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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Magicdirt

  1. In the words of a Serbian illiterate prophet Mitar Tarabich "People will drill wells deep in the ground and dig out gold, which will give them light, speed and power, and the earth will shed tears of sorrow, because there will be much more gold and light on its surface than in its interior. The earth will suffer because of these open wounds. Instead of working in the fields, people will dig everywhere, in right and wrong places, but the real power will be all around them, not being able to tell them, 'Come on, take me, don't you see that I am here, all around you.' Only after many a summer, people will remember this real power, and then they will realize how stupid it was to dig all those holes. This power will also be present in people but it will take a long time before they discover it and use it. Thus man will live for a long, long time, not being able to know himself. There will be many learned men who will think through their books that they know and can do everything. They will be the great obstacle for this realization [self-knowledge], but once men get this knowledge, then people will see what kind of delusion it was when they listened to their learned men. When that happens, people will be so sorry that they didn't discover it before, because this knowledge is so simple. Also The Cree Prophesy When all the trees have been cut down When all the animals have been hunted When all the waters are polluted When all the air is unsafe to breathe Only then will you discover you cannot eat money.
  2. Magicdirt

    Quotes of the day.

    Some of my finest hours have been spent on my back veranda, smoking hemp and observing as far as my eye can see. - Thomas Jefferson It's a bit contentious as to whether he actually said this, but it does sound cool.
  3. Magicdirt

    The Backster Effect

    I love all that stuff about plants being psychic etc. I read the book The Secret Life of Plants about 10 years ago and I couldn't put it down. I read most of it in one afternoon and woke up at 4am the next day and read the rest. If you have the idea that plants are just objects and not sentient beings, reading The Secret Life of Plants and Baxters' work will have you thinking twice. At one stage Baxter set up a murder where 2 plants were placed in 1 room and one of them was murdered in front of the other one by a randomly chosen killer from a group of people.Then the plant that was not killed was attached to a polygraph and people from the group were sent into the room one by one.The surviving plant showed no response for the innocent group members, but when the killer entered the room the plant showed a response on the polygraph similar to a person when they panic. One of my favourite books ever ! The Secret Life of Plants
  4. Magicdirt

    2010 Sub season

    Nice pics again, Lord Mayonnaise What sort of camera are they taken with ?
  5. Magicdirt

    2010 Sub season

    I say we round up a posse' and take this mayonnaise character in for questioning. Just kidding They're awesome pics. I've got admit that is an awesome nick and avatar. Mayonnaise indeed. hahaha
  6. Magicdirt

    Alot to ID - Might test your memory!!

    A lot of people find them in eucalypt woodchips that are aged/leached and lost their original colour. Generally stuff that is over a year old. They can also be found in eucalypt mulch. Some people find them in pine forests but others say that pine forests aren't very productive. I haven't found any this year either, could be the daytime temps still getting a bit warm. From what I've read subs are slow to mature and take around 8-10 days to go from a pin to a mature cap, so maybe they'll be easier to find in a few days when they get a bit bigger Lord Mayonaise posted some awesome pics the other day maybe he could give some insight. I am interested in studying a sub print myself. good luck mate.
  7. Magicdirt

    Alot to ID - Might test your memory!!

    looks like my arsehole feels after blackbean sauce
  8. Magicdirt

    Alot to ID - Might test your memory!!

    I hope we don't get weeping anus's around here. Looks like my arsehole after black bean sauce Maybe it's a chocholate starfish. Nice pics though. Were any of the specimens collected/printed or were they all left in situ ?
  9. Magicdirt

    WTF EBAY!!

    hahaha I want one Imagine trippin with the boys and slipping out unnoticed and coming back riding that. Hypothetically of course Yeee haaa I'm sure they'd rip it to bits, but it would be a good laugh.
  10. Magicdirt

    Nicotiana tabacum Seeds for trade

    Thanks for mine too Atlas
  11. Magicdirt

    Gone too far or not far enough ?

    Tony Abbot made a blue waffle out of himself the other night
  12. It's nice to know they care enough to want personal details so much. It's really starting to get beyond a joke in this country. Medical details are now shared electroniclly and almost any quack can get records for almost anyone too easily now. If they want to gather medical statistics why can't they survey doctors, they're supposed to be the experts. As far as diet excersize and lifestyle goes the doctors don't give 2 hoots about stuff like that they treat the problem in front of them and couldn't care less why it happened - Tell me where it hurts you and I'll tell you who to call. If any stranger was to ask such personal questions most people would tell them to piss off. Why should they have the right to pry into what is none of their business? As far as the heart foundation goes, if they'll give a tick to McDonalds why do they give a fuck about lifestyle diet etc. The next time I buy a greasy load of chips from the fish n chips shop I'll ask them to put a tick on the wrapping with a red texta so I'll know it will be good for me.
  13. Magicdirt

    Health warning

    I was driving in my car today and at the end of a news break a health official came on and issued a health warning. A sydney man is critically ill and on life support after eating a slug. Apparently he got infected with a rat lungworm after eating the slug as a dare. I've done some sick shit for dares when I was younger but eating a slug takes it to whole new level. The news report didn't say what he was on when he ate the slug, but it must have been good shit. I'll be careful to wash all my veges from now on too and pay particular attention to anything with silver trails on it.
  14. Magicdirt

    Truffles - Spore Prints

    It looks like the tree would be the best way to go. I saw a story about the western Australian company on landline(I think) a few years back and their lab was top secret and no cameras were allowed in. Apparently they had made some breakthrough in the propagation of truffles, who knows what it is, it could be a symbiotic bacteria or just a different procedure to other fungi. They had spent a large amount in R&D and they were guarding their research to protect their investment. But if you do find source for a print I'd be interested. It could be easier to clone but then you'd be dealing in proprietry genetics and could run into trouble if you ever wanted to sell them.
  15. Magicdirt

    Warning on Subs

    Let's say a friend took just under 6 g dry on friday night, he told me that 6 grams is too much as he had a bad bad time of it. He said he was seeing vivid reruns of dreams from years ago mixed in with childhood memories that took him to a dark, long forgotten place. At the onset the visuals were amazing and he had a feeling of being displaced like an OOBE but the visuals deteriorated into a mix of old bad memories mixed with dreams long forgotten. He didn't sleep and felt sick on the way up and the way back down. A trip to the brink of insanity that opened some old wounds and gave a new perspective. These things make cubensis seem very tame. Enjoy them with respect.
  16. Magicdirt

    White Oils and Pest oils

    I used to use the organic white oil, but now I use Neem oil. I haven't used it on cactus, but it has been no problem on anything I've tried it on. Scale can be a real bitch but I usually just rub them with my fingers and then hit them with diluted Neem oil. Maybe not practical on larger plants or cacti, but it works well for me.
  17. Magicdirt

    Racing tips.

    I've been looking at those three in Br race 7 too. I like the Weight For Age races as the form is easier to compare, if they have tried and failed at weight for age more than once you can be pretty sure they can't cut it at that level. If they have performed well at weight for age there is a good chance they can do it again I'll second that opinion on Ortensia in race 7. I've won a few bucks on her in recent weeks. Mic Mac is serious contender as well. Larry Cassidy was mysteriously silent about Ghetto Blaster this morning, maybe he wants to keep it at good odds ? Might be a trifecta hope with those 3 picks
  18. Magicdirt

    Health warning

    I can't believe my alter ego posted this thread, he said it was funny when he heard it, but I think he must have been on something. He gets me into all sorts of trouble but he may come in handy if I ever need legal representation in court. Fuck you sarcastic cunts. Just kidding sarcasm is always funny, it did look a bit lame in hindsight. lol MD
  19. Magicdirt

    Money doesn't make you happy...apparently.

    If anyone has too much money and not feeling quite right with this demonic burden please PM me and I'll give you my account details. But seriously if you won that much money how would it be possible to go broke ? If you put most of it in 1 bank you would then get a loan for a house, the interest would cover the repayments in less than 2 years.Then just do it again and again. If the bank wants to regect the loan the loan a quick threat to terminate the account would fix that (fucken money whores) Why would you ever spend another cent of your own money? As for the drugs, anyone can get fucked up with that sort of shit if they have self esteem problems or just personal problems, the drug abuse is just a symptom of an underlying problem. It's hard to feel sorry for her though, that's a lot of Meow Meow in anyones book.
  20. I'm no doctor so take this with a grain of salt. In traditional chinese medicine your intestinal meridians run through your elbows, wrists and down into your hands and fingers. Large intestine problems commonly present with RSI problems in the left elbow, forearm, wrist and hand , where small intestine problems show in the right side. They are both connected and many times problems show in both sides. If you notice any flare ups in your condition coinciding with bouts of constipation or intestinal pressure or intestinal upsets this could be a clue as to what is really going on. Sitting in a chair for 10 hours a day is clearly not what we have evolved to do, maybe it's not just your arms it could well be from your sitting position for extended periods. You have hinted at the excessive time at the computer causing the problems, maybe you're right. A lot of people get some relief from these symptoms by ditching the chair and sitting on a gym ball while they are at the computer as this gives your intestines a workout and you are never in the same place for long. You said in another thread that you once worked as a Horse Stapper/Handler, did you have the RSI when you were doing REAL physical work that stressed the fuck out of all your tendons, muscles, ligaments ? or did the symptoms show up after you stopped bending your back and giving your intestines the on off compression they were designed to have ?( The kind of movement that forces intestines to work properly) As for the anti inflammitories - fuck that shit man, I was a Kickboxer for years and I've got more serious long term injuries than most will have in 3 lifetimes. Doctors give anti inflammitories as a way to suppress the symptoms so you go away happy but they are a double edged sword. I was on them for years and they destroyed the lining of my stomach and oesophagus and one night it came to head and I vomited well over half my blood and I almost died. Arnica is a great anti inflammitory and can give some relief (but look for the cream not the gel, the gel runs out way too fast)as can clove oil and even peppermint oil. Good luck man I hope you can get some relief. No I don't I hope you cure yourself. MD
  21. Magicdirt

    Raising and caring for frogs.

    What's next the frog police ? How much would it cost to bust someone for frogs ? Imagine going to gaol for having frogs in your backyard. I had an ant farm as a kid, I wonder if they've banned them too. It's getting to a stage where we are all being treated like school kiddies in this country.
  22. Magicdirt

    Your current employment status

    I worked in a metal trade as a contractor, I always said I was an industrial prostitute. I hated it with a passion. Asbestos was one of the better poisons I had to deal with. I broke my back about ten years ago and now I can't even get a job as a checkout chick because of insurance company crap . An equal opportunities employer is just an ordinary company with a token cripple or a few(insert race here) employees. Australia is by no means an equal opportunities country. The money sucks but the hours are great. I'm stronger and fitter now than I've ever been because if I don't work out I can't walk. 3rd dan Black belt cripple - go figure ?
  23. Magicdirt

    Punters club

    I'm definitely in for $10 a week. If you can get enough takers for the $20 a week club I'll step aside. $20 a week would really be a better amount to go with, but at the moment it would be too much for me and I wouldn't want to commit to it and let anyone down a few weeks down the track. I don't know if it would be workable but if the $10 club takes off, maybe we could make some weeks (by agreement) $20 weeks to get the kitty up a bit.
  24. Magicdirt

    Lady GAGA - Telephone

    Eyes wide shut comes to mind when I see all of this. If you have too much time on your hands and like a good read try this Symbolism Many suggest Stanley Kubrik was whacked whilst making Eyes wide shut, you have to wonder what was going to be in his final cut of the movie.
  25. Magicdirt

    Punters club

    I'm keen but 20 bucks is a bit much for me at the moment. After tax time I might be able to do it. I've had some good success with punters clubs as well.