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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by migraineur

  1. Throw 6 whole cloves of garlic and a couple of chillis (to taste - I also chuck in a habanero) into a saucepan with a bit of oil, cook them on low till the skin looks almost charred and everything's soft.

    Peel the garlic and cut the chillis in half. (but make sure from not on you don't take a piss or rub your eye without washing your hands - Chilli on your old fella isn't fun :P)

    Once chillis are halved I de-seed them, or your salsa will be too hot. I normally plant these seeds later in the garden.

    Then a quarter of an onion (I prefer one shallot) and fry that with the chilli and garlic till it's browned.

    Toss it all in a blender with a pinch of salt and pepper, juice of half a lime and 3 tomatoes, - you can fry these on the pan for a while too if you like, and blend till it's at the consistency you like, I go for a few bigger chunks but mostly puree.


    I have so many chillis at a time now that I leave mine once they're picked on the window sill to dry so I always have heaps of dried ones ready.

    Thanks. I'm going to have to try a version that has cooked tomatoes because I'm allergic to raw tomatoes :(

  2. Console gaming has the benefit of being so easy to setup and they act as media players which is handy. It also makes multiplayer setups easy when you've got some friends over. The PS4 controllers have built in headphone jackets too so you can plug headphones into them.

    I used to be a big PC gamer but using a PS4 makes it easy for my girlfriend to join me too.

  3. If you're not traveling with it then why not build your own? It'll be cheaper and you can build a beast! You can use a laptop as a desktop replacement but you won't get as much power of your machine and it'll be harder and more expensive to upgrade in the future.

    • Like 2

  4. I can't be bothered with it...even here in the subtropics it struggles and dies off in winter. Some people's plants come back in Spring, but mine didn't.

    This plant needs either a greenhouse with lots of attention or an environment that's as ungodly hot and humid as its native habitat. As much as I'd love to grow it, I leave that to the FNQ folk.

    Mine does quite well as a house plant in a low humidity environment. I imagine it would struggle in Winter here if I put it outside. Since it has nice shiny leaves then it makes an attractive house plant too.

  5. Ok all

    I propose the 3rd of November for the next meet?

    I will be bringing along a big bag of mixed tricho hybrid seed to hand out.

    Nooooo! I've got something on that day! How about the weekend after?

  6. add some chocolate and a pair of twins ....that are redheads.....with big tits...with hairy minges...70's style, afromuff........well yes, that's what it would involve

    good trick mang

    I need to know what my porn name will be. What about the porn title? What's my uniform? These are very important questions. Nobody will take my acting career seriously otherwise!

  7. Can I ask another potentially dumb question.

    Do you guys use grain spawn to innoculate wood/lignious substrates because it colonises quicker? Just that when I used to work with other wood lovers id innoculate wet cardboard or small wood chips mixed with verm and then use that to mass innoculate large bags of woodchips with bothering to sterilise because wood chips are unlikely to contaminate.

    "When sawdust is supplemented with a nitrogen rich additive, the yields of most wood decomposers are enhanced substantially. Rice bran is the preferred additive in Asia. Most brans derived from cereal grains work equally well. Rye, wheat, corn, oat and soybean brans are commonly used. Flours lack the outer seed coat, and by weight have proportionately more nutrition than brans."

    This was written by Paul Stamets in Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms.
