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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by synchromesh

  1. synchromesh

    Spirit Molecule documentary Australian tour

    He's probably just there to even things out a bit.
  2. synchromesh

    Medical Marijuana?

    That's because it is. We're already there brother. All we can hope for now is that it doesn't get any worse. Why do you say that, TG83?
  3. synchromesh

    Call for public access to overdose treatment

    I smell an agenda.
  4. synchromesh

    Intense Visual Hallucinations

    Rabael - Here's hoping that it was just something like sleep paralysis. It sounds like it was.
  5. synchromesh

    EGA Press Release - Feedback

    Cheers, Ronny. And I will definitely look out for the next journal from Project Mayhem.
  6. synchromesh

    Medical Marijuana?

    Peer pressure? Why Cannabis Is Illegal
  7. synchromesh

    Shpongle live concert

    Can't wait.
  8. synchromesh

    high end serial trading thread

    Congratulations, naja. Pretty lady? She got any sisters? Ah, freshest comedian ever I am... Nobody can touch my comedy gold!
  9. synchromesh

    EGA Press Release - Feedback

    It's great, Ronny. Did you write it yourself? I agree with what faustus said, but I also recommend the following: * Remove the space which exists in "an" * Turn "therapeutic application" into "therapeutic applications" * Turn "Rick Doblin PhD" into "Rick Doblin (PhD)" * Remove the space which exists in "organisation" in the third paragraph * If the poster has the blue MAPS link, then remove it (slack, aren't I ) * Turn "therapeutic effects of psychedelic drugs" into something like "therapeutic effects of psychedelic substances" * Perhaps turn "(3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, also known as "Ecstasy")" into "(3,4- methylenedioxymethamphetamine-also known as "Ecstasy")" * Perhaps turn "harm reduction model" into "Harm Reduction Model" * Turn "psychedelic drugs and plants" into something like "psychedelic plants and chemicals" So yeah, just small changes really. Nevertheless, I still think they're worth doing. Especially when this sort of thing needs to be as professional as possible.
  10. synchromesh

    Youtube vids

  11. synchromesh

    Bit of a giveaway

    Catnip, please.
  12. synchromesh

    Nostalgia Thread

  13. synchromesh

    Call for public access to overdose treatment

    You know what, Rabael, you remind me of Philip K. Dick... Good on ya, man.
  14. synchromesh

    Shpongle live concert

    Is there anywhere else to get tickets? Ticketmaster are fucking hopeless.
  15. synchromesh

    Shpongle live concert

    Oh, you changed the link. Cheers. edit: As usual, their timing is terrible... One month after the EGA? Bugger off... Yeah, it's pretty decent, hey. How about that instrument which looks like a tortoise shell?
  16. synchromesh

    Self-sustainable homes

    Come on, there must be somebody on this forum with a self-sustainable home...
  17. synchromesh

    Shpongle live concert

    Anybody know when the tickets go on sale?
  18. synchromesh

    Call for public access to overdose treatment

    Sorry for what you've been through, Rabael. It must be really tough.
  19. synchromesh

    Help moderating my pot intake

    An occasional joint is about as addictive as an occasional chocolate bar. As long as somebody doesn't start smoking every day (and sticks to chemical-free outdoor), I don't think they've got anything to worry about.
  20. synchromesh

    Intense Visual Hallucinations

    http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1184509-overviewDid you read through the epilepsy link I posted, Rabael?
  21. synchromesh

    Intense Visual Hallucinations

  22. synchromesh

    Call for public access to overdose treatment

    Interesting article. Like she wasn't (and still isn't) a fully fledged junkie herself... I personally don't believe a word the dog says.
  23. synchromesh

    Intense Visual Hallucinations

    Perhaps you had a micro sleep followed by sleep paralysis? Sleep Paralysis Visions: Demons, Succubi, and the Archetypal Mind
  24. synchromesh

    Entheogenic, Psychoactive & Medicinal Flora

    Only when it hasn't been completely dried.