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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by bogfrog

  1. Wowee!! That's very very cool and you should be extremely chuffed.

    Suddenly sab seems pretty high class :o

    All our resident experts, doctors, scientists, explorers and artists.

    Congratulations Yeti. I bet that was a monumental effort and you really must be stoked.

    We so proud of you!

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  2. Happy birthday!

    I hope that during your hiatus you have simply been so busy making our favourite molecules out of lace or some other similarly awesome feat of creative genius, and that's why you've been missing. Or just living life to the fullest. Either way, I'd be happy for you, and even happier if you came back to tell us what you've been up to. I secretly hope it's atleast partly the trippy lacework that's been keeping you busy. Much love!

  3. Thank you all for your kindness :wub:

    Sometimes a day with some terrible things in it is great, especially if you have a high tolerance for not so good things, meaning that your capacity for enduring them (when really you don't want to) is particularly enhanced.

    It was a perfect birthday. Perfectly not ideal for the first 14hours and then perfectly and truly wonderful for the rest of the time because there are some really special people in the universe who know how to help you to see that the good and the bad are innately intertwined, and every (perceived) negative experiences develops your will to pass through such muck into what you really want your life to consist of.

    And its also nice for short periods of time to be around people who will unflinchingly let you swear like a sailor, encourage you to smoke, drink, shout and then forcibly cradle you like a baby while you semi-mockingly speak gibberish to them because they are quite drunk, while you're just angry and worn out.

    Humans are good. We are an interesting species of animal for sure.

    Yes Thunder, there's no need to substitute the term crazy. I know ;)

    And we all know its often synonymous with wonderful.

    I love you all and hope you all have millions of nice days and happy, fruitful times in the garden, in your thoughts and in your connections with other people. I even love the all the ones I have never directly engaged with, cause I know that until known (and really you are all so mysterious) that you are undiscovered (or observed from afar) living treasures.

    I'll stop now, I'm getting too sentimental lol, and (brackety) ...this is like a speech at the Grammys where they start playing the music to shut you up.

    Moving along... ;)

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  4. let me be the first to say may your day be filled with things that aren't terrible

    Ahahahaa sorry never got that memo, this birthday has been a battle, but it sometimes takes a war to know a lionheart, and in the end the war has always been with my self!

    And I won.

    Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes, my only wish be this, may this day in my life be a pivotal point of monumental propulsion.

    I can make no good words of my own no more now.

    So I leave you all with a chant I taught the kids today, for new beginnings, fertilising innate potential and fostering quantum leaps of change:

    Mother Earth, Mother Earth, take this seed and give it birth

    Father Sun, gleam and glow, until the roots begin to grow

    Sister Rain, Sister Rain, shed thy tears to swell the grain

    Brother Wind, breathe and blow, sway new leaves, to and fro.

    Earth and Sun, Wind and Rain, turn this seed to living grain.

    Much love to you all,

    long live the Leos





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  5. Hey mutey, sorry I missed replying to this til now.

    I would love to show you a progressive forecast vid from my favourite astrologer sometime, just what i imagine your reaction to his demeanor alone, I think would be priceless. But it think it would work best when you find you are feeling weird/ out of sorts, affected by things in ways you wouldn't usually, or you are noticing friends and family are acting strange, so you can make your own conclusions as to weather it could be astrologically influenced.

    The impetus for me in looking into progressive astrology is personal growth. I know the natal chart can operate as a character framework but tendencies are not always expressed to the same extent, so (in my view) negative inclinations (or those that are detrimental to overall well-being, quality of life) may be to some degree minimised by concious effort to redirect them into healthier expressions and innate gifts, talents, aptitudes may be maximised and properly utilised. For me the logical (and comprehensive) way of approaching this would be to work with progressive astrology as well as natal astrology so that your actions are running with the stream of current energy rather than against it. But this is just my way of approaching things now, and I'm not a fanatic, just a semi-regular observer & attuner.

    As for mercury retrograde, although I was aware of it, in its last phase, I did one of the things you are really supposed to avoid doing during a mercury retrograde which is get involved in a romantic engagement with someone, and somewhat unsurprisingly (though it was surprising to me at the time) communication/expression difficulties got in the way of any real progress beyond the initial woooo-factor and it fizzled rapidly. I don't blame mercury retrograde but I certainly feel it had a big impact.

    This 12 year Jupiter transit thing sounds good. About time. I turn 24 tomorrow and I think I deserve some luck by now. I remember when you looked at my chart, you said it was a pretty one, but there's a difference between pretty and lucky right? I have Jupiter in Leo tho, which is meant to be a 'dignified' position or whatever they call that, a good place for Jupiter to be.

    How long does this supposed burst of luck last? Do I get a whole year? Or just a few days/weeks?

    Ps. Drinking 40% alcohol can't be blamed on the moon, the moon didn't buy it, the moon didn't pour it down your throat..where's this autonomy you're so glad of eh? Please don't murder your liver :(

  6. Always good to make sure we are on the same footing and following the actual definition of words.



    1. (adjective = descriptive word) (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.

    2. (noun = objective word) manifestations or events considered to be of supernatural origin, such as ghosts.


    So by believing in tradtion, the supernatural or mythology you are effectively basing your existence on nothing at all. You are living your life according to stories written by people who are uneducated and/or ignorant (either through their own fault or due to the time they lived in). Stories written about topics of discussion far beyond their own comprehension at the time.

    If that is what you want to live your life by then go for it.

    I appreciate the clarity and groundedness of what you are saying, but personally I take issue with lumping belief in supernatural forces/manifestations into the same category as tradition and mythology, and the labelling of this as basing your existance on nothing at all, I find it kind of insulting, not terribly so, but I just consider it to be a little too reductionist for me not to pipe up.

    Most people I know (myself included) who believe in things which would currently be classed as supernatural, do not have this belief because it has been passed onto them through story and tradition, we believe these things because of personal experience which cannot be explained or understood within the scientific paradigm.

    Often these experiences have such a pronounced effect that they call into question the validity of following consensus view, when what you have experienced with your own body, your own mind and your own eyes does not find validation in the world around you.

    Some like to jump immediately to labelling such experiences as neurological or perceptual dysfunction, which I will not rule out, but if we are to be realistic, humans have ALWAYS been encountering things we cannot easily explain, and if we disregarded all of these experiences as meaningless I doubt we could have developed this far as a race.

    So if something is labelled 'super natural', it goes beyond our established consensus of what is natural, or what is scientifically understood, but since when has scientific evidence been the be all and end all of reality? Science works on hypothesis to establish probable causes for things which earlier we could not understand. There are many many things which had previously been considered supernatural, which we now feel we have a sufficient scientific understanding of to classify as natural. So really, by that token, why can't it be presumed that there are things that are considered supernatural now, but may in future be understood to such an extent that we accept them as natural?

    I recently had a discussion with my dad along similar lines, he gave an example of early civilisations believing that natural forces, such as say, a volcano, were embued with the spirit of a god or a deity, and this was logical for them to believe because they had no better explanations for the phenomenon they observed. When the volcano erupted their belief would be that they had angered this 'god', but really the resulting activity was due to the rising of magma in response to increased pressure underneath the surface of the earth. I accept this notion, its all good and well, but personally I have more faith in the mysterious nature of the universe, than I have faith in science to sufficiently elucidate these mysteries to such an extent that humans can safely say we understand them. My thoughts in response to what my dad said were along these lines, well yes, the volcano may be a natural phenomenon, which we can observe and explain the natural forces and factors which are evident, but to me this is only one half of the picture. I think it seems quite plausible that a certain kind of energy could build up around a volcano throughout its lifetime that may have an effect on those who come into its field of influence, and this energy may have the capacity to interact with the consciousness of those tribes. I don't mean to say that the volcano is a god, or neccesarily a sentient being, but rather that it may contain certain configurations of energy and modes of activity that can teach those who live around it certain lessons.

    The Maori word for spirit is 'wairua', which translates literally to 'two rivers', indicating that the forces matter and spirit are intertwined, always flowing together, and one stream cannot exist without the other. If we are to limit our focus to their world of observable matter and scientific exploration, we are cutting ourselves short.

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  7. When you have unknowingly spent all day with a piece of glass in your foot and when you finally take off that sock to see what's causing that unruly zing, the glass fragment is right there at the surface, easy as to pull out. Phew. The odds of this being so straightforward after walking on it all day are unbelieveable.

    When your best buddy in the whole world comes to see you, fills your heart and mind with joy and hope for the best possible future imaginable, and you know beyond all doubt that you are supported and loved and cared for and you see the synergistic creative power of your combined wills. And then she leaves you with artworks, poems and stories to adorn your walls with and warmth in your heart.

    When your cat is really really happy and just overflowing with all the love, smoochy kitty.

    When you have faith that even though there are hard times, things can and will improve.

    When things are nice, and you feel happy.

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  8. I'm inclined to think we are indeed part alien. David Icke should NOT be the only voice on this topic.

    If I'm an alien I'm quite sure I'm not of the reptilian shape shifting variety. Believe me, I had tried to shape shift and I couldn't get it to work.

    I knooooow we can't answer these questions. That is clear. The only philosophy I have studied was introduction to epistemology, which taught me I cannot be certain of anything, other than the flimsy notion that I appear to exist at this moment.

    So don't get me wrong peeps. This is not a cry for reassurance. I don't care that I don't know and can't know.

    But that doesn't make me any less interested in exploring the possibilities. And that's all they are. Possibilities.

    Is it better to hold no possibilities in mind, than some that you know you can never be sure of?

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