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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Bert&Ernie

  1. I hate threads like this and I don't hate many things.I know you are peeved alternate but please keep this stuff to the trade rep thread and speak to the mods... I found endor to be pretty cool but it all does seem a little fishy...

    Ann I able to request this thread tip be deleted? I just think things like this shouldnt be so public and there already is a thread for these kind of things. I guess it can be good to let these issues into the open but starting a new thread is not the way to do it.

  2. Well I just saw the giveaway of some giant sunflowers and thought why not have a competition :)

    Rules are pretty much the same as the pumpkin one.... start time is the same and you can use any crazy concoctions that you want.

    The winner will be the one who has the biggest flower pretty simple hey?

  3. as i cant really be bothered writing a page of stuff ill let this youtube vid and webpage explain all this its all very interesting and kinda blew my mind



    "What makes one color different than another? Sure, we can all easily distinguish red from yellow, and we may hold an affinity for some colors more than others. But when we think analytically about the nature of colors, aren't they all essentially the same? Is chartreuse any less of a color than blue just because we may be less familiar with it?

    As it turns out, almost all colors are in fact just as real as any other color--with the exception of purple. Purple is mostly an artifact of the way our eyes and brains perceive colors and try to make sense out of a world which doesn't always make sense. The explanation of what makes purple radically different than say orange is rather easy. As we begin to explore the colors (or more precisely the hues), lets start with something that most of us are familiar with, the standard color wheel."

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