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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Sheather

  1. Sheather

    New Movie looks interesting "Enter The Void"

    Well, you should be able to get it legit, I think. Not that I condone it, but you could use a torrent to get it. Of questionable legality though...
  2. Sheather

    New Movie looks interesting "Enter The Void"

    I hear that half of it is a DMT trip or something? It does look good. I think the ghost bit is odd though.
  3. Sheather

    Skill Tester

    If you beat this skill tester you should see the victories of others. They are simply amazing. It's best at 1:40, and 1:52
  4. Sheather


  5. Sheather


  6. Sheather


  7. Sheather

    The just-world theory.

    I used to believe that. Going off alphaomega's post, nice/bad, good and evil are all dependant on the viewer. What is good to you may be evil to me, what is good to me may be evil to you, so how to you judge what shit happens to each person? Is there some universal constant that you can compare everything to? And what of bad people who honestly believe they are doing a good thing?
  8. What would you feed them? Just dead insects and bits of foliage? I think it's a great idea, if it's a well made farm then I'm sure you'd have some interest, but I don't know what kind of price to give. If you're building it yourself I'd say very cheap, if you're building to sell, then price should factor in material cost, labour, and then add a little bit. A good design goes a long way.
  9. Sheather


  10. Sheather

    New Member

    Always good to have fresh meat for the grinder. Welcome to the forum AlphaOmega.
  11. Sheather


  12. Sheather

    Bit of a giveaway

    Got them today Heffa! Thanks a lot.
  13. Sheather

    Scary Films

    But David Bowies junk is so shiny and bulging Dale! Haha. Whoever isn't synchromesh, you should probably just ignore this next bit. Uh, saying that I haven't seen the film and that this was what I heard from others does reserve my judgement Synchromesh. How about not getting so damned aggressive, how's that for an idea? I wouldn't bother categorising movies as horror and thriller when they aren't even remotely scaryeither. So yeah, perhaps looking at the original post is a good idea Synch. Seven was not a scary film. There seems little to no point in drawing any line between horror and thriller, as both categories are basically redundant when you are looking for scary.
  14. Sheather

    Scary Films

    Lolwut? I can't say that I have seen paranormal activity, but from reports I have heard, it is anything but scary. Seven is no horror flick either, it was quite enjoyable. Wish I could help you with some flicks, but I avoid horrors like the plague.
  15. Sheather


    Boddhisatva (sp?)
  16. Sheather


    Rock and roll.
  17. Sheather

    Shpongle live concert

    Augh! I despair that neither of those are cities that I live in!
  18. Sheather

    cool clothes site

    I don't think that ever actually happened Thunder...
  19. Sheather

    Bit of a giveaway

    I'd like some Maidenii Heffa, if that is no trouble
  20. Sheather

    cool clothes site

    What's wrong with bestiality Rabaelthazar? You should embrace your quirks, not shun them. Now I need to design a good cloak... That site got me thinking.
  21. Sheather

    cool clothes site

    AMAZING! Do want... Just need moneys now www.topatoco.com is a pretty cool site, if you're a webcomics nerd. (in which case you probably already know of it.)
  22. Sheather


  23. Sheather

    Game swap

    K-mart have Megadrives?!?!?! *runs out of the house*
  24. Sheather


    Moriarty is quite possibly the best character I have ever seen. Watching the third episode had me stupified for 10-15 minutes after it's end.
  25. Sheather


    I am not entirely sure. I was under the impression that there were only three, I will look into it more closely now. More episodes would be amazing, but the end of the third seemed somewhat like a finalé to me. EDIT: Wikipedia says there are only 3. Don't read the article though, spoilers are unmarked and they're pretty important ones, like what happens at the end of the last ep.