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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Slybacon

  1. I'll muck around with that bit some more , maybe i rushed that a little. Yes it is a very good sign that you felt the urge to dance. Thanks for your feed back ,
  2. Slybacon

    Botanical Garden in Bali

    Get out of south bali and head to the mountains. Ubud is also culturally rich. The Shadow Puppet shows were alot of fun
  3. Look for- The Pulch Salsibury Toastboy Those two are my favs. The bugs in the later sound like clockwork orange.
  4. I have been looking at getting into white board animation for some time. There is some really cool whiteboard animations on u tube. One day i will get around to making one. I also like fat-pie..... Do u like rusty spoons?
  5. Slybacon

    Stitches' Psychedelic Artworks

    Entirety © 2009 Very Matrix. Set as backround
  6. http://www.sendspace.com/file/qcwhqi Dub Step Chill (un mastered) by Substance. Almost finished, some more textures and an extra lead towards the end then i will post mastered copy. ~Boom
  7. Slybacon

    Dub Step Chill

    Cheers ,Its my first attempt at Dub Step. I usually write Psy Trance or Break Beat. I guess I have written dub step before I just hadn't heard any so didn't know what to call it. I used Operator for all the synths so when i install some more VSTs i will hopefully bring you some more stuff.
  8. http://www.sendspace.com/file/qcwhqi Dub Step Chill (un mastered) by Substance. Finished this one last night.
  9. Slybacon

    Underwater Entheogens?

    Has anyone heard of any research being done on the possibility of finding psychoactive substances in underwater plants Ocean/Rivers or Lakes?
  10. Slybacon

    White-skinned Cloud People of Peru

    That sounds amazing. How did you get into this kind of thing?
  11. Slybacon

    The Future of RCs?

    Hi , I am new to this forum. I wanted to find out how one could best help improve Australia's tough stance on drugs? By this I mean are there groups one can contribute to out there, is there any one organisation who can really claim to be making "progress"? If people had some sort of leadership in this area then maybe united we may have a voice? I think its a l o n g way off but is there a glimmer of hope?
  12. Slybacon

    psychedelic links thread

    One of the best books I have read for sure.
  13. Slybacon

    nitrous bulbs and dispensers

    Grocery Store on Darby st Newcastle ;)
  14. Slybacon

    The Future of RCs?

    No, i was actually thinking of beaming lasers of pure thought into the minds of anyone that stands in our way My response was an example. I have no secrets, but it seems that whoever ThunderIdeal is talking about when he mentions painted targets must have something to hide, although what ever it is probably wont bring about the change they are looking for.
  15. Slybacon

    The Future of RCs?

    Secret - Something u don't want anyone you dont trust knowing. In this case major devolopements in research that could have impact on drug law but are not ready to be released.
  16. Slybacon

    dope is nummber 1

    I haven't checked this thread in a while , dude u rock!!!!
  17. Slybacon

    The Future of RCs?

    I have an idea where i can help locally. But i thought this site may offer some alternatives. These alternatives through trust and time may lead to the source. No one expects anybody to paint a big target man. That would be silly. When you join the masons you don't go straight to 33rd degree. You get info released slowly as you earn it. I am assuming it is the same with any secrets.
  18. HAARP is very suspect man. Fuck you get looked at so weird when u mention Chem trails or weather modification but the HAARP business plan is available for all to read publicly and some of the uses of this technology are straight from science fiction. Paranoid or not something is going on there.
  19. Slybacon

    cubes! woo

    Totally agree, as long as u dont incriminate yourself or others in the process.
  20. Slybacon

    cubes! woo

  21. Slybacon

    Movies that changed your life

    Thank you so much for that. Really wanted to know what it was as i didn't catch all of it the first time and probably didn't get it properly . Checked the link below and from memory that looks like it. As for colours in DMT, I find the further i go the more black/grey/white it gets. My most deepest reaches of my mind have been the least bright and fantastic and more complete experiences. I'm not left as wondering about weird elfs , sony logos or shapeless beings playing with my mind. In these less colorful realms i feel the presence of the divine more. I have never done aya but I'm assuming its like an extended small dose of dmt. 5-meo-dmt i have heard is not colorful at all. From what I've read is much harder to use then NN but definately bigger rewards if you can learn to use properly. Off the topic but Tryptamine Palace is an awesome book for anyone wanting to try and explain the realms they have visited.
  22. Slybacon

    PTorch or Pedro?

    ANd some will blend together nicely and others will sound like a wet fart when mixed.
  23. Slybacon

    cubes! woo

    Hey man, I am chilled. I was only sharing as well. No anger or negativity implied. I am only stating that u may need to be careful as picking these with the intention to eat them is illegal, not that I'm saying this was your intention. All I am saying is feel free to post pictures just be careful not to incriminate yourself or others.
  24. Slybacon

    The therapists chair.
