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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by random

  1. random


    *grins* thanks & that place appears to be in SA so thats very cool. Lovely little smooth soft things I want some asap ;-)
  2. random

    Rainbow Serpent Project

    From my brief look it seems awesome, do you have the dvd? Had to be one of your topics HH (!!) , only had a look as saw the words rainbow serpent and thought it was something local *grins* Would be a very interestin watch thats for sure.
  3. random

    Rainbow Serpent Project

    From my brief look it seems awesome, do you have the dvd? Had to be one of your topics HH (!!) , only had a look as saw the words rainbow serpent and thought it was something local *grins* Would be a very interestin watch thats for sure.
  4. An awesome majestic breed of dog sadly tainted by the media and abused by those who would seek to manipulate its drives for a negative purpose. Great link though
  5. random


    Ah sounds like heaven, sitting on a log watching native bees. cool pic too. Would love to see the log with the bees too *grin*
  6. random


    Awesome thread, love it. Has no-one yet mentioned wurdi youang in Victoria? ... Said to pre-date the pyramids?! Damn wish my computer wasn't broken I could post a link and view the pics on here properly.
  7. random

    ADDITIVE ALERT , Food additives and sensitivity

    Oh and where is the unequivocal proof that msg is safe? *taps fingers on the table*
  8. random

    ADDITIVE ALERT , Food additives and sensitivity

    No matter if MSG occurs naturally or not, having it added into food makes me seriously ill, and can turn normally sane children into little bastards..at least in this house There's nothing you can't make from scratch at home anyway and home made food minus the artificial crap tastes a hell of alot better than the processed shit that is for sale at supermarkets... I cringe when I see products like 'white sauce' available in sachets... Probably one of the cheapest most simple sauces to make at home... And minus the beverage whitener they add in the packet stuff !
  9. random


    The pics won't load properly on my mobile so not sure what first pic looks like, but have seen some pink lithops online before. <3 I absolutely adore these little plants. How easily do they grow from seed? And anyone know a good place to get them from in Australia? What I love even more than the look is the feel of them... Like little pets I could just stroke them all day...
  10. magicdirt - "no trees = no humans" its not fucking rocket science Make this into a bumper sticker so I can put in on my car.... The world's so consumed by greed that common sense like the statement above gets tossed out the window.
  11. random

    Kids or No Kids

    aw cute baby. So he's on the internet already and barely born lol naughty daddy. So cute though and congratulations.
  12. random


  13. random

    Mobile login is different?!

    Is there any way to access the profile/status editing function of the forum via mobile? Is there a particular reason this is not available to mobile users? Just wondering as most websites/forums i've visited are also fully accessible in a mobile format.
  14. oh and Pituri is also known as mingulbarr (sp?) and referred to as such still.
  15. I would have thought that disease doesn't float through the air over hundreds of kilometres and infect otherwise healthy people... it would seem more likely in my uneducated opinion that white people/invaders or convicts brought disease through direct contact, not to also forget the mass killings of aboriginal people back in those days, which was indeed unlikely to receive much attention or even be honestly mentioned in historical papers.
  16. Sorry, was unaware it was a plant club talk, the only information I had was what I had given to and posted by herbal_hindsight who kindly posted on my behalf. I'm glad you went though And it would be great if one of these days we could organise something similiar in Adelaide where forum members /ethno interested folk could ask more questions specific to our interests.
  17. random


    ^_^ slightly OT though *apologies*
  18. random


    I don't think that being brought up on any religion is particularly detrimental and indeed I believe that it can open one's mind to the realisation that we are not alone and their is more to this world than one dimension. What I do have a problem with is the organised religion who imposed their beliefs on the unsuspecting eg the christianisation of the Australian Indigenous population that came along with colonisation or as I like to say 'invasion' thereby subsequently causing some to lose their own cultural religious beliefs, many of which could be lost forever...
  19. random

    Proper English

    if tsaht teh csae tehn wyh cna teh hmuna bainr dcepihre jmbudle txte ?
  20. random

    Some good news on GM grains

    After reading this and a few other food related threads here, i'm beginning to believe in conspiracy theories too... o.O
  21. So annoyed I couldn't make it, especially since it is about my main interest.... Micromegas did you make it to the talk or was HH the only one there to represent us forum mob
  22. Intrigueing and disturbing topic & link HH.
  23. random

    Proper English

    From my brief read i've noted that many spelling errors, i do believe u mob are doing it intentionally to piss off the spelling freaks. Mwahahaha!!
  24. random

    Ipomea tricolor?

    This appears to be the same as one i've found recently, is there anything special about it or ? Looks pretty but grows like a weed.
  25. random

    bone & cartilage healing herbs?

    Awesome thread some great info and will be sure to try some of these things for my 'clicking' knees and spine. Gotta love the info gained from this forum!