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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Rabaelthazar

  1. Rabaelthazar

    Don't be evil - stand up for the free and open Internet

    I don't get it. Google seem to be against discrimination. From Google's public blog: The petition is claiming that Google is proposing Did Google change their public blog after you posted this, were the people who created the petition confused, or have I just missed the point entirely?
  2. Rabaelthazar

    Through the Wormhole

    NIce one, although how about God exists and is everything = your head is god? Either works for me, take your pick, I guess. Or... sit on the fence, like a good lil' agnostic.
  3. Rabaelthazar

    Advice for herbal intoxicant

    Thanks, Centipede.... I'll have a look at this. Snorting doesn't appeal much to me these days, but I'll give one of the other methods a go. Could I make a tea out of it? That's definitely my preferred way to imbibe. Thanks Reflections, do you mean puff from HHH? Hmmm... I actually have some lotus flowers here that I'd forgotten about. I've never actually tried them, so that might be first port of call. And this sounds like a goer as well. I did try lions tail as a smoke a long while back. Can't remember though whether I felt anything from it. I'll give it another try, perhaps as a "minty tea". Thanks Blowng.
  4. Rabaelthazar

    Fuck Off, Cop

    I was so inspired by this post that I just went in to my local police station and with a great big smile, told the cop on duty to lick my balls. . . . <edit> Unfortunately, this will be the last you see of me for a while. I was offered one phone call, but opted to post one last time here instead.
  5. Hi Toast, I'll take a chili lovers pack as well if there's stock left. Please PM me if there is. This will be one purchase from SAB that my wife will actually approve of (she's Thai).
  6. Rabaelthazar

    Mckenna agrees with me!

  7. Rabaelthazar

    Tis hard.......

    That sucks. I can relate to a lot of your first post. Sometimes what seems like the right time to quit comes at the worst time. Advice doesn't always help in this kind of sitch, so I'm not going to give any. I just hope you can pull through. All the best. Our thoughts are with you.
  8. Rabaelthazar


  9. Rabaelthazar

    immune system...

    Thanks Chiral and Amazonian... some good food for thought (pun not intended) Dr Dognuts, back over to you. Sorry, hijacked your thread.
  10. Rabaelthazar

    immune system...

    He he. Thought I was having major site issues. I agree with most of what you've posted, my only discomfort is the vitamins from food thing. I just don't trust that our food is as vitamin rich as it should be. If I could grow all my own food, I'd be on board, but my garden just isn't big enough. Organic fruit and veg gets you part of the way there, and there's still a whole lot of food that just doesn't seem quite right. I eat mostly fresh fruit and veg, a lot of it raw. Whole grain foods etc... and If I have a vitamin supplement, I feel on top of my game. Without, I just feel a little bit lower. What's your take on this, Chiral?
  11. Rabaelthazar

    pure insanity

    I think I know what you mean by this, although I don't really believe in bad trips when taken for the purpose of self exploration. Unless something actually goes wrong in your physical world (which can happen), the difficulties inside your mind are all a part of it. Sounds like your friend has integrated well, which is the important bit. Large doses of psilocybin can be as profound as any other entheogen (IMO), but if you're mind is resisting you might find that you're not taken to those amazing places. I remember a long time ago dosing on a bucketload of acid (after not having any for a while) with the idea of finding something amazing. I didn't prepare myself for the experience and ended up spending 7 hours walking around the botanical gardens with a huge black spot right in my vision. Everywhere I looked, every though I had, every thing was this black spot. No colours, no movement, no joy. Finally, after all that time of really not enjoying myself, I managed somehow to break through the loop and had a pleasant few hours before I came back to earth. That was a difficult trip and I put it down to taking much more than was really necessary. Having said that, I really learned a lot about myself that day. Same goes for a lot of entheogens in my opinion. There's a lot to be said for slowly increasing the dose and, as Mutant said, spacing the doses out over time. Then again, there's a lot to be said for doing a massive dose and throwing yourself in the deep end. Your friend has tried a low dose, tried a large-ish dose. Perhaps a really big dose would be right for your friend. Only he can know for sure. If he does it in a safe, responsible environment there's not really much that could go wrong. Just make sure there's someone your friend could call on if he needed it. Entheogen work is such a personal thing, the answers can really only come from within.
  12. Rabaelthazar

    immune system...

    WTF???? How did I quote Chiral in a post that appears before his?
  13. Rabaelthazar

    immune system...

    Ha ha... I concur, but don't tell my wife.
  14. Rabaelthazar


  15. Rabaelthazar

    eye bacteria?

    I like to think that they're air molecules. I know they're not, but I still like to think that.
  16. Rabaelthazar

    immune system...

    Sounds like the "Fit for Life" diet. I ate strictly according to this thinking for about 6 months and it really does make a huge difference to your energy levels. A big part of it was not eating carbs and proteins at the same time, which is where I eventually slipped back a bit. Still try to be conscious of it and eat probably half according to this method and half not. Meh, better than nothing. To Dr Dognuts, do you take any vitamin/mineral supplements? In combination with good food (IMO) this is a great way to get the body working the way it's meant to. This guy talks like a real hick, but he has some interesting things to say.
  17. Rabaelthazar

    pure insanity

    Hey Mt B, I'd suggest that your friend could even try a lower dose of around a gram just a few times. Sounds like your friend's chosen a good place to indulge. I've found that low doses can be very pleasant and only last an hour or so. Lie back on the couch and just sort of meditate. It's a bit like dating a beautiful woman. First of all you do something low key that you can both enjoy and just sort of get to know each other a little better. On the next few dates, you might accidentally brush hands which might lead to a kiss goodnight. When the time is right, you can throw abandon to the wind and get to know each other intimately. As your friend gets to know the shrooms, a relationship will develop and it can bloom from there. I personally wouldn't be upping the dose yet. Hope your friend finds true love.
  18. Rabaelthazar

    Suspected Acacia Species...

    Ha ha. You know what? It does seem to have shrunk. Not sure what's happening there. As for the name... think Ra - Sun God , Think Bael/Ba'al - Lord of heaven, Think Ba'al thazar - Lord of heaven protects the king Ra - Ba'al - tha - zar Simple?
  19. Rabaelthazar


  20. Rabaelthazar

    Mckenna agrees with me!

    Hi Teotz, I'm not quite sure where you're coming from. I know you've been on this forum a long time, so the other people who've been here as long probably have a better picture, but could you please give the rest of us a rundown of your goals? I've seen your master lists and that sort of stuff. You seem to be aiming for some sort of ultimate categorizing of entheogens? I can see harm minimization is part of it, but what's your motivation? I'm not having a go, just trying to understand you better. Thanks
  21. Rabaelthazar

    Suspected Acacia Species...

    Someone posted this link a few days ago. Kudos to whoever did (sorry, I can't remember) http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/PlantNet/WattleWeb/phyll.html
  22. Rabaelthazar


  23. Rabaelthazar

    Whiplash treatment?

    Hmmm... no idea, but here's a link that has some good info. In the list of things that can be helped with Bowen, such things as hormonal disorders and learning difficulties are included. http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Bowen_therapy?open
  24. Rabaelthazar

    Whiplash treatment?

    Seconded. I've suffered back and neck pain since I was a teenager, due to some pretty heavy health issues that I had back then. The health issues were resolved, but I was left with an on-going issue with my back, neck and, in particular, my left shoulder. I went to physios, chiros, osteos, acupuncturists, you name it. Nothing helped long term. About five years ago, I suffered debilitating RSI in both my arms and had to quit the music course I was doing because I couldn't play piano for longer tahn about five minutes before the pain made it impossible. I suffered from this for about 2 years, again trying all the regular pain therapies. Finally, a friend recommended Bowen and I haven't looked back. I get a Bowen treatment maybe once every six months and not only is my RSI problem as good as completely resolved, my back, neck and shoulder are better than they've ever been. It's not a magical cure and the relief it offers isn't permanent, but it's effective and long lasting. Essentially, Bowen therapy works on fascia, which is the soft connective tissue in the body. The way it was explained to me was that this tissue is "meant" to be pliable like a water filled balloon but through our everyday activities, it hardens up and restricts our movement causing pain. Hardened fascia in one part of the body can refer pain t other parts of the body. The Bowen treatment consists of the practitioner using a very light massage to soften up the fascia. I highly, highly recommend Bowen to anyone suffering form pain.