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The Corroboree


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About fishstix

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  1. fishstix

    2010 Sub season

    Confirmed, the potency has been lost significantly. Mates ate 1.5g in tea with lemon juice which resulted in 1 hr of mild visuals and the rest of the time just feeling 'weird'. They were stored in dry, dark, cool conditions for 2-3 weeks, but not airtight. For such a short period of time, it seems strange that the potency could be lost that much?? RE: shroom season ending. 2 weeks ago when in the mountains it seemed that the season in the Oberon area was nearly finished. I'd imagine it would have by now.
  2. fishstix

    2010 Sub season

    How quickly can subs loose potency after picking? Sorry if this has been asked before, its just, 2-3 weeks seems a bit too fast to loose as much potency as a friends did. He had them drying for 4 days next to a fan, then into a open ziplock for a couple of weeks with desiccants. 3g dried eaten only gave a very mild trip for both friends. Did they loose potency that fast??
  3. fishstix

    The Perfect High

    Haha! Love it! Cheers for the funny read.
  4. fishstix

    urban myth...

    strychnine or not, I want to get to the bottom of that report from the shroomery about these guys having to go to hospital from eating a lot of subs. What could have caused this? I have friends who report feeling really heavy on subs, sore legs and feeling like they can't breathe well. What could it be? It's scary to think there is a lot we don't know about these woodlovers...
  5. fishstix

    sub season-ending?

    Funny, me and some mates were going to head up Monday too, around Jenolan. It said it rained heavy on thurs/fri, got 16mm or something. I wana be sure that it will be worth going too coz petrol is expensive :S
  6. fishstix

    Fluros for lighting

    Fluros have the potential to grow good plants, you just need a lot of watts, a lot of lights and have them close. They do however have the benefit of low heat emission. Look into marijuana grows using fluros. I'm not saying that it's what you want them for, but if people can get good results from cannabis under CFL's, well, i'm sure chilli plants would do just as well.
  7. fishstix

    Raising and caring for frogs.

    As a kid I used to have a drain that didn't flow but collected water and the frogs loved it! I would often collect the tadpoles, keep them in a tank and feed them fish flakes which they seemed to like, but I also collected water from the spot often in case there was anything in their diet I was missing. I also had a rock or the like half in, half out of the water for when they started to grow legs. When they turned into frogs, I would put them back and wait for the next eggs to hatch. It wasn't long before if was hard to sleep on summer nights because the frogs were so loud! Anyway, although it is very rewarding raising and keeping tadpoles/frogs, the best way I would think is to set up a small pond in your backyard. Get the water settled, put in some very small fish, a few water plants and within a couple of months you will have your own self contained pond. This is what my girlfriends parents have done and it has worked very well. The bottom is covered in black workmans plastic. It also probably wouldn't hurt to have a small filter in there if the pond isn't very big. This way, you could collect the tadpoles, raise them inside and release them when they are bigger. If anyone finds you with them and tries to charge you, you can claim on a frog regeneration program! haha. Oh, and make sure the pond is in part shade, you don't want to water getting over heated.
  8. fishstix

    Warning on Subs

    I agree, if anything, the weed caused a paranoid, confused and highly different state than what the shrooms on their own had. It's weird because, this guy and his girlfriend, when they took acid together and with another friend, they could smoke and smoke and smoke weed and not even feel it! I think they got to 25 pipes each! The strange effect that the pot caused was totally unexpected too because he is usually a regular smoker, 4-5 times a week, not all day smoking, mostly night-time wind-down type use. The distance felt, after some reflection, it really was nothing to worry about. It was nothing personal, it was because of the different dimension the weed caused, it was fine before that. A lesson learned. I think mutant that one being sober, the other tripping is a good plan. He noted when his brother came home later that night, the normal sober state really helped bring them back a little, not totally, but enough to realise they weren't living in their own pre-programmed worlds of fantasy. Neither of them are experienced trippers. He has taken a relatively high dose of acid before, and she has only taken two very low doses as mood lighteners, not 'tripping' as such. This was their first time with shrooms and certainly their first time tripping with just each other. They were not expecting to trip that hard either. The intention was to get a feel for what subs were about, but not like that! haha. It's interesting that you mentioned that HBWR didn't like pot. When he took them they really liked it! kept smokin and smokin, enhanced the visuals etc. I think mescaline would be an interesting psyche to try next. The euphoric and loving nature of it sounds very appealing. Much less possibility for things to go wrong. But we have to keep things on topic, subs Warning: don't smoke pot with subs unless your an experienced tripper I think a lowish dose (but slightly higher than before) of subs by himself, or with sober people around, but not with him, would be a good idea. He could sit in his room, think, contemplate, go on walks, but not have to worry about interacting with people. Having the sober people around but not involved will be a good leveler. He is used to taking things by himself anyway as that is how he likes to smoke pot most. What are people's thoughts on subs during the day? Thanks for the input!
  9. fishstix

    Warning on Subs

    "i definitely agree that pot changes a trip for the worse. pot shouldn't be a constant thing like it usually is. " I agree. Pot is a cuddly friend during times without psychedelics and with other drugs like alcohol, but most psychedelics, especially subs it seems its an offense to smoke during 'their time'. Almost as if the perception that pot provokes is not welcome in the psychedelic mind-scape. He is thinking that maybe a dissociative like nitrous would be a good day-after activity to integrate the experience. About feeling detached, I think with anyone else there wouldn't have been much of a problem, but because it was his girlfriend who he is used to having such a strong connection with (3 years), the total lack-there-of was unsettling to say the least. They have talked through the experience further and have agreed not to think anything of the isolation they felt because they were so lost and confused in their own worlds its understandable they didn't feel connected. However, the glimpse of the sub world is very intriguing, something he wishes to explore a little further sometime in the future with a different setting for sure.
  10. fishstix

    Warning on Subs

    A foaf had his fist sub experience last night with his girlfriend. It was a very low dose, 1.25g each, but man, they had it good. It was a pleasant evening, the room was warm and had mattress's on the floor, the mood was good. So they chewed the mushrooms up nice and good, the taste wasn't actually that bad. Bit acidic though. Within 45 minutes they were feeling funny, some giggles, things feeling weird, patterns moving, crawling almost like vines on things, but nothing significant due to the dose. His girlfriend however was feeling it much more than him, due to body size I assume. Things were interesting, he sat in a dark room on several occasions to see what he could feel. He said he couldn't shake the feeling of being in the presence of something, the mushroom was definitely making its essence known. However, not being satisfied with the effects he thought he would smoke some weed. Bad mistake. Things went from pleasant and odd to just weird and uncomfortable. Loops were playing out, it felt like a roller coaster. One minute he was feeling normal, the next they were thrown into the weird world, again and again and again and again and again....and so on, until they came down. It was a really uncomfortable experience. He and his girlfriend are usually really very close, but even looking at each other in the eyes caused a feeling of distance and isolation, they didn't feel connected anymore like they were strangers. There was no comfort. They were both really scared to put it lightly. Anyway, it was a ride they had to ride out, and eventually, they came down, had many cups of chamomile tea and rested. The next day left weird residue anxiety. They felt connected again, but couldn't totally shake the vibes of last night. It was a weird reality that can only be described as eerie. I am assuming that because things only got bad after the weed was smoked, it was the mushroom disagreeing with the combination, a fight between two feminine energies. I can't describe the total dissconnection they had between each other which was so unsettling and different. It felt as though they were a playing pre-thought out roles as characters, at the peak of the experience communication was no longer possible. He still wants to do this fungus again, maybe a little higher dose, no weed and a different environment, something maybe away from familiar things or by himself, because he is totally incapable to connecting to people or familiar surroundings on it and especially harder to connect to those also on subs. Its like there was this other wordly barrier between them. Anyway, that was his short account. Any comments you want to make feel free to. Are there any ways to come to terms with things? He is worried that the experience could have slightly damaged their relationship, nothing serious, but that feeling will always be remembered, and the thought of it returning brings anxiety. But I am sure it is only temporary. Would drinking alcohol help settle the mind? Or would that make things worse the next day? Thanks guys.
  11. fishstix

    Possible subs?

    ^ Ooo, close. They could easily be mistaken for subs. Unless they are subs with no bluing, but there is something about the edges of the cap that says not a sub. Sorry, fixed the post guys. I did think twice about posting it, but forgot about it when I edited something else I agree on tagging along with an experienced picker. That is why I propose another camping trip to the same kinda area later in the season when its reeeally cold Mid June?
  12. fishstix

    Possible subs?

    I know some of you around Sydney area went to the mountains camping last w/e and found a good load of subs. I went up that way too, but I was having a w/e away with my girlfriend so I didn't come camping, but I did go searching in the pineforest. I found some amanitas there, I was amazed at how small some of them got, like the size of 50c pieces. Anyway, around the decaying logs and amongst some blackberry bushes I found these which look so much like faded subs, except they were like that all the way from pins to full grown, so that was doubtful, and had rusty brown spore prints. No staining either. I chucked them after 24hrs after not being convinced they were subs. I want to know what you guys think they might be? I was sure I was going to find some having not been far from you guys, but I looked for an hr and only found these... Thanks
  13. fishstix

    Deadly shroom interaction

    Mainly directing my questions at eyebrow, but really anyone in the know. Anyone know what is actually happening with this reaction to make it deadly? Symptoms of a toxic reaction?
  14. fishstix

    Deadly shroom interaction

    Does the interaction also occur with other SSRI's? Such as zoloft (sertraline) which I am on now. From what I understood, SSRI's only reaction was to make the experience a lot more dull and less effective. A friend while on SSRI's tried to take acid several times, each time, it almost never worked. As soon as he got off the SSRI's, the effects became normal again. Is it only with your typical shroom? Or with amanitas too?