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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by fydesvindico

  1. fydesvindico


    no worries guys! happy growing! I was also pretty impressed with the stamps haha, there was a pretty rad little fairy on a big amanita someone would've got
  2. fydesvindico

    A walk through my garden.

    Damn I love checking out other peoples gardens/ plants! awesome collection!
  3. fydesvindico


    all finished now, i've just chucked everyone some freebies as theres too much left over and i've many other things to be organising thanks guys, should have everything posted out this arvo! will pm you once everything's in the post! peace! fyde.
  4. fydesvindico

    any metal heads around?

    hey sapito, cheers. heres the same shit with no drums.. sloppy as! but its an idea! http://soundcloud.co...ut-1-2-no-drums yeah i love me a bit of metal every now and again, not my usual style of music... but its fun! keen for anyones contribution, have so many unfinished tracks/ ideas but can never finish em on my own! edit** and anyone that can write better beat/ breakdowns... dooooo it! i suck haha
  5. fydesvindico

    any metal heads around?

    cheers paradox, yeah i've never really messed around with drum tracks.. its proving to be rather difficult. I've still gotta go in and try to jazz them up more, but not sure if I should bother if I can find someone who will rewrite them all better anyways haha. slybacon, i'll shoot you through a PM, would be rad to mess around with some DnB and metal or whatever!
  6. just some doodles from work... I wouldn't really classify it as art, so thought I may as well try to jazz it up a bit in photoshop
  7. fydesvindico

    Want List

  8. fydesvindico


    Hey guys, wish I could get all of these out for free but i'll have to start charging ya for postage sorry, otherwise SSAE is fine. cheers. Updated list Acacias: 3 - maidenii 3 - acuminata 4 - melanoxylon 1 - concurrens and leiocalyx mix (25 seeds in each) 7 - podalyriifolia (25 seeds each) Veggies: (most seeds from my garden) 1 - spring onion 1 - beetroot 1 - parsley 2 - rocket 2 - coriander 4 - oregano 4 - lettuce (sativa) 2 - sage 2 - rosemary Tomatos: 1 - Roma
  9. fydesvindico


    Updated list Acacias: 3 - maidenii 4 - acuminata 0 - floribunda 4 - melanoxylon 10 - concurrens and leiocalyx mix (25 seeds in each) 11 - podalyriifolia (25 seeds each) other ethnos: 1 - mugwort (around 30 - 50 seeds each) 0 - lobelia inflata (viability unknown) 0 - unknown sp. (cooperi i think) 0 - phalaris arundinacea (about 50+ seeds each) Veggies: (most seeds from my garden) 2 - spring onion 2 - beetroot 2 - parsley 2 - thyme 2 - dill 2 - rocket 2 - coriander 4 - oregano 4 - lettuce (sativa) 2 - sage 2 - rosemary 1 - minette basil Tomatos: 5 - tiny tim/ tommy toe/ tumbling tom (lycopersicon esculentum) 1 - Roma Broccoli: 2 - green (oleracea var italica) 2 - purple (brassica oleracea)
  10. fydesvindico


    updated list: Acacias: 4 - maidenii 6 - acuminata 1 - floribunda 5 - melanoxylon 2 - nilotica 12 - concurrens and leiocalyx mix (25 seeds in each) 12 - podalyriifolia (25 seeds each) other ethnos: 3 - mugwort (around 30 - 50 seeds each) 1 - lobelia inflata (viability unknown) 2 - unknown delosperma sp. (cooperi i think) 1 - phalaris arundinacea (about 50+ seeds each) Veggies: (most seeds from my garden) 2 - spring onion 2 - beetroot 2 - parsley 2 - thyme 2 - dill 2 - rocket 2 - coriander 4 - oregano 4 - lettuce (sativa) 2 - sage 2 - rosemary 2 - minette basil Tomatos: 5 - tiny tim/ tommy toe/ tumbling tom (lycopersicon esculentum) 2 - Roma Broccoli: 2 - green (oleracea var italica) 2 - purple (brassica oleracea) 1 - geometric (romanesco)
  11. fydesvindico


    haha yeah, oh well.. everything would have been red in the end anyways, silly on my behalf!
  12. fydesvindico


    edited list (don't worry about the red)
  13. fydesvindico

    Unknown fruit

    hey all, was out walking today and found these scattered all over a rainforest floor, I swear I know them, but nothing comes to mind at all... having trouble finding anything online also, so if someone could help us out that'd be great! Unfortunately I couldn't see the plant from which they came, only found them all over the ground.. They smell fruity, i'm hoping they're edible. *edit* they're around the size of a golf ball
  14. Hey guys, found this on the road a few weeks ago while out for a walk. was thinking trichocereus bridgesii monstrose? had quite a bit of rot (was originally allot longer) but have managed to selvage what I could and its chucking out some new growth now. lettuce know what ya think. cheers! (dodgy pics sorry)
  15. fydesvindico

    One for the Chilli lovers

    can't pass up on those Naga Jolokias! PM'ed
  16. fydesvindico

    Post your track of the day

    ooooo I like aix em klemm! reminds me a bit of Ben Frost (below). cheers for the suggestions, looks like i have a few hours of listening to catch up on
  17. fydesvindico

    Post your track of the day

    I love your taste in music qualia!! you helped me find these guys, i really enjoy them! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58bWbmFHep4
  18. fydesvindico

    trichocereus bridgesii monstrose?

    lovely, yeah wasn't too sure about the 'monstrose' cheers guys!
  19. fydesvindico

    Plant ID??

    I second Vaul on that one.
  20. fydesvindico

    Post a random picture thread

  21. fydesvindico

    Unknown fruit

    haha, i was just on that page, i'm leaning towards that idea also
  22. fydesvindico

    Acacia Maidenii

    she looks good mutant! has a bit of size to her... and still popping out a few bipinnate leaves, beautiful. have those acuminatas been grown from cuttings? or just had a bit of a trim up?
  23. fydesvindico

    Unknown fruit

    yeah I thought that at first, though the lilly pilly's i'm familiar with only contain one seed and are smaller than these... found this though, Fruits are succulent or fleshy and usually contain one seed except in Syzygium paniculatum. The seeds have two cotyledons which, on germination, become the first two leaves of the new plant. but the fruit look nothing alike. i'll keep looking though, surely i'll find something. maybe its a sort of fig.
  24. fydesvindico

    Acacia Maidenii

    So it's been about a year since I sowed these seeds now, hows everyone else's progress coming along? of the all the maidenii's I had, I've 5 left in pots (3 pictured) and only 1 acuminata (left of pic) as it got a bit damp and cold where I am this winter me thinks. from what I've learnt; soil doesn't really seem to have much of an impact on the speed of growth with the maidenii's. I tried a few different soil combinations to see what would come of them, and well... the one pictured far right is just growing in typical garden soil (nothing added) which is of a rich volcanic type, the 2nd from the right is a mixture of that same soil and purchased native mix from bunnings, 3rd from the right is just the native mix with added perlite and peat, as is the acuminata on the left. The acuminata's that were planted in garden soil didn't work out so well, but thats a different story. I've had similar results with others that've now been returned to their natural habitat, growing in other mixes consisting of bark, course sand and cheap purchased soil among other mixtures. so It doesn't really matter what these things grow in, they're pretty amazing in that aspect. I have noticed however that they do require adequate root space, as others that've had repotting delayed have extremely stunted growth of that compared to others that were repotted when necessary (and those planted in the ground). anyways, excuse the quality of this photo as some wanker recently stole my D90 out of my car (which wasn't covered by insurance either!) so the camera phone will have to suffice for now. I would like to see how everyone else's seedlings are doing! Peace!