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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Rabaelthazar

  1. Rabaelthazar


    Is that first one Leonard Nemoy? It's all nice work, bro. Drawing and music are (in my opinion) still the greatest gifts we have been given as humans. Fire... meh. The wheel.... practical. Corporate structures.... need I say more? But art.... art is amazing. Keep it going man!!! <edit> um... actually, fire is pretty good. I probably wouldn't feel like creating art if I was too cold, so scrap that comment <edit>
  2. Rabaelthazar

    Carpenter Ants and Fossilized Mind Control

    Oh, and one more... I stumbled across this one about a year ago... my interpretation (and of course it's only guess work) is that it's a ceremonial painting done by the natives while undergoing a shamanic ritual. Clearly the natives motor skills were not at peak.
  3. Rabaelthazar

    Carpenter Ants and Fossilized Mind Control

    I think this must have been a tribal elder... that bird, I don't know.... his familiar? And here's the octopus, possibly an extinct creature that used to be native to these parts
  4. Rabaelthazar

    Buy a Island

    How much for Tasmania?
  5. Rabaelthazar

    where to blue bamboo

    Sorry, I can't help, but jeez... I've never seen bamboo like that before. I would have assumed that photo was shopped if it didn't have the accompanying text. Where is bamboo like that native to? What a beautiful hue.
  6. Rabaelthazar

    The Flower

    Nice... shared that one on my facebook page.
  7. Rabaelthazar

    Youtube vids

  8. Rabaelthazar

    High quality PH/PPK/TEMP meter on eBay

    Yeah, send those links through to eBay admin, or whomever it was who pulled your listing. Confirm that your fully functional, slightly soiled, sexual torture device is only a movie prop and see where it goes. If after that they still won't list it, probably not worth pursuing further.
  9. Rabaelthazar


  10. Rabaelthazar

    PD needs your good vibes

    Alright, here's some more vibes. PD, I've got a feeling I know what this trial is, although of course it's only a feeling. I could be off mark. If I'm on track, then just know you're not alone. There's light ahead... there's life ahead. This time always be remembered and will make you a stronger man. Best of luck. If I'm off track, sorry to be presumptuous, and good vibes regardless.
  11. Rabaelthazar

    Happy Spring Equinox, Everybody

    It was technically yesterday, but the equinox is the true beginning of spring. Time for flowers to flourish, sun to shine and mating urges to manifest. Time to emerge from our hibernation and live a relatively comfortable life before the next frosts send us back into our burrows. The world keeps spinning, and the cold will come again, but for now we are at the beginning of the life cycle so let's celebrate it. Love and happiness to all.
  12. Rabaelthazar

    Happy Spring Equinox, Everybody

    Yeah, well the mating urges can come at other times of the year too.
  13. Rabaelthazar

    Carpenter Ants and Fossilized Mind Control

    Did a youtube search after reading your post, Thunderideal, and found this. Also, this was a goodie ... and apologies to anyone else who finds my ancient fresco annoying. Blame the original inhabitants of my neck of the woods.
  14. Rabaelthazar

    Youtube vids

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDYxGB8V88k Nothing enlightening about this one... just stumbled on it on youtube. Had to share somewhere and thought the language was too colourful for facebook.
  15. Rabaelthazar

    PD needs your good vibes

    Vibes a-cometh. All the best for whatever's getting at you.
  16. Rabaelthazar

    High quality PH/PPK/TEMP meter on eBay

    Ha ha, nice cover story for the torture device Sethomopod. It's cool, man, we're all friends here. I respect what you choose to do in your own time.
  17. Rabaelthazar

    Youtube vids

    ^^^ LOL - is that from a movie? I love the bit where it flashes to him in the river. ha ha ha!!
  18. Rabaelthazar

    Locus Plague

    Although I do recall something about God sending out plagues of locusts a few thousand years ago. I know our farming is very monocultural at the moment (although, I have to admit it's not something I know much about other than watching a few docos on the subject) and I'm positive it wasn't at this extreme back in the days of our good man Hay-soos, but did monoculture play a role back then? I would have thought farming would have been greater number of smaller crops.
  19. Rabaelthazar

    rating system

    Hi Planthelper, I haven't completed the poll because there is an important question missing IMO. "Are you more likely to give positive or negative ratings?" or something similar is important. I think the rating system has some merit when boosting a post legitimately, saves replying to a topic to say "I agree with this guy" or "That was useful information". The negatives are where things seem to get out of hand, but obviously some people prefer to give a neg rating to a post they don't like than the other way around. The anonymity factor is something that comes in to play as well. This has all been said before by various people, but hey... I'll say it again.
  20. Rabaelthazar

    Locus Plague

    Waste not, want not. http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_8651000/8651148.stm
  21. Rabaelthazar

    Ayahuasca Information

    Thanks Teotz, that's a worthy goal. To make it really worthwhile, it's important that your information is either factual or clearly noted as subjective. Anything other than that diminishes the usefulness of your info significantly. There area lot of very informed and experienced people on this forum and by taking their feedback on board you will be able to build a really useful reference tool. Good luck.
  22. Rabaelthazar

    Locusts on E when they swarm?

    Thanks man, that was interesting... and set me on the path down a very satisfying youtube wormhole.
  23. Rabaelthazar

    trying to find a song

    Ha ha, you poor bastard Sapito. I spent the first seven hours of yesterday plagued by trying to remember a song. All I knew was that the girl who sang it was half black/half asian (and pretty damn cute) and that somewhere in the chorus it mentioned either the word "radio" or "television". Try typing half black/half asian cute girl into google and you won't find the name of the song. Anyway, finally got it, but that was a torturous 7 hours!!! Good luck, hope you can sleep tonight.
  24. Rabaelthazar

    Ayahuasca Information

    Yeah, this had been my beef with your lists as well, Teotz. There's some really good info in there, and you've obviously gone to a lot of work to bring it into the one place but it's not perfect. No problem, none of us are. But... it seems that you don't want to hear that. There's some great constructive feedback in this post and and your previous posts about baneful botanicals and this and that. And I get the feeling that you'll go away and come back in a few weeks with yet another list having not taken on any of the feedback that people offer you. Without answering any of the questions people have for you. I can't understand you, so I'm always hesitant to criticize, but then the whole thing irks me enough to speak up. Now, I really dig a lot of what you contribute to this forum. Every time I see a post started by you I'll read it and most of the time enjoy it. Until I understand what it is you're actually trying to do though, your lists will just be lists to me. They don't seem to have any contextual significance and seem to have little purpose other than to show that you're able to collate data. Please enlighten us as to your master plan. I've asked before and, as per the quote at the top of this post, it's gone unanswered.
  25. Rabaelthazar

    Youtube vids

    ^^^^ (2 up) ha ha ha... love it. That'd have to be early eighties and well before doof was considered an acceptable form of music. jim Henson truly was ahead of his time. While we're on that tip, this song rocks.