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The Corroboree


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About anoyn

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  1. G'day creq, I am the author of the article in question but alas for reasons I cant disclose I could and can not put my name to it, so please lets not play public guessing games on this one... I wrote it before I had explored many of the joys and knowledge SAB (which was inpart a source but mostly from other web sources), so alas as suggested I did make a few mistakes for which I appologise, I am not also happy with some of the myths the editor perpetuated in editing the article before press (eg LSD and battery acid ect and cutting back on some of details). I worte it to fill in one of Metiors regular columbs "Scraping by", the article had the getting high title when I picked it up and said that it was shit as it had a very capitalist and chemical feel to it, so I rewrote pretty much the whole thing within the context of the existing columb and a couple of days... Such information (despite my research errors that I do regret, eg merremia tuberosa) needs to be made available to the a multiplictity of punters, otherwise they may thing the speed and e are all that are out there and that you have to pay so criminal to get them! As a person who has done a substantive amount of drugs in my time, for quite sometime I was pretty much unawares of some of the more interesting natural alternative (no primaries) out there, just trying to get the word out though I conceed there maywell be better ways to do so... One thing the article was about was moving away from a capitalist blackmarket system for scoring towards one where we have a closer more personal relationship with what we use from nature. I concur with Creach's position that it could have had a more modern shamanic or traditionalist angle, but to be frank that was considered but rejected mostly because that is not anywhere the headspace of most uni students. Basically what I reckon is that many people in our society need start opening the doors of perception in general or moreso before they might even going elsewhere. [but maybe that is me judging people!] How you say, information is power, and yes that is a at least two way street and fucking with suck issues can indeed back fire but in this instance I dont think that it did... Bring down the ire of conservative "society " was to be expected but hey maybe even wanted, and I must say that what occured at least media wise was comparitively piss weak from what I was expecting! There was not one letter to the Metior editor on the subject dispite lots of people talking about the article within its various interpretations, not sure about the West but I dont think so... Anyway enough for now. I am open for comments, questions and ripping a new one! Ta Ta