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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Sallubrious

  1. It's just suspicion ATM Thunder, it could be grounded in fact or it could just me putting 2&2 together to get 5.


    If I went to the cops, the guy might flip out and escalate it to regain his mucho macho mojo-ness so he can keep his fragile ego firing on the two cylinders it came with when he bought the penis extension kit Harley.


    I'll question the vet & see what he thinks before I charge in half cocked and step on my neighbours penis enhanced ego, with no evidence (of a penis or wrongdoing) .


    The dog is my main concern ATM. If I engage in neighborhood dispute with this prick we'll both end up on a current affair with cameras pointing into each others yards swearing we are innocent. I don't have the energy to waste on menial minds like that, I'd much rather find solace than justice or retribution.


    I really should stop posting after drinking so much.

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  2. I think the cunt over the back fence is poisoning my dog. Today a half eaten bun came hurtling over the back fence and my dog scoffed it before I could check it out. This arvo he's got diarrhea again. There's no other readily apparent symptoms but it looks like a visit to the vet is in order.

  3. On 25/06/2017 at 10:49 PM, bardo said:

    Hey I don't know much about the mechanics of it all but I believe it is gravity that holds the atmosphere down, maybe its a little like a magnet with lots of little iron shards sticking to it, the ones closer to the magnet are stuck well but as it gets thicker, the further out shards don't stick so well ?


    To elaborate on what Paradox wrote the mass of the earth is said to bend space time and that bend acts on anything with mass (gas molecules etc ) more when they are in close proximity to the object (the earth)  creating that said bend in space time.. So the further those objects are from the large object that's creating that bend in space time the less attraction there is and the less apparent gravity there would seem to be. So objects with minuscule mass (gas) get to a radius where the bend in space time has no effect on them and are no longer drawn in by the rift - a threshold radius if you will.


    The theory works fine on a planetary scale but has a few hiccups if you try to apply it on a quantum level or to an electrical model.


    That's the approved Einsteinian model anyway, if we consider the Tesla model we'd all be building over unity cat/toast free energy devices in our kitchens.


    I've really got to stop buying into these intellectual debates when I'm so drunk. 

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  4. It sounds like you've been through the wringer mate. The last time I heard from you, it was all looking so good for you, so reading what's happened was a bit of a shock.


    I hope you can get back on track.


    All the best mate.

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  5. I have seen one vid where the cops smashed a car window and dragged out a driver who was trying to claim freeman on land as immunity. Chris didn't try anything like he just questioned the validity of the law that the cop who'd pulled him over was acting on.


    As I see it if you try to enforce a law in this country then burden of proof is upon you and Chris was just asking for that proof which he is legally entitled to do. I mean if the validity of the law can't be questioned then we are living in a police state.


    There have been a few vids that document the way the case was handled in court (and another cut of the same vid where the cops footage was shown next the footage from Chris). The videos documenting the way the magistrates acted were even more interesting than the roadside vid. If he would have threatened them with damages in a civil court he would have had a good case because the didn't produce the documents requested before the case and maybe things would have ended differently.




  6. That feeling you get when when you're driving on the freeway on either side of the Hawkesbury river when you drive past one of the "safety ramps" - go-on turn the engine off so the brakes don't work and shove it up there just for the fuck of it.


    It's a bit like picking up a 9v battery, you know it will shock you but it just calls out for you put your tongue on it.


    What's the reasoning there anyway and has anyone ever used one ?


    If your brakes fail do you slam it up the safety ramp at speed in the hope that it gets wedged between the rocks at the top. That would be a win win situation, you'd either be stuck inside the car because you were wedged in & couldn't open the doors or you'd roll back down at high speed backwards into oncoming traffic doing approx 100km.


    Or is there an area at the top where you can go head on "safely" with a tree and not plummet down the other side. ?




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  7. I'm tempted to post a picture of the shoe box I live in. It has every aspect of mindless design incorporated into one fucked up package.


    Windows wind out from the bottom, which lets heat in in summer

    The front door is oriented to miss the prevailing cool afternoon sea breeze and windows don't open far enough to catch it either.

    Living areas get no winter sun or light.

    Bedrooms have zero flow through ventilation.

    There's not one contiguous patch of concrete surrounding the house, it's a slap up patchwork mess with millions of cracks where grass grows through and grows better than it does in the rest of the yard


    I could go on for ages but it would get too depressing to draw attention to every fucked up half arsed mis design aspect of this shit hole.


    Alcohol lessens the impact though, if I drink enough I can quite easily just ignore all the bad points and not give a shit until it wears off.

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  8. It turns out malcolm turncoat fancies himself as a trump impersonator, but only when he thinks it won't be aired publicly.


    All his yes men arse kissers thought it was hilarious at the time, I think it's funny too but not for what he said, the fact he got caught making an international arse clown of himself does it for me.


    Good one king bozo!

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  9. Good luck with the cold showers in this weather. I started when it was warmer and kept it up as the weather cooled down, so it was slow gradual adaptation to the cold. I think the only way I would have considered a cold shower in winter before would have been at gunpoint.


    Now when I get in a cold shower it's a bit of a shock initially but it after about 5 or 6 minutes (I use a shower timer so I'm not kidding myself) it starts to feel like it's warm.

  10. I thought I'd resurrect this thread after following a link @Anodyne posted in another thread and landing here.


    I started practicing the WHM last year. Now I've stopped doing the breathing and I just do the cold showers (most days) I haven't used a drop of hot water in the shower since the beginning of March.


    When I started doing the no breath holds, I would be able to hold it for around one minute on the first cycle and then by the third or fourth cycle I could go for about 2:30 with no breath. My times improved fairly fast and in less than a week I was going for 3:45 + on the last cycle for a no breath hold. One time I went for over 4 minutes with no breath and had threshold DMT experience that was a borderline breakthrough. I saw the chrysanthemum and was pulled through into a tunnel but I never emerged on the other side.


    After that I could never replicate it again, my capacity to hold my breath plummeted and 3:20 was about the longest I ever went again with no breath. I know a few other people who got to a point where they could do a 3 minutes + for no breath hold and then their times started dropping off, so I I dunno what's going on there, maybe motivation is a factor.


    Just the cold showers seem to have boosted my immune system, the rest of my family have been sick several times and nothing has seemed to effect me.

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  11. Yeah they weren't GT's, it was almost 30 years ago but I remember them being 4-7kg or there abouts.


    We also used to dive around where people were rock fishing and it was very common to see clusters of fish 20m away from where people were fishing and none where they had their hooks. It was like the fish had to be either really dumb or shit starving hungry to bite anything on a hook. That was main reason I gave up fishing with a rod & reel.



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  12. I saw an enormous school of Trevally when I was out near seal rocks spearfishing one time. The school was that big we could see it from a few hundred metres away, at first we thought it was a whale. We cruised over to sus it out and when we got there and saw it was fish I took a few pot shots with the spear gun but the fish kept getting knocked off the spear by other fish, so I got the brilliant idea to dive in the water to spear as many as I could. I was getting hit by fish left right and centre (they are a powerful fish) and then I thought to myself, what if there's a shark following the school feeding on them, this could have been a bad move.


    Then I looked up and my diving buddy had fucked off in the tinny following the school trying to run the fish over.It was a nervous few minutes floating around in the deep blue all by my lonesome until he lost interest and came back. I was starting to consider ditching the float and line with all the speared bleeding fish, but I hung on to them and got a few nice ones.


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  13. I used to be a keen fisherman but I gave it away, there was too much water mixed in with the fish.


    Was that Trevally in a school or was it a lone wolf ?

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  14. The U.S.A. is not the name of a country it's the title of the corporation of the United States of America. The act of  1871 created a new constitution and the title was "capitalised" which means ceased or taken control of. They also changed the wording of the title from the united states for America to the United States of America, so the US constitution is many ways a complete fraud that the people of the country never agreed on. The people living there are considered property that can be traded on the stockmarket (chattle) under the UCC laws or commercial codes the corporation is legally bound to.


    . The USA has a president just like any other corporation, countries traditionally had a Prime Minister or some other non corporate title.


    They even have a statue of "Liberty" as a fake sign of freedom. Liberty is a maritime term (UCC law is maritime law) that refers to something that is temporarily granted to a sailor or any other corporate owned entity.


    It's a deep, deep bucket of shit with ties to the lawyers and bankers of London city and some say right back to the vatican.


    There can be no true freedom in world ruled by UCC (which stands in complete opposition to civil and natural law) and an international stock market. We are all chattle and we are all fucked. No boycott of any one link in the chain will make the slightest difference. If the UCC and the stock markets continue to exist in their current form things will quickly return to normal after any minor adjustment (failure of a nation, world war etc etc)

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  15. I was looking on youtube for one of your older vids the other day and I couldn't find it Horus. I kept getting hits for a video game - Colonel Hawk and none of you.


    It was you in your kitchen doing a version of Who do you love. Do you know if it's still on youtube for public view or if it's gone or been made private ect ?

  16. Does the USA make anything we buy anyway ?


    Almost everything we buy comes from China or it's oil from the middle east.


    Our government (turnbull and co) are supporting the USA through our tax dept. Turnbull is implementing massive tax cuts to corporations, so the tax rate here will be 30% while it's 35% in the US. The way US tax laws are structured US corporations will have to pay the difference back in the US.

    Turnbulls multi billion dollar gift to the USA paid for by you.


    That equates to a multi billion dollar gift from Aussie Mums and Dads to the US treasury, but we need to "crack down on welfare" because we supposedly can't afford it.


    What else would you expect when you have a banker running the country. Boycott turnbull and his band of thieves first.

    • Like 11

  17. I send an SOS to the world

    I send an SOS to the world

    I hope that someone gets my

    I hope that someone gets my

    I hope that someone gets my testes in a bottle yeah

    testes in a bottle yeah

    • Like 1

  18. @zed240 - yes you do have to give them your number to set it up. Even though the traffic is sent over the web you still need a phone with a sim card. It won't work in a tablet or phone with no sim card.


    Whatsapp uses the signal protocol but their association with facebook was enough for me to pass on it. If asked by the feds fasebook will give it up like a drunken whore.


    There has been at least one case where the FIB (fuck in bum) subpoenaed open whisper systems (the makers of signal messenger) and they basically got fuck all info because there was fuck all to give them.


    This from http://thehackernews.com/2016/10/signal-messenger-fbi-subpoena.html

    In the article it states that the FIB asked for

    • Subscriber name
    • Payment information
    • Associated IP addresses
    • Email addresses
    • History logs
    • Browser cookie data
    • Other information associated with two phone numbers

    and all they got was












    So other than the phone numbers there's not much data for them to get.


    I can see your point though, if you trust a VPN then that should give you more anonymity. But if you believe the Snowden documents most of them (VPN's)are all cracked now but he's still endorsing this.


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