeah.. YEAH! :wacko: I'm even finding it hard right now to explain how it feels but for all of you curious on this stuff, like what they say about the legal party pills.. stick to 1 don't take a whole heap, or with this stuff you will be stuck to that couch like a piece of gum!! Seriously guys, don't abuse this stuff.. it's more than enjoyable with just the 1. Definitely! :)



  11. Agreed! Putting something so fuckin stupid such as O-Desmethyltramadol into a product is absolutely disgusting! Tramadol itself is a horrific drug that no doctor should prescribe as friends of mine that have broken their arms, cut off fingers at work etc. all get prescribed tramadol or some other similar opioid for upto 8 weeks.. only to find themselves in a hell of a nightmare once stopping the stuff.

    It will most definitely shine more of a negative light upon all medicinal/entho plants if shit like this keeps being brought into the market. :ana:

  12. Yeah I have this bloody mysterious nightshade that keeps popping up around my house, has big heart-shaped leaves with bright pink flowers that open at night. Once spent they drop a dark brown/black seed roughly as big as your pinky nail.

    Been thinking about doing a bioassay on it but can't bring myself to do it! lol, I'm forever pulling up seedlings though as I'm sure my dog wouldn't go too well with eating it, especially if it's in the same family as Belladonna, Datura etc.

  13. Hey all, I have some Wild Dagga seeds on order but I am also interested in finding some LEONOTIS NEPETIFOLIA (Klip Dagga) as I've heard this has a slightly higher alkaloid content and is great as an MJ substitute. So I'm keen to find out if it matches upto or better than the Wild Lettuce! :)

    Any info would be great!

    Cheers guys!

  14. Interestingly (to all you bongheads ) I get far more stoned from 8 vaps a day than I ever did from 60 a day . Less is more . Better to go up and down than never have it leave your system.


    ^^^ This is so true! I've managed to cut down from an average of 30 a day to roughly 6 - 12 bubblies a week and omg.. the effects are soo much more enjoyable and the way it should be, releiving massive amounts of tension/pain, stress and wow.. The munchies!! I never used to get munchies when I was a heavy user, I actually would lose weight when smoking MJ heavily. Now since cutting them down by a massive amount and stopping cigarettes I am a bloody eating machine ESPECIALLY when having a little MJ when offered.

    I used to freak out and go into a rage if I could not score MJ.. thinkin people are sittin on their arse stoned as hell not wanting to help anyone out with some, friends or family. So soooo glad I am over the whole "chasing" thing, now I'll take it if it's offered and I bloody enjoy it! Intense Euphoria, Intoxication and absolutely pain free!! You are 100% right though Sassy, less is better and it's DEFINITELY better to go up, then come down and cleanse your body a little between smoking.

    I honestly don't think I could have cut down to this amount without the use of Wild Lettuce, Quit Pot mix etc. I know Wild Lettuce does alot for me and as for the rest they may have been more placebo (mind tricking) than anything but they will all work some way or another! I have tried to quit cold turkey twice in my 12yrs of smoking it and hell no.. I would never go about it that way ever again as you will relapse every single time! Legal herbs (without synthetic sprays) have been my saviour and now I can enjoy MJ as it should be enjoyed! For anyone interested in quitting/cutting down their MJ intake I personally recommend the use of 5-HTP 100mg capsules with smoking a little Wild Lettuce in a pipe/joint to allow the mind to calm itself and relax without the need of MJ each time your stressed, I personally find it 10X better than some Doctor prescribing F**KING Vallium.. YUCK!! Also a little Kanna or Kava I think would really help too with mood swings, anxiety etc.


    Gregg :bong:
