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Posts posted by LikeAshesWeFade

  1. Both learning to understand your anxiety and exercise are definitely good! Try to find the triggers and pin point what is causing your anxiety/panic attacks. For me it was always smoking too much ganja in a social situation, so I avoided it by not smoking while I'm out at a party etc. If you are just having straight out panic attacks for no reason, then definitely go see a naturopath if you want something natural, or obviously a doctor if you would prefer direct anxiety meds.

    I've been put on serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors and they work great for my anxiety, partially due to the noradrenaline being released I'm assuming. The best natural alternative I've had for anxiety would most definitely be St. Johns Wort.. The hyperforin contained in St. Johns Wort works wonders for depression related anxiety, or general anxiety. If your anxiety is severe then I would definitely recommend seeing a doctor as most natural remedies are mainly for mild anxiety/depression.

  2. Hey guys.. not sure if this belongs in the bitches, gripes thread, but I thought I'd see if there's any others that may possibly be in a similar situation. Anyhow..

    9mths ago my fiance took my 4yr old daughter and left me.. due to the fact she thought I was a mad scientist. When really I was just studying stuff on wikipedia on how I could add to my SSRI medication and potentially eleviate my depression by finding a research chemical that was an NDRI, therefore making a TRI (triple reuptake inhibitor). I (unfortunetly) came across MDPV.. back when it was legal. Anyway things got realllll messy after that and yeh.. that's a whole different story for another day.

    So I lost the plot a bit after she left me and got stuck in a rather horrific world of rc's and bioassaying.. Eventually causing neurotoxicity and leaving me completely lost for months. After this abuse I managed to get myself clean and sober, but then the dreams started. About my ex-fiance and my daughter. They happen every night and have done ever since then.. I guess I've gotten used to them now but it's always left a thought in the back of my mind as if there's some sort of unfinished business between us and that one day we'll be together again.

    Well last week every single bit of hope I had.. was crushed. I found out that she was 5wks pregnant to some dropkick jobless drug dealer. It absolutely shattered me to pieces.. now all I can think about is that bloke, who has now replaced me and is living a happy, wonderful life. It becomes totally unbearable to even think about at times and usually leads to an anxiety attack.. making me throw my guts up. I am wondering.. is there anybody else in a similar situation? Anyone who has just lost their family and cannot seem to climb over the hill and rebuild a new life and family? I thought by now I would be long over the loss of my family but man.. it just gets worse everyday. I have periods of feeling fine about it but now that I know she's starting a new family, I just cannot get it out of my head. :unsure::BANGHEAD2:

  3. As far as I know it's only legal to grow over here in Aus. Not too sure on importing restrictions but I do know that making preparations from the plant and ingesting it is illegal over here! :)

  4. Too late for the mountains, maybe. Get back to the city. I found the biggest patch I've ever seen yesterday, in suburban Sydney. Probably the size of a basketball court, covered in subs.


    you made me salivate more than the breakfast I just ate! I went for a walk in Balingup, WA on Monday morning and found nussing! :(