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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by myco

  1. wait what ?..... :scratchhead:

    as far as i know any plant coming into W.A. has to be properly treated and have correct documentation regardless of what it is

    one thing that might make sense as to why he said this is this the cactusland as the website becausee he does provide treatment

    maybe that's why he said he could

    it seems wrong though especially with the new laws regarding seed even

    i'd love to know if we can get anything though i've seen a few plants on ebay lately i wish i could have bid on haha

  2. partly for me its just overall looks you start to get an eye for these things after a while

    as well as the fact that it came from a bunnings and the pot it is in

    definitely a peru crest from masters in NSW

    I'd be very careful as to who you get a pach crest from in oz unfortunately they are far from a common thing here

    I only know of a couple of people who have genuine pach crests

    I've also seen a few posts of supposed pach crests lately which I would argue are simply peru's and not at all pach's

    • Like 1

  3. You can either slice off the bottom and regraft it

    Or you can slice it higher up and actually graft both the top and the bottom you just graft the bottom half upside down

    Or you can try and get it on its own roots if you wanna get it on its own roots try and make sure you cut all of the Peres out of it

    Otherwise it can cause problems same go's if you are to just slice the bottom off and regraft it make sure your cut is high enough that you've cut the Peres out completely

    Just slice it slowly bit by bit till you think all that Peres is gone

    If you decide to do the upside down graft with the bottom half you can actually leave that Peres there though I would cut it down as low as possible

    Also go easy on the sulphur I've found it can cause some issues if you put to much on there it seems to actually help rot along at times

    I think it's because the wound is not getting any air

    I rarely even use it anymore and when I do I just get a little bit on my brush and actually tap the brush so only a very light dusting of it covers the wound

    • Like 1

  4. It can vary alot in my experience

    when it starts to look old and woody like that bottom section it's usually a good sign it doesn't have a whole lot of life left in it

    That being said I've had grafts with very old tattered woody stems at the bottom like that last a long time still

    If the part close to scion is ok and healthy

    If it shrivels right up like that or gets that old woody look up near the scion then yeh it doesn't really have much life left in it

    It may reshoot when you degraft but it won't support the graft

    • Like 1

  5. That stock is definately dieing mate I'd completely remove it

    When your Peres starts to shrivel like that it's done

    Make sure you remember to treat a graft like this the way you would treat the stock by itself Peres likes plenty of water

    It could be that it hasn't had enough water or it could just be at the end of its life it happens with bigger older Peres grafts like this alot

    • Like 1

  6. Interesting maybe they are getting to much heat or humidity then they're in the hothouse under shade cloth

    they only get about half a day of shaded direct sunlight in their position

    They do seem to have stalled to maybe I'll bring them back inside and just put them next to the lights and not directly under them

    @ zelly I was beginning to think this was the case with my Astros

    Thanks for the help guys looks like I'll have to do some more ario grafting if I wanna multiply them

  7. so if they are both the same clone then are you saying my eulychnia spiralis could crest

    dont tease me with a thought like mutant haha

    i've been tempted to chop it and re graft the top of it as I've had no luck getting it to pup

    this was it at the start of summer its put on decent amount of growth since


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  8. I repotted year old seedlings yesterday that had what looked like week old seedlings that just recently popped up.

    had exactly the same thing happen to me this season i finally potted up about 500 badly neglected bridge seedlings from last summer all still in their containers

    and there was loads of small seedlings coming up in there i think they were to overcrowded and alot didnt get enough light

    as i potted em up slowly over a month allowing more light in there more and more seemed to be germinating in there

    you can see how overcrowded they were hahaha i had tens of thousands of seeds so i just poured em in there haha


    i planted some A. asterias and a fissuratus seed out a couple weeks ago seeds are atleast a yr old all germinated by the second day

    kohres seed to which surprised me because i havent always had the best germ rates from their seed

    i do use a heat pad and it works great for me my climate is not always the best though

    our temperatures can vary dramatically all the time no matter wat time of the year it is but especially in summer could be 40C one day and 18 and cold and raining the next

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  9. Yeh I agree with that from the pics I've seen

    I only have 3 kotschoubeyanus I'm just looking to build the collection up a bit

    I've only got about 10 ario's in total apart from a shitload of fissuratus and furfuracious seedlings

    So I wanna try and graft atleast one of each of the other varieties I have

    Have you grown much from seedlings jack heaps of mine are a really dark red purple colour

    I can't really figure out why I know it's not that their getting to much sunlight

    Is this just a common thing when they're small

  10. I thought that seemed to be the case with both asterias and ario's

    I've grafted a few recently an A. Lloydi and an A. Kosch and managed to graft a tubercle of each aswell

    I think I'll try bapping both the full plants at the base

    Still don't understand the Asterias not pupping they've all been bapped well over a year ago

    I've got a couple of variegated ones I really want to get to pup

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