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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by snapdragon

  1. I hope they don't start genetically engineering the plants. Just look what happened with the poppies.
  2. snapdragon

    What is wrong with these psychotria nexus?

    Thanks for the advice. I think I've probably under-watered them...
  3. Can anyone advise me what might be wrong with these? The tips of the big leaves have dried out and the new leaves are kind of scrunched up looking and have some little holes and scabs on them. I've tried putting pyrethrum on them in the past but it didn't seem to have any effect. Neither plant has grown for ages. They were outdoors in a shady spot with some Albas which are all doing fine.
  4. snapdragon

    iboga looks sickly - advice?!

    One thing I found made mine a lot happier in general was putting a clear plastic dome over him with a jar full of water next to him to increase the humidity. It helps keep him warm too but I think the humidity was what he really needed.
  5. snapdragon

    Advice on transplanting a large San Pedro?

    Thanks for the advice!
  6. Hi, I have a San Pedro that is about 4.5 feet tall with two stems in a rather small pot. I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice about transplanting it? I realize I could trim it and make some cuttings but I would rather not because I quite like how it looks now... Cheers.
  7. snapdragon

    lophophora advice?

    Thanks for the advice. He seems to be doing well now .
  8. snapdragon

    lophophora advice?

    Hi, I just got a new cactus in the mail and not realizing what it was, accidentally scratched it with scissors while opening the package. The cut is not deep, probably about 1mm deep and about 1cm long (on a cactus about 3 or 4cm wide). I was wondering whether there is anything I should do, eg put fungicide on it, or let the cut dry before planting it (it came bare-rooted)? Also can anyone recommend a good potting mix? I have normal succulent mix - is this appropriate? Cheers.
  9. snapdragon

    lophophora advice?

    Thanks for that. Will pot it up asap.
  10. snapdragon

    lophophora advice?

    Thanks for the replies... Should I plant it or leave it out till the cut heals? It is bare-rooted at the moment so I'm not sure if I should leave it that way. However the cut is on the side so it is near the soil. The other option would be to sterilize the soil before planting it or put something in between that side of it and the soil.
  11. Yes. Obviously. I have been doing that for a long time. But I also don't want to get arrested for planting those seeds which is why I would like to be involved in doing something longer-term than just writing submissions. My question is a reasonable one but I guess this discussion is the wrong place to ask it.
  12. Do people think we can organise a long-term campaign or is it all about writing submissions?
  13. Has anyone thought more about getting some kind of group going that can campaign about this stuff? There needs to be some kind of central network that people can coordinate action, get information through etc. I have a feeling that this legislation will pass no matter how many submissions are sent in... and if that happens I hope people are willing to keep fighting this. I'd do it myself - but honestly I think people who have some kind of standing in the entheo community need to do it for it to be credible.
  14. Hi, is there a person/organisation/website that we can refer people to for more info? Perhaps this site could put up a page that people can go to for more info or to get a draft submission (sorry to suggest work for others to do... )?
  15. snapdragon

    Licence to import Aya?

    Hi, I was recently told that someone had imported caapi and/or chacruna to Australia legally because they "are a healer", and that it had been inspected and sprayed by customs etc. Could it be true that they had some sort of legal loophole or was this BS? Cheers.
  16. snapdragon

    Licence to import Aya?

    Thanks for the responses. I know the answer should was pretty obvious, but I wanted to double check because the people involved were dishonest in other ways too. Cheers