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Everything posted by cactuscarl

  1. cactuscarl

    pachanoi id

    Yeah I have no idea what #7 is it was sold to me as a tiny pup labelled rosei. I was starting to think it had some scorp in it due to the spine length about 1mm long. Its also got rough skin like a scorp but even more so in fact its quite course.
  2. cactuscarl

    pachanoi id

    Ok so I'm pretty sure none of these are pc. Pics 2 and 6 are about 10-15cm thick. Pics 4 and 5 are the ones I'm most interested in. Pic 7 isn't a pachanoi it is supposed to be either rosei 1 or 2 but I think that maybe wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated Cheers
  3. cactuscarl

    Lophophora williamsii illegal in W.A.

    ^^^^ yes but I think its every state except NSW.
  4. cactuscarl

    Blue Cacti

    Very nice if your keen for a trade I've got some bridgessi for sale have a look through and see if there is anything you like sorry to hijack your thread.
  5. cactuscarl

    bridgessi pack.

    Bump The psycho0 and kai are sold but all the rest are still there.
  6. cactuscarl

    Blue Cacti

    Looks a lot like psycho0 to me but I could be wrong. The spines aren't as long as mine but the plant looks almost identical to the one I put in the ground.
  7. Nice plants man, If I was in a better position financially Id be all over them like a fat kid on cake. Good value works out at about $4 a cactus.
  8. cactuscarl

    WTT/S variegated E. ammak

    Hi all I have some lengths of euphoria ammak up to 90cm that I want to trade for trichocereus or possible other interesting ethnos. I will also sell them if you have nothing to trade. Just pm me if your interested.
  9. cactuscarl

    Lophophora williamsii illegal in W.A.

    If I were you myco I would be ringing around to see if any lawyers will take on your case pro bono. This case might become a high profile case since its the first case to be tried under there new laws. You might get lucky and find a lawyer who will jump at the opportunity to make a name for himself. I just typed pro bono into Google and the second result was a website dedicated to lawyers working pro bono
  10. cactuscarl

    Lophophora williamsii illegal in W.A.

    Damn I thought we could make them feel foolish by pointing out what they have just made illegal and just how ridiculous this law is, turns out they already know they just don't care.
  11. cactuscarl

    bridgessi pack.

    Yeah I'll put them aside for you.
  12. cactuscarl

    bridgessi pack.

    I'll take some tomorrow arvo they are both in great health with no scaring
  13. cactuscarl

    Lophophora williamsii illegal in W.A.

    ^^^^yeah that was my reasoning too. Anyone know for sure?
  14. cactuscarl

    Lophophora williamsii illegal in W.A.

    I'm still trying to get my head around this so I have a few questions Will they test every cacti they took to prove they have mescaline? I would assume they would have to. Does anyone know what it cost to have a cactus tested. Will they test just for the presents of mescaline or an actually percentage Will there be any set limit to make it illegal or will it be any amount? I mean if it's got 0.001% mescaline it would be virtually impossible to produce even enough for a single dose.
  15. cactuscarl

    bridgessi pack.

    SOLD But wait there's more Bridgessi sourced from cactusland 60cm $50 another one sourced from cactusland 35cm $30 I also have a really nice piece of kai and psycho0 both are 45cm $40 each
  16. I've just put all my cacti in the ground so I might order some of that go go juice too or can I get it from places like bunning?
  17. cactuscarl

    Blue Cacti

    I have some really nice pilocereus azureus cuttings up to 80cm which is the bluest cacti I've seen that I would happily trade for trichocereus or other blue cacti
  18. cactuscarl


    I might be keen where abouts are you as id like to pick them up? Pm me if don't want to post your address cheers
  19. cactuscarl

    pollenating rivea

    Hi all I have a rivea corymbosa that's flowering and I'm wondering if they seed easily without any help or if I should go pollenate it? It's going to have maybe 200 flowers, what percent would you expect to flower without pollenating it? Cheers
  20. cactuscarl

    Lophophora williamsii illegal in W.A.

    ^^^^agreed better to fight now than sit back and let them take our cacti one collection at a time. Another idea I had was tell them must prove every cacti they took has masculine. I have very little info on how the law works but that seems like a reasonable argument to me, especially since lop aren't specifically mentioned and hopefully its just to expensive and difficult to prosecute you. That would hopefully work on a couple of levels 1) make it very hard for them to prove. 2) show them how ridiculous and futile a blanket law like this is. 3) you would be using there own law against them.
  21. cactuscarl

    Lophophora williamsii illegal in W.A.

    I feel for you myco, I would probably be arrested in that situation for violently defending my cacti. Some of your plants are so rare and valuable maybe you could try for a collectors exemption since they are endangered. If it doesn't go in your favor see if they could be sent to another state just to stop them being destroyed I know its unlikely but worth a try.
  22. I think the best course of action here would be someone who is way more articulate and well spoken than me write up a list of everything that has just become (theoretically) illegal like saffron cheese wattles brugmania milk ect ect ect. and send it to every news agency in the country one would have to run with it. Add to that list the industries affected by the change. The ignorance and stupidity here is astounding and I think if it is written well with some science and chemistry to back it up we could get a couple of articles printed
  23. cactuscarl

    What did you do to your cacti today?

    Holy shit zelly that thing is f***ing awsome. I'm constantly admiring all the ridiculously cool plants you have to show off but that's awsome its a variegated, monstrose, monstrose also can you tell me the variety of loph that is with the big tufts of hair second from the bottom please?