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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by Quill

  1. I've been working with zornia recently.

    I found it to be mild but definitely active, seems to me to work more effectively in a physical sense than in a mental sense. Effects became more pronounced the more times I smoked, though this may be attributable to becoming more aware of what to look for. Effects do not seem to gain too much strength if more is smoked, several pipefuls seemed to produce the same effects that one pipeful.

    Not bad for mj cravings

  2. Thank you to all who have contributed.

    And the winner is . . . . dosileflynn, congratulations mate, usually I hate rhyming poems, but yours did not seem forced (which is my usual complaint) and I like the way that you approach a theme and riff on it for a bit. Ooh ooh and I like your use of half rhyme. Pm me your address and I'll post out the books.

    And for runners up we have;

    etherealdrifter (extra points for namedropping a couple of my fave authors) and cisumevil pm me

    But in a way you're all winners, and that's not because I'm an airy fairy hippy type but because you are all eligible for some free Psychotria seeds. Pm me if you have posted a poem/prose/whatever.

    If hillbilly hadn't have bowed out his ode to couch grass may have won it, very accessible :wink:

  3. for a bit of a twist

    try a string quartet tribute to;

    the mars volta


    def recommended if you like the the original bands, also a bit more palatable than the originals - the only way i've got TMV on the stereo at work (cafe)

    There's also a lot of really good modern classical type shit that i could recommend if only I knew the names
