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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by sidewayschef

  1. So its been rather wet this week...already seeing a bit of fungus around.

    Anyone seen anything down south yet?

    I am heading that way this weekend, but probably wont get a chance to get out and look...in Balingup anyways.

    Hopefully I will be able to snap a picture of something..

  2. Must admit the Subs should be handled with care.

    I have had them for several seasons now, and always had a differant experience each time.

    Doesnt matter how many times I have them, if I get a little ambitious...I always get put back in my place by them.

    If taken fresh they can kick in within 15 minutes, is usually 45 from dried stuff.

    I always make it a habit not to sample while picking, and recommend others do the same, as even one is enough to skew the vision and make every damn mushroom look like a sub.

    in saying that though, I still love them, but yes wouldnt exactly got to the night clubs on them(Although I have before, ended messily)

  3. I only have like a spawn cake of king oyster sitting in the back of my fridge.

    Havent had a chance to play around with growing it yet and its pretty old.

    Try the Asian groceries especially in China town.

    You should be able to find bags of the king oyster growing off a sawdust cake.

    Is only about $5 a baag from memory

    good luck
