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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by random

  1. I'll just quote what I just said out loud to myself after reading your reply. *you are fucking awesome*

    Thanks heaps for taking the time to explain that to me and giving some links which I will now go read and attempt to digest, lol, much appreciated! B)

    • Like 1

  2. Thanks for that and the percentages of each, very helpful.

    I suppose the dehydration effect explains my recent nagging headaches and dry mouth, lol

    cheers look forward to the link when you get the chance :)

  3. Just bumping this thread and wondering if the original post-er found any long term benefit with this diet?

    I have started eating like this and literally lost 3kgs in the first 3 weeks just by giving up bread. Not sure if it's had an effect mood-wise but it's only been a few weeks and I haven't been particularly as strict as I should be.

    Since minimising carbohydrates I have found my tolerance to sugar has spiralled and I attempted to eat a chocolate biscuit a few days ago and almost threw up as it tasted so disgustingly sweet and made me feel ill.

    So far I have had a small amount of energy increase and no longer fall asleep during the day or after eating.. which I presume was due to eating carbohydrate-packed meals in the past. (Pasta, potatoes, grains etc)

    Only problem is, I eat hardly any meat and i'm not sure if eating meat twice a week is enough to be useful with this way of eating? Anyone have any ideas about this? (The only red meat I eat is kangaroo meat.)

    I've also minimised my intake of gluten and i'm fairly sure that's helping to make me feel a bit better overall as I was starting to feel sick after eating despite eating minimally processed food as it was, eg I make most things from scratch etc, I don't eat packeted or junk food. Although I did used to eat alot of pasta and rice with vegetables etc..

    Anyway, hopefully someone else can give some more info about this way of eating and whether or not its been successful for them in any way?

    Also is there a minimum amount of meals that should be eaten, eg I generally only eat twice a day and possibly I should be eating more but I really can't be bothered eating half the time, meh.

  4. He also talks about scraping mold off liquid surfaces and not worrying about it, which somewhat unsettles me :huh:

    bahahah, my mother has been doing that for years on unfermented food and hasn't gotten sick from it yet. I on the other hand, would get sick just at the sight of it.

    Possibly it depends if you have guts of steel or not.

    I know of someone who was brought up on a rubbish dump and ate all sorts of stuff til they eventually got hospitalised from food poisoning. However, this person will eat anything and everything, however old or inedible looking and never gets sick from it either. Possibly from early exposure to spoiled food, I have no idea.

    Interesting thread, and I had been reading a little about this lately too, but yet to try to ferment anything myself other than sourdough either.

    Would be great to hear if you have success with it.

  5. My friend Pablo has the same problem, so thanks for the advice Planthelper, oh catha-god. I will heed your advice and inform my own friend Pablo on what to do. Cheers :)

    p.s Sorry for hijack, Illustro!

  6. Kind of a long quote from the Tao Te Ching

    24. EXCESS

    He who stretches

    beyond his natural reach,

    does not stand firmly

    upon the ground;

    just as he

    who travels at a speed

    beyond his means,

    cannot maintain his pace.

    He who boasts

    is not enlightened,

    and he who is self-righteous

    does not gain respect

    from those who are meritous;

    thus, he gains nothing,

    and will fall into disrepute.

    Since striving,

    boasting and self-righteousness,

    are all unnecessary traits,

    the sage considers them excesses,

    and has no need of them.

    • Like 1

  7. Walking barefoot around the garden and tending to my little plant friends

    Making people giggle unexpectedly

    Listening to the owls flirt with each other on the power pole in front of my house (and trying to see them in the dark!)

    Multiple orgasms with a sexy partner

    Sitting beside a window on a cold winters day and watching the rain pour down

    Being able to feel good in the first place.

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