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Everything posted by themushroombloke

  1. themushroombloke

    mycorrhizal Cultivation Idea

    So i've definately decided to go with The saffron milk cap mushroom (Lactarius deliciosus) as my first candidate for growing mycorrhizal mushrooms. here's a link to some people who are already doing it in New Zealand CLICK HERE
  2. themushroombloke

    A link I found online

    click here to view the book
  3. themushroombloke

    Fruiting Chambers

    I'm setting up a fruiting chamber at the moment. here's a few pic's I have added another level since this photo here's what it looks like now. I'm going be using 3 litre fetta buckets (with holes) to fruit my mushrooms. the next step is the ultra sonic fogger bucket bong setup LOL. check this out might want to skip the flowhood setup part at the start of the vid (that set up is awesome also) Nice grow room! I like the inline fan in the tubing.
  4. themushroombloke

    mycorrhizal Cultivation Idea

    I think this video demonstrates what would be necessary to pull off the plant component of this idea. IS THIS A PROTOCORM PEOPLES?????
  5. themushroombloke

    mycorrhizal Cultivation Idea

    Ok So i found this handy french document and converted it to english with google translate!! if we could pull it apart and make sense of it we could unravel the mycorrhizal secrets. I have changed the colour of the most interesting text in this document. Also here's a link to the original document it has some interesting pictures!! click here for link CONTROLLED TO INOCULATION OF EDIBLE MUSHROOMS AND BOLETS? J.-M. OLIVIER - J. GUINBERTEAU - J. Rondet - Michele MAMOUN Among the edible mushrooms, porcini represent species that everyone wants to see domesticated. The French Confederation of Canned and FNSACC (National Federation of Agricultural unions Mushroom Growers) in 1995 provide estimates of the collection of 2 500 tonnes of mushrooms and the manufacture of 1 200 tons of canned food. It is quite likely that these values ​​from official statistics are incomplete or mixing several types of mushrooms are very underestimated. The study by J. Rondet (1990) gave evidence precise estimation of crops in the region Limousin-Auvergne. Their transposition nationally led some observers to estimate the pickup between 6 and 9 000 tonnes of fresh porcini mushrooms, depending on the year. Housing market and the information given by the canners suggest that imports are of equal importance. The total tonnage of fresh mushrooms marketed fresh or processed in France therefore oscillates between 10 and 15 000 tonnes, is the turnover of the industry around 1.5 billion francs. In some regions like Limousin, the income from the collection and gathering of mushrooms has become a important to the local economy, where other sources of income are reduced. It is common Now that production is raised during mycological reforestation projects. All These reasons have led INRA and its partners to consider domesticating mushrooms with a two-pronged approach: firstly understand, as much as possible, the natural growth source current collection, on the other hand, longer term, to build a system production recalling what has been done for truffles, mushrooms and yellow milk caps. THE CONCEPT OF MUSHROOMS AND ECOLOGY OF SPECIES The term "mushroom" has received a legal sense (Decision No. 64, Official Journal of 21 November 1971); it limits its commercial use in two species Boletus edulis (porcini Bordeaux) and Boletus aereus (mushroom black head). This definition seems too restrictive, since two other species deserve to be included in the "mushrooms" and are actually almost on the market: Boletus aestivalis = Boletus reticulatus (porcini mushroom summer or crosslinked) and Boletus pinicola Boletus pinophilus = (Mushroom mountain). Boletus mamorensis is also present on the French market from imports Morocco (Redeuilh 1978; Redeuilh and Simonini, 1993). The bay boletus (Xerocomus badius) no longer classified in the genus Boletus and, despite its taste was not retained as "Mushroom" in the legislation. 222 • Boletus edulis is a ubiquitous species, collected from almost all French territory, having generally a period of fruiting in late summer and autumn. The species is associated with hardwood (oak, beech, chestnut ...) or softwood (spruce, fir, pine hook ...). The species is described in both plain that on average over a large mountain diversity of soil, sand Landes granite or shale Morvandiau Brittany. • Boletus aereus, with dark fruiting bodies, is relatively thermophilic, so in most southern its distribution and is common in oak or chestnut. • Boletus aestivalis, paler than the cap Boletus edulis, grows earlier in the season, hence its common name for mushroom summer. Its ecology is similar to that of Boletus edulis, with a preference stands for Chestnut Oaks or low or medium altitudes. • Boletus pinophilus is primarily montane species, rarer in the lowlands, often associated with pine and spruce but sometimes encountered in hardwood (Beech). This brief overview highlights the complexity of the situation when considering a possible domestication, including several species associated with a variety of hosts capable of grow in different soil and climatic contexts. Foresters will notice that it was not mentioned Douglas (Pseudotsuga menziesii) as associated gas. Ceps under crops this species are rare and often open to interpretation on the origin of delicate fruiting bodies of fungi. The application possibilities for improving the production of edible mushrooms 223 Rev. For. Fr XLIX - No sp. 1997 Common Names Species Ecology Breakfast Boletus edulis Cep Bordeaux Conifer Species ubiquitous Picea abies rather fall Abies alba Hygrophila Abies grandis Plain and average Pinus uncinata altitude Hardwood Quercus spp. Castanea sativa Fagus sylvatica etc.. Cep Boletus aereus blackheaded ubiquitous Hardwood Species or head negro mostly summer and fall or cep tan (Quercus spp. rather xerothermophilous Castanea sativa) Plain / hill Boletus aestivalis "Cep" Summer hardwood species dominated (= Reticulatus) (porcini or crosslinked) mainly Atlantic (Quercus spp. Springtime or Summer Castanea sativa, Thermophile Fagus sylvatica) Plain / hill Boletus pinophilus "Cep" Pine Hill Conifer Species (= Pinicola) mainly mountain and middle mountain (Abies spp. Hygrophila Picea abies, Pinus uncinata, Autumnal Late Pinus sylvestris) (Occasionally chestnut) Boletus Boletus mamorensis of Mamora Hardwood Species in Africa mainly North (Quercus suber) and Colline average mountain Table I. General data on the ecology four species of Boletus species and associated forest 224 1 April 3 2 Photo 1 Draft fruiting of Boletus aestivalis formed Pachlewska on agar amended. Photo 2 Natural fruiting of Boletus edulis in a oak regenerated network. Photo 3 Mycorrhizae formed by Boletus edulis on roots Pinus attenuata x radiata. Photo 4 Chestnut breeding greenhouse cloned and mycorrhizal by Boletus edulis. Photos J. GUINBERTEAU EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH TO THE ECOLOGY OF MUSHROOMS It is obvious to any observer that there are good and bad years for fruiting ceps. Among the explanations advanced by some tasty collectors (and Larrère La Soudière, 1987), the relationship with the local climate emerges as a constant. To go Later in the analysis of the phenomenon, a device for data collection was agrometeorological put in place in Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrenees, Limousin, Poitou-Charentes. Fifty plots were chosen primarily for sites known to be fruiting bodies of Boletus edulis Boletus aereus or / and Boletus aestivalis. They are followed by trained personnel, hence the use with organizations like the Chambers of Agriculture, the Regional Property Forest (CRPF), the National Forestry Board (NFB) or agricultural colleges. The majority of sites is equipped with small items of Agrometeorology, rain gauges, thermometers (ground and air), blood ... a minority is equipped with recording stations, now type Humicro 2000. Besides the climate record and analysis of soil, the sprouts mushrooms are noted (dates and quantities, identification, location). Context (preceding crop, flora underbrush, other fungal species, state of forest stand ...) been identified regular. It is too early to give definitive results, the initiation of the network, its gradual extension and training of relevant officials who need 5 years. Relatively few data accurate, however, can be presented. In Figure 1 (below) appears quite clearly the events that led to the fruiting two species (Boletus Boletus aestivalis and aereus) in an oak forest of the Landes. In July, a rainy period (80 mm) of one week is followed by a decrease in soil temperature (- 10 cm) The application possibilities for improving the production of edible mushrooms 225 Rev. For. Fr XLIX - No sp. 1997 Rain + irrigation Soil temperature (- 10 cm) Cumulative production Boletus aereus + Boletus reticulatus July August September 100 C mm 20 20 40 10 80 60 40 20 Kg July August September July August September Figure 1 EXAMPLE OF RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN FRUIT AND PARAMETERS OF MUSHROOMS CLIMATE (Landes Plot 1) 5.6 ° C; basidiocarps appear first 7 days after, the growth continuing for 12 days (with high rainfall). A neighbor scenario repeats itself at the end of August. In both cases, a rise in temperature coincided with the cessation of fruiting bodies. Data collected in other regions (Dordogne, Lot, Gironde, Tarn et Garonne) confirm these observations for Boletus edulis. Simply, for this case a little later, down the temperature during the development phase of basidiocarps can finalize the production. The results can now be stripped summarized as follows: - High rainfall, exceeding 50 mm over a decade, provides constant moisture in the soil (saturated blood pressure over 5 days); - A fall of temperature, air and soil leads to soil cooling in the first 10 centimeters in most cases, the induction of fruiting bodies is linked to a difference of 5 ° C. compared to the average initial temperature and the number of hours during which this difference manifests itself should be, cumulatively, in 20 hours can be spread over three to five nights; situation analysis leads to the concept of cumulation of hours "cold"; - No fruit appears if soil temperatures are above 20 ° C or below 10 ° C for Boletus edulis, at 12 ° C for other species; - In general, thermal shock occurs during or after the period of rain but it were observed in cases where the rain was held from 3 to 5 days after the temperature drop; - The first basidiocarps were observed 6-10 days after the thermal shock if the temperature exceeds 15 ° C, 8 to 15 days if less; - Further lowering the soil temperature of at least 3 ° C during the period fruiting stops the process. During the fruiting season in late summer or autumn, it was not possible to distinguish events clearly inducers depending on the species of mushrooms and their possible thermophilic. However, Boletus Boletus aestivalis aereus and begin fruiting earlier, from June to mid-August, the role of heat shock seems to be smaller, the system appeared to operate according to the model Suillus (see below) with the major effect of water (rain or watering). The above data should be regarded only as a basic need to refine. However, a comparison is possible with data Suillus granulatus (porky yellow) for which observations were conducted in experimental plots after mycorrhization artificial (Poitou et al., 1983) and with irrigation as controllable parameter. This species grows April to November, the basidiocarps appear when the soil temperature is above 9 ° C and below 20 ° C. The trigger is a rain or irrigation of at least 10 mm likely to generate lasting moisture in the litter. The use of irrigation has build a predictive model (Poitou et al., 1989). Sporocarps are detected at least 10 days after the rain (or irrigation), their maturation may require another 4 to 10 days depending on the temperature. Unlike Boletus, there is no need for Suillus a real shock heat is the limiting factor then the availability of water (in a temperature range large). In the case of Suillus, a relaxation period of 10 to 15 days is significantly observed (the time required before induction of new growth over the same area). With Boletus, the existence of such a period of rest has not been precisely determined, because most often there was only one series of favorable events per plot for a given species (Succession of two different species of mushrooms is often observed in cons the same plot). The use of irrigation to supplement rainfall should help, as Suillus, to clarify the events triggering fruiting of Boletus. The soil of each plot is analyzed. For example, Table II (p. 227) gives the ranges identified for different analytical elements in 23 sites. J.-M. OLIVIER - J. GUINBERTEAU - J. Rondet - Michele MAMOUN 226 A twenty-fourth parcel out clearly from these bands: C / N> 20, organic matter> 50, ~ 2 total nitrogen, total P = 0.7 and very high fraction of fine silt> 50%. It should therefore be wary of any generalization. The majority of these plots is relatively poor acid soils. These values ​​cover data Poitou et al. (1982). The same authors analyzed the areas of fruiting Boletus edulis, associated with Pinus uncinata in the Pyrenees, in this case, soils were more acidic with C / N below. However, the soil type areas "on mushrooms" is much less restrictive than those on the truffle. The plots for the shoots of wild mushrooms are the subject of further studies on the flora undergrowth and experiments on the maintenance of it and it is not enough to decline conclude, for example, in the interest of maintaining associated plants such as Calluna, the Bruyeres Ferns or fescue. The fungal flora of the parcels is identified each year determine the species of the ecosystem descriptrices, indicators related to the growth of mushrooms or potential competitors. The procession met in a chestnut fungus has been described (Chauvin et al., 1988), similarly for the Spruce (Le Tacon et al., 1984) or the Pin Hook (Poitou personal communication). Table III (p. 228) gives the example of the fungal flora observed in three oak woodlands adjacent to the coastal area of ​​the Landes. Note the great diversity, with some species often associated with mushrooms as Amanita muscaria or Amanita spissa. The Clitopilus (miller) is given to precede the appearance of mushrooms, there is no evidence now assign a different role than that of phenological indicator. By comparison, in the case of tests with Suillus, it was shown that there may be competition between Suillus granulatus (introduced) and Suillus bovinus (native) while Suillus granulatus has lived for 14 years with Lactarius deliciosus on twenty trees observed. In all cases, the experimental trees from mycorrhizal proved attractive to monitor the dynamics of root colonization by native species. Controlled mycorrhization Controlled mycorrhization with porcini mushrooms has motivated many studies, mycorrhizal were obtained by different authors as Melin (1923), Tozzi et al. (1980), Molina and Trappe (1982), Ceruti et al. (1983, 1985), Zucherelli (1988), Meotto and Pellegrino (1989). INRA Poitou successful mycorrhization of Pinus radiata (1982) and Pinus uncinata (1994) with Boletus edulis. Bawadikji (1993) highlights the heterogeneity of results in its own testing of mycorrhization Pinus sylvestris with Boletus edulis as in those of the authors cited above. Mycorrhizae have been obtained easily with Suillus (Poitou et al. 1982; Chevalier and Detolle, 1984), milk caps (Poitou et al., 1989) or relatively easily with Tuber (Chevalier and Grente, 1979), it is clear that this is not the case with fungi of the genus Boletus. Will The application possibilities for improving the production of edible mushrooms 227 Rev. For. Fr XLIX - No sp. 1997 Table II ranges of values ​​found in the analysis of soil (depth (20 cm) of 23 experimental plots Cep (Landes, Dordogne, Tarn et Garonne) Expressed in ‰ ms (except pH and C / N) Ph .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total P 4.9 to 5.6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,3-0,5 C / N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.0 to 17.7 K2O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,07-0,11 Organic matter. . . . . . . . . . . . CaO 24.6 to 39.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,3-0,9 Total N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MgO 0.8 to 1.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0,13-0,27 P (Dyer). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clay from 0.001 to 0.05. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92-184 Fine silt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115-305 Coarse sand. . . . . . . . . . . . . 315-400 Coarse silt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 147-220 Fine sands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153-238 J.-M. OLIVIER - J. GUINBERTEAU - J. Rondet - Michele MAMOUN 228 not treated here the phenomena of fruiting of the mushrooms without symbiotic association and these cases are seen relatively often, but reproduction of the phenomenon, beyond the work of Granetti (1992), has not been published (photo 1, p. 224, young boletus Boletus aestivalis having reached 7 mm high on agar PLKO at INRA Bordeaux). Table III An example of fungal community to accompany Cep Case of three neighboring parcels with as dominant species Quercus robur Genus / Species Common Name tree-host presumed Mycorrhizal Amanita Amanita asteropus bulb Star Oak or Pine Amanita citrina Amanita citrine or Pin Oak Amanita excelsa or Pin Oak Amanita muscaria fly agaric Oak, Pine, Birch Amanita rubescens Amanita blushing or Pin Oak Amanita Amanita spissa thick English Oak Amanitopsis vaginata var. Amanita fulva vaginée fawn or Pin Oak Boletus edulis Cep Bordeaux English Oak Cantharellus cibarius Chanterelle Girolle or Oak or Birch Chanterelle Cantharellus tubiformis Tube Pin Clitopilus prunulus Meunier Oak Cortinarius Cortinarius cinnamomeus cinnamon leaf or Pin Oak Cortinarius Cortinarius paleaceus glitter or Pin Oak Cortinarius torvus Oak Hydnum repandum Foot Sheep Oak Inocybe Inocybe asterospora spore star Oak Laccaria amethyst amethystina Laccaire Oak Laccaria laccata Laccaire lacquered oak or pine Lactarius camphoratus Lactaire camphorated Oak Lactarius chrysorrheus Lactaire milk yellow oak Lactarius hepaticus Lactaire color liver Pin Lactarius Quietus Lactaire quiet Oak Lactarius subumbonatus Lactaire wrinkled Oak Paxillus involutus Paxille wound Oak or Birch Pisolithus tinctorius pisolites dyers Pin essentially Russula atropurpurea = krombholzii Russule burgundy Oak Russula cyanoxantha Russule coal Oak Russula emetica var. sylvestris Russule emetic Oak Russula fragilis Fragile Russule Oak Russula nigricans Russule blackening Oak Russula vesca Russule edible Oak Scleroderma citrinum Scleroderma Oak Tricholoma Tricholoma album White Oak Tricholoma fulvum Tricholoma flavobrunneum = tan oak or birch Tricholoma Tricholoma sulphureum sulfur Oak Xerocomus badius Bolet bai * Oak / Pine essentially Saprophytic Caloceras viscosa Calocère Pin essentially viscous Chlorociboria aeruginascens Oak Collybia butyracea collybia butyracée or Pin Oak Collybia maculata Spotted collybia Oak or Pine Gymnopilus penetrans Pholiota penetrating Pin Pholiota spectabilis Gymnopilus remarkable Pin Hypholoma Hypholoma fasciculare tufted or Pin Oak Birch essentially Leotia lubrica Lycogala epidendron Pin essentially Psathyrella hydrophila Psathyrella hydrophilic or Pin Oak * Saprophytic or mycorrhizal. The process requires controlled mycorrhization phases: - Isolation, characterization and multiplication of the mycelium used as inoculum; - The propagation of the host tree, if possible, trying to reduce the heterogeneity of plants, hence the use of selected seeds, cuttings or micropropagation where the possible; - The association of two partners in controlled conditions, with the aim of obtaining a maximum of mycorrhizae. Moreover, with the mushrooms, it is for late fruiting species in a stand forest (at least 15 years, Le Tacon et al., 1984), in case of mycorrhizal tree planting, he will therefore ensure the sustainability of the association over a long period. In the case of Suillus granulatus and Lactarius deliciosus, mycorrhization continues 17 years after planting, we know Now cases of truffle mycorrhizal with trees planted 20 years with sustainability of mycorrhization. Even if we should not unduly close slightly different systems, sustainability should be possible to provide, all this depends, among other things, the quality of mycorrhization initial and potential competitor of the native fungal flora of the nutritional status of the medium, the speed of root system development, etc.. The fungus The mycelium of four species of mushrooms can be obtained by cutting meat basidiocarps young or by isolation from mycorrhizae; germination of spores is useless so far on a practical level, lack of reliable method. It is the same for the regeneration of protoplasts obtained from areas hymenial. Identification of the material is made by classical taxonomy (Alessio, 1985) when available of basidiocarps. In general, the criteria are reliable in distinguishing among species. However, there are sensitive cases and is also common to have to check the mycelium derived from collections or isolates from mycorrhizae. The use of protein markers has long been the best recourse. Figure 2 (p. 230) (Fabre, 1994) gives the typical profiles obtained for distinguish the four species of mushrooms from proteins with a beta glucosidase activity. These Profiles can be completed using esterase activity. Currently, molecular markers are good tools. The method is to amplify regions of the genome encoding Nucleic acids comprising the ribosome, then cutting the amplicons with the enzymes with Specific sites of clashes. Differences in the sizes of fragments are revealed by electrophoresis and distinguish the species from the structure of this part of the genome. To be more precise, in the case of mushrooms, it is to amplify the ITS regions of the genome called (Internal Transcribed Spacer) 1 and 2, then using the enzymes Alu I, Cfo I. .. Other techniques based on amplification of random fragments of the genome called RAPD (Rapid Amplified Polymorphic DNA) also give good results (Cameleyre, 1996). At the intraspecific level, enzyme activities (eg, phosphoglucomutase in Boletus edulis) or molecular markers show strong differences. There is therefore a variability within a given species, but these genetic differences can not today be related to differences in behavior or ecological specialization and Breakfast. The proliferation of the mycelium to produce an inoculum can be produced on solid medium (Agar), liquid or mixed (medium perlite or vermiculite and / or peat moss with nutrient solution). In practice, three methods succeed or complement during the procedure (Poitou et al., 1981, 1982, Chauvin et al. 1988; Bawadikji, 1993 ...). Figures 4 (p. 230) and 5 (p. 231) show that problem is not simple and there are strong differences in behavior at both interspecific qu'intraspécifique. The application possibilities for improving the production of edible mushrooms 229 Rev. For. Fr XLIX - No sp. 1997 J.-M. OLIVIER - J. GUINBERTEAU - J. Rondet - Michele MAMOUN 230 100 80 60 40 20 18 ° C 25 ° C 18 ° C 25 ° C 7 d 35 d 70 days Boletus edulis Boletus aestivalis Diameter (mm) Figure 4 Mycelial development Gelose (PLKO) Figure 2 COMPARISON OF ENZYME PROFILES (I glucosidase) for the four species, Boletus edulis (Be), Boletus aestivalis (Ba) Boletus aereus (Bar) and Boletus pinophilus (Bp) Bars represent proteins with i glucosidase activity and revealed electrophoresis according to their speed migration. Figure 3 RAPD AMPLIFICATION OF DNA of Boletus edulis (BE) and Boletus aestivalis (BA) (Bands from major Cameleyre, 1996) Primers P3, P4 and P7, Kit P. Bioprobe. M = size scaling (* = 3 and 0.5 respectively KPB). The bars represent the nucleic acid fragments revealed by electrophoresis based on their migration speed. Species Bp Ba Be Bar P3 P4 P7 Ba Ba Be Be M M M Ba Be In the example shown in Figure 4, the strain of Boletus aereus was not made because it does hardly grows. The two isolates of Boletus edulis growth rates that vary practically double. For isolates of Boletus aestivalis, the effect of "temperature" is remarkable. Figure 5 shows different kinetic (dry weight) obtained in liquid medium with growth rates of 14.7 mg / day and 8.2 mg / d for both Boletus edulis and 10.9 mg / d for Boletus aestivalis (Fresh weight). The practical conclusion is that each strain (or group of strains) must adapt a method of inoculum production. The application possibilities for improving the production of edible mushrooms 231 Rev. For. Fr XLIX - No sp. 1997 The host tree For plants likely to be colonized, seeding has been widely used and continues to be for guests not reproduced by other methods (Abies grandis, Pinus uncinata, for example). Besides heterogeneity, the main problem is the disinfection of seeds solved by soaking in hydrogen peroxide and / or by treatment with ultrasound. Cuttings is a operation with low yields for species of interest but the efficiency was significantly improved for Norway spruce (CEMAGREF), chestnut (Nurseries grout) or Oaks (INRA Clermont-Ferrand). Micropropagation in vitro for mycorrhization was obtained for Chestnut (Strullu et al. 1986; Chauvin et al., 1988) and the English Oak (Bawadikji, 1993). The association In general, the plants are used in vitro or in non axenic conditions must there induction of secondary roots before introduction of the inoculum. It is also there compatibility between rooting conditions and fungal activity (Strullu et al., 1986). Mycorrhization So after transplantation occurs in an aerated medium (perlite or perlite + peat) with a nutrient solution adapted. All authors stress the need at this stage, control strict levels of free sugars, nitrogen and phosphorus. The work of Chauvin et al. (1989) or Bawadikji (1993) illustrate the technical difficulties with Boletus when compared on the same plant material, with other fungal species (Amanita, Paxillus, Terfezia ...). The choice of isolate Boletus is paramount. The specialization of a strain fungal species to a specific host is suggested (Poitou et al., 1982, 1984) but was not shown. It is also interesting to note that the same strain will regularly mycorrhizal good yield in a series of tests and will not be in another series. Differences not controlled in the manufacture of the inoculum may explain this fact. 0,4 0 14 24 35 44 55 0,3 0,2 0,1 Days Boletus edulis 1 Boletus edulis 2 Boletus aestivalis Dry weight (g) Figure 5 Mycelial development ROUGH IN LIQUID CULTURE At this stage, experiences from in vitro plants or from seedlings conditions protected only rarely yielded results greater than 50% of inoculated plants carrying mycorrhizal Boletus after one year. To this must be added the risk of contamination by mycorrhizal exogenous for raising seedlings in the greenhouse. Through our own experience, loss rate by these competitors is greater than what was obtained for milk caps or truffles. On softwood, it is found that Suillus spp. can be formidable competitors compared with Scleroderma, Thelephora or Hebeloma. Mycorrhizal controls are made between 6 and 9 months after adding the inoculum. The mycorrhizae (Fig. 3, p. 224) appear to pearl white. The mycelium can be isolated from it and controlled (see above). Mycorrhization rates are expressed as the number of mycorrhizal plants by Boletus (typically <30%) and percentage of mycorrhizal roots per plant bearing mycorrhizal Boletus (rarely> 10%). The only exception is Pinus uncinata mycorrhizal Boletus edulis by mycorrhization rate with> 90%. Note for this association there has had a significant effect of mycorrhization on the growth of the tree in the greenhouse and field (Poitou et al., 1984). With Chestnut, no similar effect was observed with wild mushrooms net while he was with Paxillus involutus or Amanita muscaria. By cons, a strain of Boletus aestivalis stimulates rooting of Castanea sativa clone S17 (Chauvin et al., 1988). Regarding tests of INRA, plantations of trees from the following mycorrhizal : - 3 plots (Pyrénées-Atlantiques) totaling 0.8 ha of grasslands with montane Pinus uncinata associated with Boletus edulis planted since 1984, 80 trees in place. The effects mentioned above on tree growth were confirmed in situ and to date, no fruiting mushroom has been registered; - 1 plot (Dordogne) with clones of Castanea sativa and hybrids crenata-sativa (CA15, CS74 ...) with mycorrhizal Boletus edulis, Boletus aestivalis, 50 trees (planting on young Previous cereals, 1994-1995). Added to this are limited trials with Pinus radiata, Pinus radiata x attenuata, Abies, Quercus, Chestnut. The ecological basis presented in the first part of the article will be applied in these plots to help fruiting. CONCLUSIONS The current situation leads to some caution in predicting the domestication ceps. The acquisition of ecological data and is certainly more accurate physiological help take into account the mycological component in the management of areas with a strong forest, as the Limousin, Auvergne, Morvan, the Vosges ... Tree planting mycorrhizal remains the experimental field. Yields obtained by mycorrhization different authors are fairly low, although each laboratory is progressing in a certain discretion to apply the results more economically. Anyway, the choice of strains, the quality of the inoculum, the conditions of realization of the association are elements improvement. Any relationship with microorganisms in the rhizosphere (BAM, cf. Article Garbaye et al. in this issue, p. 110) were not specified for the mushrooms. Finally, virtually nothing is known about the relationship between the fungus introduced early and train fungal which is obtained after planting. However, the domestication of the mushroom is only of interest with the fruiting expected 10, 15 or even 20 years after planting. J.-M. OLIVIER - J. GUINBERTEAU - J. Rondet - Michele MAMOUN 232 Associations established in various departments of the South West with the help of local authorities are active supports for these studies. The agreement between INRA and mycoplasma (Comprising three nurseries) will allow the optimization and scale changes on mycorrhization. A large experimental effort is essential and requires the cooperation of all potential partners. The application possibilities for improving the production of edible mushrooms TO THE INOCULATION OF MUSHROOMS AND CONTROLLED boletes? (Abstract) The mushrooms have a dominant role in the activity of the French sector collection-processing-marketing wild edible mushrooms. The ecology of major species of mushrooms is presented through the mycological data and an experimental approach implemented in the Southwest of France. The importance of Lowering the temperature in the process of induction of fruiting bodies is highlighted. The first results for controlled mycorrhization are presented: the inter-and intra-species is analyzed and the multiplication operations and association hosts under controlled conditions. The first tree planting mycorrhizal with porcini mushrooms (mainly chestnut and pines) are under observation. It remains However, important work to be done to improve mycorrhization, estimate tracking the fungus on the ground and come to fruition in plots planted. IS ARTIFICIAL INOCULATION OF THE EDIBLE SPECIES Boletus FEASIBLE? (Abstract) The Boletus species Is One Of The Major edible forest fungi In The French mushroom gathering / selling / processing Sector. The Ecological environment for The Main Varieties In The SI species Presented On The Basis of Mycological year experimental data and system set up in south western France. The Significance of a temperature drop in Bringing about fruiting IS Highlighted. Initial Findings Regarding artificial inoculation are Described - inter-and intra-specific diversity, multiplication and host association Under controlled conditions. The first of Boletus mycorrhized trees plantations (Mainly chestnut) are Under observation. More research required to Improve IS mycorrhization quality, estimate fungal survival in the Field and Enhancement in fruiting Planted Stand With inoculated material.
  6. themushroombloke

    mycorrhizal Cultivation Idea

    so if i may dumb down what you're saying: getting a sterile freshly germinated seed, taking a tiny piece of that and cloning it to create another plant. Is this all done under sterile conditions? Iam starting to think it would be better to take the contents of a whole petri dish of chosen mushroom species then put it on top of some of that plant gel stuff. Then make a hole in the mycelium, plant the protocorm and let it grow down into the gel (this is all done in sterile conditions of course). This way it may be possible to have a slightly different growing media under the petri dish agar. Am I going in the right direction here??
  7. themushroombloke

    mycorrhizal Cultivation Idea

    and this link looks good also click here
  8. themushroombloke

    mycorrhizal Cultivation Idea

    Ok so I'm not sure about this one, but I have a theory: Maybe tree's that Live for a long time need a boast inially to get establish which requires a certain chemical (provided by one fungus) then at a certain age a message is sent to say "you're no longer needed, dont let the door hit your arse on the way out" Then the boletus spores are just chillin waiting for the go ahead, then they're let in. The boletus probably is the tree's second partner and is the secret in living for a long time. just an idea... Also forgive my ignorance but I dont fully understand thsi "Or can a TC'd plant still in culture or even a rooted procorm be used? " can anyone explain? also I found this havn't read it yet but it's alot to take in click here to read document! I think that the first species I'd try cultivating is Saffron milk cap as it's relatively easy to find and pine tree's a usually quick growing so it maybe easier than tackling Porcini straight away.
  9. themushroombloke

    mycorrhizal Cultivation Idea

    here's my next Idea based on your advice
  10. themushroombloke

    mycorrhizal Cultivation Idea

    Yeah i think you're onto something there I saw this picture this uses some sort of gel, however i did find a product called "plant gel" this is a just add water product. What if the water was a mushroom/spore slurry?? now I think we're getting somewhere. let's face it people if we can crack this nut then we could all have a little mushroom orchard!! here's the plant gel product let's keep this ball rolling
  11. themushroombloke

    PP takeaway container

    Another Idea: perhaps get a soldering iron burn a tiny hole then cover with micropore tape. This would offer better air exchange I assume.
  12. themushroombloke

    Antarctic mushrooms

    dont know if this is true but apparently the only thing that can enter the earths atmosphere is mushroom spores...... So they may well be alien drifting around the universe looking for food. Oh crap does that mean I've been eating aliens, cause they'll be mighty pissed come d-day.
  13. themushroombloke

    Cordyceps gunni

    I have a few NOOB questions: 1. Is it possible to cultivate cordyceps? 2. would you also need to raise some lavae of a moth to grow these? 3. can you grow these on another substrate? 4. what is their main medicinal use? 5. how do you prepare them.. tea? tincture? that's enough dumb questions for now cheers
  14. themushroombloke

    New to Growing

    here's a crude still air box link: except I'd turn it upside down so you can see through the bottom
  15. themushroombloke

    Cheap pressure cooker

    I have a presto nice and big....that's what she said.
  16. themushroombloke

    Hericium season

    where does this species typically grow? on dead wood on the forest floor? up high on trunks? what is their usual enviroment? thanks in advance
  17. themushroombloke

    Orange mushroom, Spores all over the place

    perhaps this one Gymnopilus sapineus http://www.mykoweb.com/CAF/photos/large/Gymnopilus_sapineus%28mgw-03%29.jpg
  18. themushroombloke

    Mailing petri dishes

    i find the pp sauce containers (round 40ml) work best as they are more durable than disposable petri dishes, but petri dishes seem to work fine in the mail if in bubble wrap.
  19. themushroombloke

    Anybody have Turkey tail??

    and If my cloning fails i've got a whole log in my backyard so I'll keep trying until I suceed.
  20. themushroombloke

    Anybody have Turkey tail??

    i'm attempting a clone from the wild as we speak. If it's successful i'll let you know and i'll return the favour and send you a plate no charge. cheers
  21. themushroombloke

    Anybody have Turkey tail??

    i'm attempting a clone from the wild as we speak. If it's successful i'll let you know and i'll return the favour and send you a plate no charge. cheers
  22. themushroombloke

    2012 - what seeds to save?

    I think i'd have naturalised guava rocket the robust weed one heirloom pumpkin of some kind native fruits like native lime wood ear and shiitake mushroom (innoculate stumps locally before d-day) choko (easy to grow) newzealand spinach potager and for meat(off topic): rabbit as they breed quickly and require very little food.
  23. themushroombloke

    What Ganoderma Species Is This?

    ok I found this beauty on an old stump. Could anyone help me take this ID past the Ganoderma stage? cheers!
  24. themushroombloke

    What Ganoderma Species Is This?

    medicinal or useless? I've had a scratch around online and I dont think it's applanatum (could be wrong though).
  25. themushroombloke

    2012 - what seeds to save?

    Ok what I was going for was a post like this one... Look I hope it all doesn't go down and it may not... I bloody hope so. But sticking my head in the sand wont do at all I have kids which is a great responsibility and I think If I did nothing to prepare and something did happen I'd be kicken myself promptly followed by kicking the bucket! I was once a scout and always will be at heart BE PREPARED! anyways people could we keep this relevant and talk about what seeds you would keep to survive on! cheers