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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Magicdirt

  1. Magicdirt


    Isn't the 93 thing a rehashed jewish ideal "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" that serves to disassociate one from any guilt associated with their actions, a way to justify anything no matter how immoral ?
  2. Magicdirt

    Closeups of the human eye

    My favourite book on Iridology is titled Iridology - Personality and health analysis through the iris. By Dorothy Hall. It comes with charts in the normal perspective and mirror image charts so you can examine yourself in a mirror which is very handy. I've read a few books on the subject and her book still is one of the best even after 30 years. Dorothy is a naturopath, so she doesn't jump to conclusions from a simple mark in the iris like some of the newer books, she tends to use the Iridology to help form a complete picture of someone's health and she takes many other factors into consideration before she makes a final diagnosis. I'm almost certain it's pronounced Iridology.
  3. Magicdirt

    Pressure Cooker - necessary?

    Don't skimp on the sterilisation, just get one. Get a big bastard too, small PC's are a pain in the arse. PF tek is OK but for a little bit more effort you could do grains and spawn them to a bulk substrate and get 10 times the yield or more.
  4. Magicdirt

    Closeups of the human eye

    I don't have any qualifications in iridology so I can't give health advice. I have read a few books on the subject and they all warn about making a diagnosis from comparisons to a chart, lesions after surgery are easy to spot and they can't really be taken out of context. Sometimes a mark on the Iris can be a reflex from something going on 180 degrees to the mark and some marks can be be spilled over from areas close to the problem and cause confusion as well. That being said, I'll have a stab at some obvious signs You have a fibre lesion around your pelvic region and clear signs of past trauma in the bladder region and also some indication of healing/past trauma? around your lower back area. I'd guess you still have problems with your pelvic region. Looking at the picture I'd say you have had a lot of trouble from around the navel downwards. You show a few signs of tension around the lower body in the form of nerve rings (those lines that run like an arc or circle around the iris) This can be caused by many things but they show in people with postural alignment problems and when there has been trauma, especially spinal trauma. I like to call them indicators of muscle spasm, I still have them in my eyes from when I broke my back. Like I said it's easy to take things out of context when looking at iris pics and it takes a lot of experience to ask the right questions to know if what you see is cause or effect.
  5. Magicdirt

    The Great Global Cooling/Warming Thread

    I like the new Av Hutch
  6. Magicdirt

    Closeups of the human eye

    They're all pics of sick people, no7 is closest to a healthy eye out of the lot of them. They say iridology is bullshit, I've had doctors tell me so, but one time after an operation I was able to predict where all the patients would have lesions in their eyes from the surgery they'd just had. The doctors all said it was nonsense until I offered to bet them 1000 on each patient, none of the had the balls to bet with me. They all went quiet after I was proven right.
  7. Magicdirt


    That's trich man - Mycologists enemy No1 I'd try to rescue the clean healthy myc and start a new box. It may not be possible to dig around the infected part though so you might have to pick it up with a plastic bag like you'd pick up dogshit ie put you hand in the bag and fold the bag down over the trich and scoop it up. If you disturb trich when it is sporulating you'll get billions of spores all over you and the area it's in. That looks like parts of the trich are mature so be very careful. Do it outside so you don't get spores everywhere and wash yourself and your clothes before handling the new clean woodchips. If it's possible try to keep it in a cool area as trich goes berserk in warm temps. Temps much higher than 27 or there abouts are great conditions for trich but it can strike at lower temps too. Treat it a bit like an agar culture and just keep removing clean bits and starting new cultures to isolate clean mycelium. I'd be trying to get a sample on agar too to preserve the culture and clean it up.
  8. Magicdirt

    Yearly Ethno post

  9. Magicdirt

    My Caapi's crouch

    She seems to lapping up that midsummer sun. They certainly are an adaptable plant & very resilient too. Was she a cutting or was she grown from seed ? I feel like she's part of me too.
  10. Magicdirt

    gold tops picked today in nnsw

    Herbal hindsight posted a pic showing a cluster of subs, they like to grow in damp little niches but they can pop up almost anywhere there is a source of cellulose like woodchips or a layer of forest litter when the weather is right ie cold and damp.
  11. Magicdirt

    self healing injection ports

    A dab of silicone sealant on each side of the hole works just as well, it doesn't look as sexy though.
  12. Magicdirt

    Online agar sales

    Cool tek man! If you inject spores into something under a vacuum it can suck the contents of the syringe into the jar. To equalise the vacuum make an airport syringe and poke it through the injection port. Some people glue syringe filters on the lids so the culture can breathe and it prevents the vacuum, but I prefer to just use the airport syringe. To make an airport syringe just pull the plunger out of a syringe and fill it with polyfill, then cover the open end with micropore tape. You only have to sterilise it once, but the needle needs to be sterilised before each use.
  13. Stuff like that is why I stopped buying New Dawn and Nexus magazines a few years back. It's hard to deny it's happening the evidence is everywhere. I go to the supermarket and see the shit that some people fill their trolleys with and wonder how they stay alive anyway. A lot of stuff in supermarkets can't really be considered food it's just empty calories with fuck all nutritional value. It's like we've all been duped into eating flavoured cardboard with a bit of sugar for calories and chock full of chemical additives to make it seem edible. Our perception of food has been manipulated to the point where many people are suspicious about real food, if it doesn't come out of a colourful box or packet many people won't look at it. I know a girl who said "I won't touch anything organic - yuk" and she quivered with disgust as she thought about it. she lives off arnotts shapes KFC and Mcdonalds.
  14. Magicdirt

    Grafting Blade

    Yeah they'd both cut for sure, but the forged blade will hold a better edge and be more durable due to molecules of the metal all being lined up and in the same direction. Forged implements are always stronger than the same metal in it's unforged state.
  15. Magicdirt

    Grafting Blade

    I did a standard hardening ie a cherry red quench and then rub with a stone so you can see the colour returning and when it gets to straw it went into the furnace @ 230 celcius - which was a temp controlled electric furnace specially for tempering. The files are still an excellent knife but the tool steel is a bit to high in carbon to give a truly durable blade that's why it had to be cooked for a while to burn off some carbon. I found if they were made by the normal method ie anneal, shape, grind and heat treat they didn't have the flexibility of some lower carbon steels such as a leaf spring and if they were used to pry or lever anything they tended to snap especially on cold mornings. Have you read about how the samurai swords were made ? It was thought to be black magic for a long time as the metals in the alloy don't form a molecular bond in heat fusion. Here's a link you might enjoy Dworx Ancient nanotechnology in swordmaking
  16. Magicdirt

    Grafting Blade

    I've done a bit of time in a blacksmiths shop and I've knocked up a few knives too. Man that 5160 HC s expensive shit ! Can you do an economy version from a leaf spring out of a car ? Mine have always turned out well, they can rust if they aren't oiled but they get a good edge on them and hold it quite well. I've also made them out of files, you have to cook them overnight to lower the carbon content or they turn out too brittle even after they've been tempered.
  17. I've been emailing a few nurseries that sell some the species in question and notifying them what's going on. None of them have any idea and they are very surprised this is happening. It could help garner a bit of support from the business sector.
  18. I'm a bit of a nutter myself. I always thought ghee was butter with the moisture removed, but your post got me wondering and I found this Making Ghee I've been using the allowrie stuff for years, to be honest it doesn't have the best flavour. I might have to have a crack at making my own. I didn't realise it doesn't need to be refrigerated. All this low fat fat propaganda seems a bit weird when you see all those skinny indians who cook everything in ghee.
  19. Magicdirt

    Salvia kills

    Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. The first paragraph is perplexing to the least. Why even mention it ? Then they go on to say it's unclear if salvia played any role in it at all, but they go to say how evil it is none the less and quote a personal opinion of some turkey from what appears to be a respected institute.Johns Hopkins have slandered many reputable scientists and ruined their careers with dodgy research designed to prove their point. This is part of the reason newspapers are losing readership so quickly, beat ups like that are an insult to your intelligence. The last newspaper I bought was when I was toilet training a puppy and I needed something for him to shit on. edit interestingly 9 out of ten pages had pics af scantily dressed young women, there's nothing wrong with seeing naked women but it's hardly news , journalism in Australia is past tense, newspapers should be too.
  20. Magicdirt

    animals and birds dying, cause?

    Poison skies
  21. Magicdirt

    Recovering from FACEBOOK

    Good on ya! I've never been compelled to do stuff like facebook, to me it always seemed like an invasion of privacy. I can see there are good points but if something gets to the point where it's a chore to maintain you have to stop and think if it's worth the trouble. I hate the way people post pics of me and my family and don't even have the decency to ask me if it's OK first. I know people who spend upwards of 6 hours a day playing meaningless facebook games set in virtual worlds that are so pathetic I wouldn't have played them 15 years ago. They sit around with a chat box open and talk crap as they play while the house and family get relegated to a status lower than their virtual life. They sit there gleary eyed clicking on virtual treasures and serving virtual coffee to other people who've abandoned their lives for virtual reality. Then there's the facebook snobbery syndrome - if you aren't on facebook to some people you are a lesser being. It seems that facebook shoves your morals up your arse. Fuck facebook.
  22. Magicdirt

    Australia to become Asian Union

    So if we start now we could get in on the ground floor manufacturing plastic coffins. Vaccinations anyone ? They're free.
  23. Magicdirt

    Online agar sales

    If you pour agar in a non sterile environment you will have contaminants grow on the agar, the cool temp in the fridge will slow the growth but it will still have contaminants. That's why it needs to be sterilised prior to use. When you make the agar mix you will have to boil the water for the agar to completely dissolve, I boil it dissolve the agar and when that's done I add the other ingredients while it's simmering. This step is not considered sterilisation it's just to mix the ingredients into a suspension. You don't need a thermometer unless you're adding peroxide, just pour while it is still liquid. Use a glove though as it will be too hot to handle. If you are pouring a larger batch -like a litre you have a bit more time before the agar sets because of the thermal mass of the liquid so you can let the agar cool until it's just cool enough to handle and then pour it, agar poured at a cooler temp will be less likely to cause condensation in the petri dishes too, but for a smaller batch just pour it quick. Many will disagree but I think agar should only be poured in front of a flow hood - there's just to much chance to get contamination at that stage. If you intend to add peroxide you'll need a thermometer as peroxide breaks down at around 60 deg Celsius , so you have to wait for the agar to cool to that temp to add the peroxide. It can be tricky to get the peroxide mixed in and the agar poured before the agar solidifies though. the peroxide is added after sterilisation. If you don't have a sterile environment taco sauce jars are convenient because the agar can be sterilised in the jar and you don't need to pour it and expose it to contamination.The taco sauce jar becomes the petri dish and the lid is only opened prior to inoculation, bypassing the pouring stage and eliminating the possibility of contamination at that stage.That's how I used to do my agar work and my contam rate was less than 3%. I used to PC the jars at first but the microwave method worked just as well. You should have a glove box for your inoculation work, open air inoculation work for some but I never had much success. Pouring agar in a glovebox is a real bitch though, the box steams up and you cant see things and trying to handle hot stuff in a box where your movement is restricted is very tedious, so that's another reason I used to use taco sauce jars.
  24. Magicdirt

    garden id

    The second one is lantana You really need to learn a few botanical terms and give a description of what you have found. Unless you have a strong suspicion they are active, then they really don't have much place here anyway.