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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by -YT-

  1. i dunno woof maybe your too hard on yourself but doesnt sound like you eat anything that bad! :) im far worse hahaha. High intensity interval training def seems the way to go. When starting doesnt have to be full on work outs either just do what you can, the main thing is persistence and doing it regularly three times a week etc or whatever works for you ( def a reminder to myself as much as it is advice :P )

    Sorry built i didnt mean to sound like some guru or something, ive struggled with my weight and fitness most my life and just wanted to post stuff that ive found helpful and cheap coz im mostly broke and a stingy bastard :wink:. i did do boxing for years when i was younger living in se qld mostly because my younger brother started and was always better than me at everything and i was also grossly overweight, i wanted to prove to him and others i could do it not because i wanted to fight but because i wanted to be like all the other guys i saw who were good looking and fit and had the things i didnt, i very much struggled ( and still do to an extent ) to find self value and worth, joining the club at the time with my brother besides all the macho crap there was actually an underlying current of community and friendship which helped to build my confidence and self worth as a person the mental health aspect personally helped me immensely ... think i lost something like 25kgs over 18ish months. I remember visiting the doctor who also trained at the club and he basically told me it was a good thing i was doing some sort of exercise otherwise i would risk many health problems in the future.

    but yeah i dont think being fit and healthy is overrated at all, i do agree jogging sucks haha

    Suppose it also depends what kinda work one does remember when paving and landscaping all that manual labor gets one pretty buff and you even get payed for it :)

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  2. Not sure if the humidity is high enough down here for the seeds to germ after hitting the ground, Kinda jealous of ya'll up north with higher humidity and summer rainfall which facilitates such - would make it hell of a lot easier for me :wink:

    Ill keep an eye on the pods probably be ready in a month or two ( rough guess ) i will propagate them asap and most probably have some small plants for sale early next year sometime. Really like the flowers and scent when in bloom.

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  3. Thanks PH!

    They've just started flowering, ill keep the water up so i can hopefully get some fruit. its kinda hard to guess especially if you leave them in the ground down here how much rain water they will get, usually a decent amount at the end of winter / start of spring ( around about now till end of sep ) which will flower but probably not enough for them to fruit - not that most plants in gardens will suffer from lack of water unless left to their own devices.

    Ill post again and note how long its taken from flower opening to fruit set for here in sa, perhaps might be of interest to others.

    • Like 1

  4. I really liked Spirulina when i was taking it years ago rather than taking a multivitamin, was also taking tong kat ali (tribulus is ok) in conjunction with training. can be expensive though. definitely noticed higher energy levels and muscle mass than when not taking it.

    Boxing Training ( & Martial arts ) is a really great example of a broad cross section of integrated targeted work outs which are also fantastic for general health fitness & strength. More importantly a lot of basic exercises you can do for free and cost you nothing but time.

    Push ups! theres about 6ish different types you can mess around with which target the arms, shoulders, chest & hands.

    Squats are pretty awesome for the legs and ass lol its looks mad easy but try doing 100 non stop hehe

    Sit ups i really hate although a great Core workout, i like knee hugs, V-ups & chinnies better

    Skipping is one of those tried and tested things and shouldnt cost too much can even make your own skipping rope if you want. Punching on the ole bag is also great for getting the heart going will cost a bit but not as much as a set of weights or a gym membership, buy gloves too or hand wraps.

    But yeah even just walking 15mins to catch the bus for work everyday, walking the dog or going for a ride on your mountain bike etc all counts towards getting healthier :)

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  5. Hey PH have you had much luck with soaking the seeds overnight or not needed you think?

    Instead of starting a new thread ill just ask here, When is the best time to harvest pods/seed? Have pods on my tree atm and looks like they are starting to dry out (slowly) should i wait till they dry on the tree or pull of and dry etc?

  6. What size amounts are you after? best bet ive found is just getting bulk from landscape supplies, half a tonne too a tonne lasts ages. prices shouldnt be to excessive think last time i got a tonne of organic loam was like $30 or something. helps if you got a ute or trailer so dont have to pay transport. should have stuff like river sand

  7. Been sorting through the collection with all this nice weather about and have fair bit of stuff for new homes. Mostly mid cuts of stuff couple of tips all around 25 -30cm. Will do any 4 cuttings for $80 + postage or $25 a cutting + postage.

    On Offer:





    Bridgessi - Urban tribes clone

    Bridgessi - Jess - (sab)

    Bridgessi - Con - (sab)

    Bridgessi - Mum & Dad clone (Origin Blackdragon)

    Scop x Bridge - (origanlly from herbalistics)

    pachanoi x Scop - ( origin teonanacatl)


  8. Its kinda backwards here lol but unlike most other western democracies the decision to deploy or not is exclusively in the executives domain ie the prime minister. There is no consultation or debate in parliament or with the broader public. Ludlam has recently put forward a bill on this exact issue.

    Has been talk of IS ability to sustain and supply infrastructure stuff like, water, electricity, safe roads, food etc things that generally keep nations going could be a deciding factor in terms of local support

  9. mmm im not so sure "A current affairs" is a pinnacle of un bias journalism without an ideological bent. There is a lot of ripping off going on? congratulations and welcome to the nature of humanity lol perhaps its not easy but ethnicity, religion even "subculture" is no limitation to greed and being a generally dodgy fucker. Not really sure what the point of this rant is lol you dont like immigrants? punks? bludgers? The statistics generally speak for themselves the last look was 750k (possibly 1million as it doesnt include those currently employed but looking for better paid work, career change etc) to 150k available jobs, a seeming disparity to be sure. there has been much talk of what to do training education, stimulating the economy to create employment etc. the main point though is there needs to be jobs there to fill otherwise the education/training etc becomes useless productivity.

    Manufacturing has been dieing in Oz since the 70's its really not unlike what happened in the states, blue collar work at one time was one of the best payed positions to have abattoirs, auto industry etc. It became easier to source and invest capital offshore where trivial aspects such as minimum wage, working conditions etc arent so much a priority as the bottom line is. The mining sector is starting to slow down due to the high ozzy dollar among other things like investment etc, everyone champions this australian institution that is largely owned by and profits flow offshore, the employment rate compared to the rest of the country is around 0.1% if that and of those jobs most are highly skilled engineers, fitters & turners, diesel mechanics, geologists etc. An interesting recent example is in Nhulunbuy NT Rio Tinto is closing down one of there mines and pretty much ditching the town to fend for itself this town was basically built on the mining industry.

    There is a Government incentive for people who move for work, not sure on the specifics but apparently does help with the associated costs, generally i think more so then the costs especially these days is the uncertainty of the job market and positions arent like the good ole days where you were basically guaranteed employment till retirement age

  10. offcourse they would say its a hoax to stop people doing it! best shit ive ever done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    for serious... i had it all man my own pizza parlour fucken any topping you could want, extra cheese , pepperoni, blue, anything! flat rate no lie. supermodel wife, kids are geniuses etc then one night i met this guy who didnt have money to pay and was like dude you ever smoked crack sure man who hasnt! well that shit is oldskool man the new thing is bugs man bugs!! but the trick is you gotta get the right ones and like you gotta ferment like 50% of them in a jar and like let that shit dry into a powder... ok. but like you also have to like let the other 50% eat the dry powder of the dead fermented bugs.. coz like thats what makes it psychoactive duh!?... oh yeah right offcourse.... so anyway when the live bugs have eaten the dead bug powder the shit is on man and you gotta move like a hyena in heat and like mash the bugs into a paste *foaf reccomends a mortar and pestle* dry it in the oven on a low heat or the sun if your a smelly hippy.... let it dry!... is it done.. no fucken way man do a basic a/b on that shit then your set basically... xtals should be pure white and fluffy like a happy bug!.... the most interesting aspect is if you have a microscope with 200x zoom you can zoom on the xtals and they look like fucken bugs man.... trippy shit...

    from a friend of a friend true story!

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