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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Amazonian

  1. Thanks to the girls,you know where i am coming from. To those males that responded, your partners are lucky to have you, Its great to hear of men who care and/ or understand. My husband says, (almost daily,) "that time of the month again is it?" .He's lucky he is still alive. For those that found the topic a little too much to bear, lucky i didn't ask about Hemorrhoids.( not that i have them)biggrin.gif

    I might be able to get some of those concoctions through the herb shop that Torstens partner is opening? ( to support the shop).

    Good Health and happiness to all.smile.gif

    • Like 1

  2. My day started off bad. devil.gif With me its not the discomfort, its just the aggressiveness. At the end of the day i have regret for how i handled things and say i wont let hormones get the better of me. The next morning.... Grrr again. Thanks to everyone for your ideas and support , i will be definitely going with some of those suggestions. Will be finishing off the day with a herbal bath.

    p.s... Normally i am placid.


  3. Have you looked at the connection between PMS and nutrition at all?


    The point about magnesium is (I think, from observing my female friends) especially important.

    I also suspect that there is a relationship between PMS symptoms and essential fatty acid balance/imbalance..


    That site says that caffeine aggravates PMS.... Coffee is my only addiction,(at the moment) ( think how grumpy i might get without my two cups a day !!! )I cant take that away. But there are a few other suggestions that could work for me. Cheers.

  4. Yes , thats right, PMS.... Premenstrual syndrome. Its real . I am ready to attack my family at any given moment. Damn woman hormones. So, the reason i post this topic is to see if any one knows of any good herbs ( besides the obvious) to alleviate my aggression and being irritable. i have read that Chaste Tree Berry and Evening Primrose Oil might help? I don't expect a lot of response from you males but if you can tell me that your partner goes a bit nasty mid cycle, i will/might feel better about myself. Any takers?

  5. You can find posts that you or another person have made by clicking on 'members' (top left, next to Forums). Its all alphabetical,click on, for example, M, find the name you are after and there you go... You can find posts that you have made , Threads that you have started even look at ratings.

  6. I remember being a 6 year old getting dragged to the pub with my parents and kept asking "can we go now?' The answer was always..."after this beer" We never left until stumps . I would eventually go to sleep under the table. The only good thing at the time was that I got to have a raspberry lemonade.

  7. Ive seen P.sub' curl up at full maturity. On the topic of photography, i see that there is now cameras with GPS .Most of these cameras will insert the GPS coordinates in the photograph's EXIF data, which can then be placed on a map using a photo editor , which plots location data on Google Maps. Great technology, just in case you don't realize at the time of the photograph that you have a new specimen, you will know exactly where to find it.

  8. Does anyone know of woodchip beds being sprayed? If indeed the spray was a poison of kinds, how much of that poison would be be transferred in to the body of someone who eats from said woodchip bed? sad.gif


    I am sure that there is over spray of weedkiller when weeds are sprayed at the parks . If there was a mushroom along side, it would be exposed too ?! I suppose that is why it is best to go bush whenever possible. Not that we would eat any of these anyway.

  9. smarty pants. No one else will bother to post pics after seeing your work with a camera. smile.gif

    This second one of the sub' ......speechless. The best of the lot.

    I hope you are going to make an album of your collection for the gallery.

  10. A woman says to her husband "What would you do if i won Tattslotto?" He replies " I would take 1/2 and leave you. She says "Well, I won $12.00, heres $6, now piss off"

  11. Pay It Forward is a 2000 American dramatic film based on the novel of the same name by Catherine Ryan Hyde. It stars Haley Joel Osment as a boy who launches a good-will movement, Helen Hunt as his single mother, and Kevin Spacey as his social-studies teacher.

    (Don't worry about the underlined,i didn't do it,just cut and paste) A kid in the movie does something good for someone else on the promise that they pay it forward,meaning that they do something good for someone else, so on, and so forth. Not that we should give and expect the receiver to give, but there should be more of it.

  12. , tantra's information he keeps posting would be of wealth and could possibly be a starting point imo smile.gif


    I have been reading articles from 'tantras link. The stuff about PEA in P.semilanceata is very interesting. Little snippet follows=

    Phenylethylamine (PEA) recently found in Psilocybe

    semilanceata has been associated with psychosis and

    implicated in the etiology of mental disease (Wolf and

    Mosnaim, 1983, O'Reilly and Davis 1994). PEA has been

    reported to exert amphetamine-like activity and to have

    peripheral sympathomimetic effects

  13. strychnine or not, I want to get to the bottom of that report from the shroomery about these guys having to go to hospital from eating a lot of subs.


    I was hoping someone might know the person that wrote that post over at the Shroomery. I too would love to see the toxicology report. was it a scare tactic ?hmm, who knows.

  14. Hey meanies, what i was getting at with you being passionate with your beliefs was to give you a comparison of how this 'veteran' was getting into the debate,You feel strongly, he felt the same . Hell, ain't nothin wrong in having your own belief rather than follow society like sheep. However , this 'veteran' would not even listen to the other side of the story.

    I appreciate the inputs that have been made . If anyone hears anything interesting on this topic in the future , please think of me,would love to hear it. CHEERSsmile.gif

  15. Meanies ,you too are passionate about your beliefs, just like 'The old mushroom veteran' who was trying to tell me that strychnine is in magic mushrooms.He was adamant . Since my interest in mushrooms has been rekindled i have been talking to select people about them and many say the Strychnine thing. I just want something to back my argument up. I think, as said, the fact that Strychnine comes from a plant ,wouldn't be found in Fungi. But then take a look at DMT,It is found in plants and animals,even in a toads skin. Maybe we should just let them keep their ignorant ideas and they will never be enlightened.
