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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Quill

  1. As a kid, that bit in the movie Willow where the witch turns everyone into pigs. scared the piss outta me
  2. A few near death experiences take the cake for me. i wrote about this briefly in another thread. One night My blood sugar dropped pretty bad and my girlfriend had to call for an ambulance. (yeah, I'm a diabetic) S,o because it happened when I was sleeping I couldn't really feel it coming on which I usually can. I don't really know how the dream/NDE started but I remember watching a drop of blood falling from some great height for a long time, part of this was beautiful, watching the drop ripple etc in the wind. This would have lasted about 2-3 minutes before it started getting unpleasant. I began to empathise with the drop of blood until I recognised the drop of blood as an expression of myself, all of a sudden i was aware that I was this drop of blood. Throughout this I had a view of this drop of blood from all directions simultaneously, which made it seem realer than reality, when the dream began to become uncomfortable this aspect made me all the more scared. Somewhere along the line I began entering a hugely deep well and with every metre I fell the stronger it was that my emotions became. I began to feel feelings of hopelessness, solitude, terror, and complete existential doom. I felt that in the entirety of humanity's existence no one would find me. Actually doom was probably the strongest feeling that I felt, all other feelings feeding in to it. Eventually I hit the bottom of the well, the splashes of the drop of blood that was me somehow ending up sandwiched between two ancient, dusty brick. This marked the peak of terror/doom/hopelessness that I would feel. However soon after this I was brought back to consciousness by the ambos that my girlfriend had called. They had given me what I needed to be alive, glucose but they were also trying to get me to drink sugary water (or more accurately watery sugar) and eat a sandwich but my mindset was not ready to believe them, I was convinced that they were trying to poison me. Anyway this slowly faded away and I regained my ordinary level of consciousness and my personality. I then put some clothes on as I was drenched in sweat and shaking like an epileptic polaroid picture (sorry) Never been so convinced of my impending doom or felt as though my very existence was disintegrating. Good thread Evil Genius. Phew that was cathartic. Sorry for being longwinded but I think I just worked through some things in that. edit: Just realised something: a drip of blood dropping= my blood sugar level dropping. Wow my mind is deep
  3. Quill


    Hmmm. sounds interesting/trashy goodness
  4. Quill

    Cactus cuts for sale...

    have I seen these pics somewhere else recently?
  5. just about all of your computer, console, ipod type products have minerals in them that are mined somewhere in Africa. These mines invariably use forced labour or forced child labour. My gf told me this ages ago. depressing ay?
  6. Quill

    My ethno garden 2nd edition

    WOW that is a nice garden. :worship: Thankyou I love to see these kind of pics Oh yeah and i love the goat/sheep/cow skulls
  7. Quill

    Free Tricho hybrid seed!

    can't believe I missed this.
  8. Quill

    Horizontal rooting?

    Yeah plants are pretty amazing,cacti's hardiness especially stuns me. My piece of wisdom for the week; Plants want to grow.
  9. Quill

    Horizontal rooting?

    So recently I was fortunate enough to get a bridgesii cutting (cheers YT ) apparently it had been lying down somewhere for a while because it had some roots emerging from it's side. This got me wondering about the benefits of letting it grow horizontally. I think i remember hearing that it has the possibility of giving off more pups and so providing for a bigger plant in the long run but with the drawback of taking more energy to grow and taking longer to grow. But my memory is not what it used to be. Anyone wish to clear this up for me? Oh and before anyone says utfse, I tried and I'm afraid that I got nothing/haven't gotten used to it. Cheers.
  10. Quill

    caption contest.

    good suggestion, "You're saying ALL of this was found in Steven Conroy's anus? What an Arsehole!" my (non-me) favourite too
  11. Quill

    Horizontal rooting?

    well don't just tease us........ Theories?
  12. Quill

    White loph pups

    Nice work, hope it's the mythical (or not) white peyote? lol
  13. Quill


  14. Quill

    Elieen, Psycho0 and L. williamsii

    does this include postage?
  15. Quill

    Horizontal rooting?

    Yeah I think I'm gonna have to go with YT on this one, pretty much cos that's what I was thinking of doing anyhow. I reckon it was one of the standard bridgesiis. Cheers all.
  16. Quill

    Horizontal rooting?

    Umm not really sure would have to ask YT. Might post a pic, it's tip is growing upwards at a almost 90 degree angle so I was thinking of running a poll on what corroborators reckon I should do. Cut off the tip,grow horizontal, grow vertical or any combination of those.Bu i dunno. Thought it might be interesting
  17. Quill

    Piscidia erythrina

    doesn't that defeat its conspiracyness?
  18. Quill

    Impressive Cacti collection

    Wow That looks like my house in ten years. Yes I've seen the future and it's green and spiky
  19. Quill

    caption contest.

    Cop to Pigbear; So you're sayin this is all for personal use. So what do you reckon boys do we lick the pig, smoke it or. . . Cop to Pigbear: Eyes off my balls kid, I'm up here
  20. Had a great time meeting you corroborators. Tantra is a wise sage, YT is a chiller, Rogdog is a champ, The dude is a top bloke and all the young guns (sorry cant remember names) well you guys arent too bad either. Great to meet like-minded people. And on top of that going home with some cuts, awesome. Looking forward to see you guys again. edit: oh yeah distracted is a funny/interesting chap as well. I probably should have just posted positive vibrations all round
  21. Quill

    Wanna Get High?

    If you like the non- mundane things to come on slow then smoking DMT is unsuitable. But I guess you'd probably know that with 17+ years. Yeah hose filings would be fucked, although probably sufficient to get high. The physical act of smoking is addictive as well, oral fixation Freud would say.
  22. Quill

    caption contest.

    So that's where sunshine bear gets his sunshine from. edit: or Your friends at Playschool talked Little Ted, you're nicked.
  23. Quill

    Teotzlcoatl's Books

    yeah that one T, cheers
  24. Quill

    Wanna Get High?

    Auxin: I sympathise with you man. i shudder to think of how many brass filings have ended up in my lungs due to lack of product.
  25. Quill

    Police Target Drugs Sent Through The Mail

    I saw an article in the Australian today about a "Cocaine Kingpin" that the Australian Police have caught. Apparently he was sending relatively small amounts of cocaine(200g) from Peru and Argentina to Australia. They mentioned this weeklong blitz and the teddybear bit. But this doesn't mean it is only international mail that is being seized.