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Posts posted by somnif




    somnif, doesn't netscape6 use the Mozilla core?



    Netscape 6.2.3 is based on Mozilla 0.9.4

    which is ancient. Any version 6.x earlier than

    this should be thown out right away as they are

    notoriously buggy. Actually, throw out any version

    6.x as there is absolutely no reason to continue

    to run them.

    I just see that Netscape 7.02 has been released

    which is based on Mozilla 1.0.2.

    This is sort of the problem for Netscape, you

    see Mozilla is currently at version 1.2.1 with

    the latest beta at version 1.3 (It has got some

    funky new features such as spam filterer on the

    email side etc.)

    The other negative about using Netscape over

    Mozilla was that it was packaged with AOL branding

    (AOL Instant Messenger (aka AIM) (hmmm, an acronym

    within an acronym, how very postmodern) ) However

    in January of this year they released a version

    of Netscape which is AOL free.

    I run Mozilla on a 500 mhz Pentium without any

    performance complaints. I have no noticeable

    problems with bugs or random crashes.

    The major feature which draws me towards it is

    Tabbed Browsing; I have the browser configured so

    that if I click on a link while pressing the

    Control key it will open a new tab and load that

    page in the background while I continue to read

    whatever I was reading. The downloadable themes

    are also nice as well as being able to stop pop-up


    Here is a Windows download (11 meg) for Mozilla

    1.2.1 which is the current stable release:

    http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/releases/mozilla1.2.1/mozilla-win32-1.2.1-install er.exe://http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/...-install er.exe://http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/...-install er.exe://http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/...-install er.exe://http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/...-install er.exe://http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/...-install er.exe://http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/...-install er.exe://http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/...-install er.exe://http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/...-install er.exe

    For some history behind Netscape and Mozilla have

    a look at:


    [ 01. March 2003, 06:12: Message edited by: somnif ]




    So you will either need to compromise your browser loyalty, or complain to eccles...


    Or perhaps take a moment and upgrade (if you have

    the computing power) to a more recent and better

    browser (and by this I certainly don't mean

    Internet Explorer)

    The site works with Mozilla (www.mozilla.org),

    and when I get a chance I'll try it with Opera


    Both these browsers have Tabbed Browsing, and

    once you have experienced Tabbed Browsing there

    is no going back.

  3. Thelma,

    Sort of based of your comments in the "Alcohol

    Alternatives" thread and observations I have made

    for my own experience:

    1. Abruptly stopping drinking after doing it

    fairly hard for a week or more certainly increases

    the "head noise" along with vivid black and white

    dreams etc. Sort of the mini DTs I guess.

    2. B-12 deficiency for whatever reason (N2O;

    pernacious(sp?) anemia; less than great diet)

    seems to bring along thoughts similar to what

    you have mentioned here.

    Injectable (IM though SC works well also)

    Neo-Cyanocobalamin is available OTC at chemists

    at least here in Victoria.

    3. Abruptly stopping all sorts of substances

    include Caffiene has thrown me into similar states.

    Of course the chances are that this is not

    applicable to you at all - it might give you

    some clues however.

    [ 27. February 2003, 20:05: Message edited by: somnif ]




    considering that people have been known to inhale/spray the butane lighter fuel, straight from the can, without serious short term consequences...


    And considering that people have also done this with

    fairly dire short term consquences... :confused:

    I am not saying there is any problem with using

    butane as an extraction solvent, just that I don't

    think your analogy is correct.

  5. Sort of on topic:

    Listening to the radio last week (Local ABC

    station) and they had someone talking about the

    hazards of "Chop-Chop" which I understand to be

    illegal, under the counter tobacco.

    Supposedly this tobacco is sold by weight,

    therefore it is often made wet before sale to

    increase profit.

    This can cause a toxic fungus to grow with-in the

    tobacco, which is inhaled in the form of spores by

    the unsuspecting smoker. She claimed that there had

    been four cases in Sydney due to this fungus - the

    people present with fairly vauge but severe lung

    problems etc.

    She also went onto say that there was evidence

    that the chop-chop producers were adding fungacide

    to their product to avoid the above problem but

    were potentially causing other problems.

    For all I know, this is a scare put forward by

    either Philip Morris or the Tax Department - can

    anyone verify this information?

    Anyone got any information if these crops are

    diverted from supposedly commerical plantations

    or are they specifically grown to become


    Chop-chop has increased in price dramatically

    due to the drought. Perhaps I should be flogging

    off some of gomaos' Virginian I have out the back

    to the under-age school kiddies hanging out the

    front on the Milk Bar?

    [ 25. February 2003, 03:59: Message edited by: somnif ]




    Has anyone else noticed that if you put stuff in those angle brackets as a piss-take on HTML code the software doesn't include it?


    Opps, I have been doing in a few posts; I wonder

    what strangeness has been produced. Too scared to

    go and look back. Thanks for the tip DL.




    gudang garams...


    These were the first cigarettes I ever purchased

    a pack of. These were also the last cigarette I

    ever purchased a pack of.

    For a nicotine naive user such as myself, combining

    the numbing effect of the cloves with the strength

    of these smokes caused me to have what I can only

    regard as a nicotine overdose after quickly smoking

    down two of these. Sweating, dizzyness, tremors.

    Really unpleasant. Talking about unpleasant...

    (my first tobacco experience was when I was eight

    and I chewed and *ate* a couple of Malborough (sp?)

    Red cigarettes which I found in my brothers room

    (I had heard about chewing tobacco somewhere) -

    felt very weird 10 minutes later, 15 minutes later

    I had distinct case of mouth projectilesis...)

    (my second tobacco experience was with some 10 year

    old+ cigars I found at the bottom of a draw.

    Attempting to smoke stale cigar in a cigarette

    manner is not a recipe for further exploration)

    Needless to say, I don't smoke tobacco now.




    My government did come through and provide 5 of the 6 rare peppers I asked for


    Wow, your government supplies you with rare peppers?

    {Perhaps there is a pepper agenda behind all this

    Iraq mischief? Perhaps their search for chemical

    weapons is really for misiles containing rare

    capsicum concentrate?)


    Sounds like a good project; anyhow, what section

    of your government have you been dealing with?

    And how did this capsicum obsession come about



  8. On-Lucid, you should very much prefer to purchase

    locally rather than import. Also read my above

    post where I recommend caution in purchasing

    locally :P

    (with out taking the time to look up the act;

    reciting from memory...)

    The Customs Act has a clause in which it is

    essentially stated that they can prosecute for any

    Direct Precursor to a scheduled substance as if it

    was the scheduled substance itself.

    Their interpretation of Direct Precursor would be

    'proven' by a written statement by a professional


    I haven't looked lately, but I do recall some

    1,4-BD -> GHB reactions probably via GBL; yep

    here we have one:


    Also be aware that they will also probably do a

    'Controlled Delivery' so that they can attach you

    to the import and throw a posession charge at you

    also (actually, I don't think they could do that

    as 1,4 isn't explicitly scheduled - they'll

    probably just be creative and throw something like

    a conspiricy to manufacture a scheduled substance?)

    So after they have searched through your (parents)

    home to see what other mischief you've been up to,

    (and in the process uncovered dirty magazines which

    you'd hidden one evening many years ago in a burst

    of Catholic guilt and had eventually forgotten

    existed) you explain to them that you were only

    importing the substance to clean your CDs.

    "Ah ha," Mr. Law Enforcement Officer says to

    himself, making a note that you have admitted to

    being the 'sponser' (I think that is the legal

    term) of the package. His job is now much easier.

    Imagine what else they might uncover in your home.

    Shit, in Queensland (mostly due to an anti GHB

    media campaign BTW) there is a law which

    explicitly prohibits the posession of documents

    describing illegal drug synthesis!

    You think this is unfair and wish to fight it?

    Then be aware that if you fail to win, you will

    be up for costs incurred by Custsoms in prosecuting

    you (same if you plead guilty, but they would be

    significantly less I'd imagine). The rules for

    Customs in the court are a little different also,

    in that the extent to which they have to prove

    that you in fact imported the substance (ie. they

    do not have to show to the extent of Beyond

    Reasonable Doubt)

    The Customs act used to state that you could be

    convicted if you "knowingly or recklessly" imported

    a prohibited substance, but under the guise of

    hardening up our importation laws for the Sydney

    Olympics the scope for convictions was broadened

    significantly (not sure what the exact wording is

    off the top of my head)

    So imagine that you've either been found guilty

    or pleaded guilty - forget any overseas travel to

    the 'states (and various other places) as you have

    a conviction for importing what they regard as a

    Schedule I substance (remember your ultimate charge

    is of Importing GHB, not 1,4-bd).

    At least you can tell your friends that you were a

    'Mister Big' if you tried to bring in over a litre

    (have a look at:

    http://scaleplus.law.gov.au/html/pastereg/.../0/PR000080.htm ) :




    4-Hydroxybutanoic acid (GHB)


    Commerical quantity 1.0kg


    Trafficable quantity 2.0g


    Since the United States Government went after

    Daniel Pelchatt (have a look at the propagana:


    http://ca.news.yahoo.com/020919/6/p1z5.html ) I

    legit suppliers are much harder to come


    I am not saying that the above would be your

    experience if you decided to import, just that

    you should be aware that it is a possible outcome

    which you should take steps to avoid.

    BTW if you do happen to find yourself in a

    situation similar to above, follow this golden

    rule: Say nothing about the matter until you have

    seen a lawyer. Actually, I'll put it in bold as

    it will save you so much grief:

    Say nothing about the matter until you have

    seen a lawyer.

    Oh, and get a lawyer who knows their shit, ie.

    not someone who spends most of their time setting

    up trusts for rich arseholes.




    One forum member had a real bad experience with cops turning up and turning his place upside down, just because he tried to import GHB precursors.


    Wonder if we can get him to post his story?

    Poor thing; though I hear he fought the case hard

    an managed to mostly get off with no conviction due

    to exceptional circumstances - however this was

    before the substance had been demonised as being

    a Date Rape Drug and having no medical value (I

    have a clipping from a Sunday Herald Sun (ie

    very conservative paper) from around 1997

    where a medical advice column written by Dr. Wright

    recommends GHB as a successful treatment for

    alcoholism - so true!)

    Pity there weren't resources such as SAB and EA

    forums when she decided to take the plunge.

    Praise the forums, use 'em wisely!

    [ 15. February 2003, 06:37: Message edited by: somnif ]

  9. I enjoyed the documentary and have recommended it

    to many but I find his style is a tad manipulative.

    That sequence which ended with the World Trade

    Center comming down was probably one of the most

    emotive bits of editing I have ever seen (though,

    everything he stated was correct of course)

    I reckon what he has done is tailored his ideas

    so that they are suitable to be digested by an

    American audience; ie radical(?) message disguised

    as entertainment.

    Highly recommended.

  10. The Penis Cactus is Trichocereus bridgesii var


    This page has a litte bit of information on it:


    I wonder when they say:




    Sold for ornamental value only


    If they are refering to eating or using it as

    a sexual aid (or perhaps eating it as a sexual


    Interesting that they have a couple of types of

    this one, by their definition I think that the

    one I own is the "clumping" variety as is the

    picture below rather than the "penis" variety.

    Here is a picture of one of Adrian's from the EA



    Adrian, did you get yours from Garden World also?




    It was my understanding that the ANZUS treaty was defunt...




    Only the New Zealand side of the treaty is invalid..


    Australia, New Zealand, United States=="ANZUS"

    Since we have got rid of New Zealand from it,

    with a touch of Juggling we get:

    United States, Australia=="USA" :)

    Now that makes sense, doesn't it.

  12. What is interesting is this is seemingly in no

    way good for Howard electorally. Anyone who has

    followed Howard's maneuvers over the years would

    be aware that most anything he does is purely for

    electoral reasons - this man is poll driven. For

    him to break this in such a drastic way for the

    septic yanks just shows the hold they have over us.

    The idea of him slinking over next week to get his

    next set of instructions off baby Bush is so

    humiliating and condescending towards Australians

    that I could imagine it being an image that he

    never recovered from.

    I just hope that the media plays it for everything

    it is worth.

    Listen to this quote if you want to suck on a bit

    of Bush-Howard dualism:




    Mr Owens (US deputy chief of mission in Canberra)


    was "expressing the view that because Labor has accused John Howard of deceit in relation to


    deployment of the troops, that that is the same


    thing as calling President Bush a liar"




    To the embarrassment of the US, a report yesterday which was traced back to its Canberra embassy suggested that a formal complaint had been lodged about ALP criticism of Mr Bush, amid US charges that the Opposition was damaging the alliance and fanning "anti-Americanism".


    This is just so fricking outrageous. To call Howard

    a liar is to call Bush a liar? To criticize Howard

    for deceitfully sending our troops over to a war

    which has nothing to do with us is anti-American?

    Again, this is just so fricking outrageous.

    Everyone should go out and see 'The Quiet American'

    for an insight into the US attitude towards foreign


    Even more ranting from me in this thread:


    [ 08. February 2003, 03:33: Message edited by: somnif ]

  13. Torsten:

    He's an ethnobotanist, not a botanist.


    If it is who I am thinking of...

    I am pretty sure he has studied botany at some

    point; anyhow since the manuscript has been in the

    works for over 10 years, it probably should be

    looked over by someone with a grasp of the latest

    twists and turns in taxonomic terms.

    It really would be a great publication to see the

    light of day (I had just about given up) -

    meticulously referenced, it will make an excellent

    reference book for Australian ethnobotany; much

    more of an academic work than a 'scene book'.

    [ 07. February 2003, 04:27: Message edited by: somnif ]

  14. quote:

    so is everyone here so serious?

    [cautious mode]

    Not serious, just cautious. Much better that

    people are aware of the legal status of acts

    that they might be considering pursuing than


    [/cautious mode]

    Once I'd've considered posting suspicous parcels

    containing white power to politicians I didn't

    like but now days it would probably cause an

    Anthrax scare

    [ 06. February 2003, 23:07: Message edited by: somnif ]




    A few years ago I had 11 demerit points...


    Ouch, ouch, ouch. That is most informative.

    Personally I can almost stomach the fines thrown

    at me, (I have a high tollerance due to once having

    regularish parking fines which were excessive ie

    $50 for overstaying a 2 hr zone) but the points

    really hurt.

    I considered purchasing a Radar detector (could

    be legally sold in Western Australia and Queensland

    if I recall correctly)

    But then I discovered that Radar Detector Detectors

    are a real thing, (radar detectors like many

    recievers also transmit noise above and below the

    frequency being recieved - each commercial radar

    detector model has a particular spectrum

    fingerprint which can be detected by the Radar

    Detector Detector) and the penalties for being

    caught with one in Vic were big.

    I also didn't like the idea of cop stopping me and

    searching through my car in search of the Detector.

    http://www.radarlaser.com.au/raddetdt.htm has

    some information about Radar Detector Detectors

    and the site in general is pretty interesting

    (though they are trying to flog their RD's so

    keep that in mind when reading their claims)

    [ 05. February 2003, 21:15: Message edited by: somnif ]

  16. CS,

    ('praps you don't know the answer to these but

    my curiousity prys)

    So who determines where the Camera car is going to

    sit - obviously there are a number of 'usual'

    locations where the car is placed, but is he

    scheduled for a specific location for a specific

    time. If he is scheduled, any idea how far ahead

    of time he knows?

    Know the feeling about one demerit point - makes

    you drive *very* carefully (almost shat myself

    when a cop decided to flash his red'n'blue lights

    from behind me last night at 3am - just passing

    by me though)

    BTW CS ever considered that you have an excess of

    close relative in LEOish roles?

  17. Just making sure that everyone realises that

    the story I posted above is a repost of CS's

    which he posted on Usenet a few years back -

    nothing to do with me.




    I've always wanted to be in movies too.


    i could be a bad dude or a rebel who fights the government or something....


    Ah yes, a Billy Jack type character - ever seen

    those series of movies? Sometimes appear on TV

    very late at night.




    The police now have my computer and I wont be getting it back. Ever.


    What the police though of that post if they happened

    to read it, I hate to think.

    Anyway, while we are reposting your stuff...




    Queen of The Damned Trip Report (wasn't gonna be long but ended up like that)


    Ok im just about all typed out but some might find this a bit interesting.


    The sequel to "Interview with the Vampire" is currently being filmed where i


    live. They are calling it Queen of The Damned but basing it on the second


    book (The Vampire Lestat). Anyways at the moment they're filming the Death


    Valley concert scene so I thought i'd sign up as an extra and mosey on down


    with some psychedelics


    I had a scan through my suitcase (for those that have seen my suitcase it


    has since been updated with a HUGE variety of drugs) and decide i would take


    some LSD and make some cigarettes (got one of the little machines)


    consisting of Pot , Damiana Herb , lionstail , Mugwort and Salvia Divinorum.


    The concert was last Friday night and everything was being kept hush-hush.


    Basically they were filming at a very secret loction (absoloutley Nobody


    knew where it was) and those that signed up were simply given the address of


    a warehouse where we could all meet and then would be transported on buses


    to the filming location. I got dressed up in black pvc pants put on a tight


    tshirt made of stocking material and a black pvc trenchcoat along with boots


    makeup jewellery etc so I would look immensely inconspicuous when I got


    there (funny that) and jumped on some public transport with a friend. It


    took about an hour an a half to get to the warehouse and that was an hour


    and a half filled with stares and jeers from the rednecks and yobbos that


    populate my area and there are a hell of a lot. When we got there we had to


    line up with hundreds of goths and weirdos so we could be frisked by


    security and i though it would be a good time to drop the cid. I knew if I


    was frisked the cigarettes would be found but there was no possibilty that


    anyone would know that they weren't real cigarettes. I didn't have any


    troubles once I got to the security guards because I got pulled out of the


    line by a reasonably good looking female security guard and she basically


    just asked if I had any contraband (recording devices , drugs , alcohol


    etc.) and then proceed to pat down my back pockets , then she patted down my


    back pockets again and the once more for good measure


    I jumped onto the nearest bus , all in all there were about 10 shabby


    looking buses and all the bus drivers seemed to be scared out of their minds


    that the weirdos they were transporting might suck their blood or something.


    I sat at the back with my friend and we left. After about half an hour of


    driving it became very clear that this secret location was well out of the


    city limits and we were heading to a remote country town somewhere. Heres


    where it started to get a little fucked up: The acid had long ago started


    working it's magic and I was having a great time talking to complete


    strangers on a bus filled with some of the most interesting looking freaks


    around when we noticed we had been driving down this desolate country road


    for some time. I looked up to the bus driver and he wasn't looking good at


    all. Eventually we pulled over to the side of the road and it became


    apparent that we were completely lost. All mobile phones had been left at


    the warehouse as they could not be used on the set and the bus had no radio.


    I went up to the bus driver and said "show me the map" and get ready for


    it...........................................HE DIDN'T FUCKEN HAVE ONE! All


    he had been given was a bit of paper with stupid directions like : drive


    down this road for about 7km.


    We were absoloutely in the middle of nowhere , a good hour or so from the


    city , no maps , no communication with the outside world , nothing (cept a


    head filled with acid). I started panicking , we were lost and we had no


    idea where to go , my mind started to freak on me and i stood up and shouted




    THIS BUS!!!!! A bus full of confused and frustrated goths all focused there


    attention on me everything was turning to shit when my extremely quick


    witted and intelligent friend created a diversion by standing up , throwing


    his fists in the air and shouting "POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!!!" This worked


    amazingly well and basically just made everyone think we were a couple of


    dickheads. He pulled me down and started calming me and trying to soothe me


    letting me know that it was going to be ok. Suddenly someone spotted another


    bus in the far distance , I shouted "follow that bus!!!" and we took off.


    It took a while but eventually we caught up and it turns out the secret


    location was in a HUGE quarry in a town called werribee (country town in


    Victoria , Australia) even from the gate it was a good couple of miles to


    the filming location.


    I walked around and scoped out the scene , they had a large number of


    catering buses with some delicious looking food so i dived in. I wasn't at


    all hungry but the aroma of the food and it's texture were practically


    calling out to me. I ate loads of food then walked around and started to


    talk to people. It was a crazy environment , it would be weird enough


    looking at these people without the LSD but it was working wonders. The


    faces of people would morph and swirl as I spoke to them , I would touch


    peoples faces but no-one seemed to mind , everything was pleasant ,


    everything was positive and felt great. I felt amazing.


    As the sun was setting filming started, the cameras filmed us as we walked


    to the set where the concert would be.


    I was completely blown away. The set was amazing , there were 4 metallic


    pillars on both sides of where the audience was to be which shot big balls


    of flames randomly , the stage was covered with large jagged silver


    triangular ice-berg looking thingies and on both sides of the stage there


    was a huge golden egyptian statue , one was a jackal and the other was a


    huge eagle-bird-type-thingy. The set looked amazing and was a perfect and


    mind blowing setting.


    The guy on stage ran us through what he wanted us to do while they filmed


    and the guy who was playing Lestat walked out.


    This was eerie , he almost looked exactly like Brandon Lee.


    His fake band to play fake music while he was fake singing came out also.


    Becky Mavis (of the mavis's) was playing fake keyboards and this blew me


    away. I have met her a couple of times and consider her to be mind-blowingly


    gorgeous. Also on stage was the guitarist from the Mavis's and John Farnhams


    son (LOL).


    They ran us through a quick rehersal of the song Lestat was too sing and to


    my amazement it was actually Jonathan Davis (Korn) singing. Here I was in a


    crowd of goths watching Brandon Lee sing with the voice of Jonathan Davis ,


    It was fucking cool!


    damn im going into a hell of a lot of detail here. sorry guys.


    Anyways Lestats band would walk out , followed by Lestat and fake roadies


    would run around plugging in fake instruments. the crowd roared as he took


    the mic. He would start to sing and the crowd would throw their fists into


    the air in time with the music. Everytime the music would hit a peak balls


    of flame would shoot from the pillars and caress my face with warmth , the


    music was almost rythmic and i was close to being in some sort of trance


    "I see hell in your eyes"


    "Taking me suprise"


    "Kissing you makes me die inside"


    or something like that anyway , i can hardly remember.


    Stunt crowd surfers would be passed over my head as cameras swept in and out


    and over the crowd. Helicopters flew over us filming the crowd from afar.


    Lestat was great up on stage he fulfilled the rockstar persona to the




    I turned around and saw a guy dressed as the devil. Now he was really


    looking like the devil he had the facial hair and everything. I said to him


    "Hello devil" he said "Hi" i told him he was on my real list and that I was


    inspired to surf the crowd along with the other stuntmen and stuntwomen. He


    gave me a leg up and I was thrown forward. Flames shot out and filled me


    with warmth as my entire body was handled by hundreds of strange hands , the


    experience was almost orgasmic. Cameras swept over my body less than a


    2metres above me and as I was passed forward I could see right into the eyes


    of lestat. Suddenly the crowd gave way and I plummented onto the crowd but


    managed to stand up and throw my hands into the air. People were applauding


    me and complete strangers would come up to me and mutter odd things. I


    scanned through the crowd and managed to find my friend. I was starting to


    freak out because they were basically shooting the exact scene over and over


    and over again only ever making it halfway through the song. I felt like I


    was trapped in some sort of bizzarre time loophole and things were getting


    extremely fucked up. i told my friend I didn't think we could break out of


    this time loop and he dragged me out of the crowd and we sat in the dirt and


    chilled for a while. He talked total reason with me , explained everything


    and helped me to calm down yet again. Shortly after we were able to return


    back to the crowd.


    I was in the crowd again this time they were only filming what was on stage


    so I was able to have a good social experience with everyone else there. I


    would talk to complete strangers and people would gather around and feed off


    of me listening intently as psychobabble spat forth from my mouth. I lit a


    cigarette (joint) and passed it around. Everyone was extremely grateful for


    the smoke , we all chilled out and things were very peaceful. A girl that


    was there announced to me that her breasts were a D cup so i held them and


    said "Yes! yes they are."


    I put my arms around the girl and this is when something extremely fucked up




    I am grossed out EXTREMELY easy , even everyday things that might resemble


    something a bit gross like a wart or a cyst or something I have extreme


    issues with.


    I was rubbing her back up and down when I noticed that my hands were sort of


    covered in this warm wet gooey creamy sort of substance. She looked at me


    and said simply "Oh , I think you may have burst a blister or






    I freaked out my brain started to have spasms , my heart was pounding deep


    inside my chest , i wanted to run , so I did.


    I ran and I ran until I reached the porta-potties , I threw myself inside


    and locked the door. I turned on the tap and scrubed and scrubbed and then I


    scrubbed some more. Then I scrubbed my face and looked in the mirror , I was


    amazed at my reflection , I looked very different. I had mascara running


    down my cheeks and my pupils were huge.


    I touched the mirror , it felt so smooth.


    I must have spent the next half hour or more locked in that porta-pottie


    just looking into the mirror , crying (complete happiness) and thinking. The


    peak was coming to an end and I knew there was not much left but I thought


    it was best to spend the last few moments on my own.


    I sat on the toilet and had some amazing reflections on my life. Everything


    seemed so beautiful and I was actually filled with hope for the world , for




    When I finally emerged from the porta-pottie there were people waiting there


    that must have been waiting for some time. I hugged them and told them it


    would all be ok.


    On my way back to the set I smoked another joint , I was feeling very


    relaxed and very at peace.


    They were still shooting the same scene , Lestat was still up on stage


    singing with the voice of Johnathan Davis and they were still cutting at


    half the song.


    I wondered if i would ever hear the whole song or if I would have to wait


    until the movie was released.


    By this stage so many hours had passed and it was absoloutely freezing cold.


    I found 2 girls that I knew and snuggled comfortably between them as they


    wrapped their arms around me.


    My moments were spent longing for the pillars to shoot more balls of flames


    so I could be warmed by them.


    Im gonna have to end this real soon and im doubting anybody bothered to even


    read this far but basically the shooting went through till about 6am in the


    morning. Some highlights were when they hooked lestat up to some stunt


    rigging and he flew down from the sky to be on stage and when the actors


    were having a break they brought out some real bands that played terrible


    cheesy goth music , oh and a big highlight was when they got Johnathan Davis


    on the phone and we all sang "I fucking hate you" to him and he said "I


    fucking hate you to" (he's a sweet guy). I spent a few hours lying in the


    dirt cuddled up to about 5 other people trying to get warm but these were


    filled with almost fully awake dreams of an unusual nature.


    We all got on buses at about 6:30am and traveled back to the city, it was a


    fantastic experience and im looking forward to the release of the movie.


    Akasha will be played by Aliyah and the movie will also feature Vincent


    Perez and Len Olin.


    thats about it for my vampire trip report , sorry it's so fucking long but I


    got side tracked and just couldn't stop typing (yes i am indeed on drugs


    right now!)




    [ 01. February 2003, 23:38: Message edited by: somnif ]

  19. Back when legal, I used to use GHB as a study

    drug. I would use it in a manner to cause a

    sharp sleep/wake cycle; say 5 hours of intense

    study, followed by 3 hours of deep sleep.

    This was purely for cramming reasons to pass

    exams and it worked really well for the purpose.

    Strangely, the information learnt seemed to pour

    out of my head onto the page during the exam,

    but was never to be recalled again. And yet I

    know the words to the Brady Bunch Theme (which

    in turn, causes me to recall an episode of Happy

    Days in which someone crammed for an exam by

    remembering song...oh my brain digresses....)

    What I am trying to say is, as Rev said, that you

    need to excersise your memories for them to

    remain around for the long term.

    For some reason, the sleep seems to cause the

    retention of what has been studied into a longer

    term memory.

    Rather than any drug, I think that technique is

    most important in absorbing and recalling

    information. A few simple visualisation techniques

    and developing a method of condensing information

    which I wanted to learn into a few essential ideas

    did wonders for me.

    As for remembering peoples names, I am a complete

    failure :D

    [ 30. January 2003, 07:22: Message edited by: somnif ]
