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The Corroboree


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Posts posted by squiresk

  1. On you go then.

    I dunno how you'd actually go about getting things rescheduled. Why were such substances, for example, salvanorin A and the plant itself, scheduled in the most restricted categories in the first place, and not into your Sch 1.

    All the best.

    I wonder what the status of Salvinorin B?


  2. Anyone want some fresh greenish agaricus I've been finding here.



    I read in that article one the guys that dies, ate 8 caps, had the craps and vomiting, went to hospital, said it was NOT phalloides, and got sent home. Dies later of course.

    A bit scary.

  3. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=...ymptoms&spell=1

    Better safe than sorry eh?

    I have a mate back home, who got on a train, and found himself waking up in hospital the next day after loosing a bucket of blood.

    Signs & Symptoms of Ulcers include:

    burning pain in the abdomen behind the breastbone. The pain often occurs between meals and in the early hours of the morning. It may last from a few minutes to a few hours






    chest pain,

    loss of appetite and weight.

    Bleeding from ulcers may occur in the stomach and duodenum.

  4. "stomach contents pitch black"

    Hmm, don't know anything about opiates, but you may have a stomach ulcer there. Maybe not though. Best to check it out, unless you know of the cause of the black stomach contents. Is it like dark coffee grounds, then it may be internal bleeding?


    Like I said, I'm not a doctor or anything, but better safe than sorry.

  5. Light, in some cases and the exhaustion of substrate/nutrient. Time to reproduce

    Oysters respond to a drop in CO2. When the CO2 drops they know they're out in the open, as with the light for Cubensis

    and a spray of pinheads/abhorts over mycelium may also trigger fruiting. So I've heard.


  6. Hmm, will read through that site later.

    I was recomended it, and thought it'd be a convenient method of paying/receving cash. Backed/owned by Ebay I thought it would be at least reasonalbly sound

    Used it a coupla times. No real probs, just little gripes. For example, if you receive some cash from someones credit card, you have to upgrade your acount, (with extra charges) And I wasn't able to credit my credit card, I assumed you could. And theres a whole rigmarol trying to add a UK account, even though my c/card is a UK one.

    Anyway, my 2c, Kai.

    (I dunno if I'd actually recommend it)

  7. Its seems the gas used for the Russian hostage drama, according to the FT, could be BZ.

    Just browsing the web on it, BZ sounds a very interesting compound.

    "But Creasy's glowing predictions of "war without death" ran into a few technical glitches. For starters, it was impossible to discharge LSD in aerosol form. So the military-industrial surrealists concocted a more potent mind-bending drug known as BZ, which became part of the U.S. Army's chemical warfare arsenal in the early 1960s. Superhallucinogenic BZ gas was employed as a counterinsurgency weapon on a limited basis during the Vietnam war. The army eventually concluded that shifting wind patterns, BZ's tendency to trigger maniacal behavior, and the difficulties of controlling the amount of BZ absorbed during combat undermined its usefulness as a nonlethal incapacitant. An overdose of BZ could be fatal. "

    This is funny "U.S. army documents indicate that BZ was seriously considered for domestic riot control purposes. One harebrained scheme involved the use of tiny remote-controlled model airplanes nicknamed "mechanical bees." Mounted with hypodermic syringes, the bees would be aimed at selected protesters during political demonstrations to render them senseless. "

    But on a more serious note, WTF is the world coming to?


    I wonder from what it may have been manufactured?


    Australia Group Export Controls on Materials Used in the Manufacture of Chemical and Biological Weapons

    10. 3-Hydroxy-1-methylPIPERIDINE



    [This message has been edited by squiresk (edited 28 October 2002).]

  8. Well, slightly OT, but

    I was at boarding school in SE England, and my granny (Oma) from Holland used to send me sweets and choclates in eagerly anticiapted parcels.

    I'd say about 90% of them were opened by customs, and sweets were taken. They didn't even cover it up, just left a packet of sweets half full, and chocolate opened.

    They shoulda trained those sniffer dogs to ignore chocolate. And this was way b4 9-11.


  9. I don't know whether Australia has seen the documentary, but a few years back, there was a program about this guy who took MDMA to calm himself from Parkinsons.

    Basically, before he took MDMA he couldn't pick up a mug of tea and drink it without too much effort/spilling and frustration. After MDMA he was practically a normal person.

    Shame shit like this cannot get properly researched without endless hurdles.

    There is a whole chapter in Strassmans DMT, in which he describes his efforts to obtain permission to work with DMT. It took him years. After reading that I wonder how many people would just give up, and go on to something less problematic.


  10. Living in the centre of Glasgow, Scotland for years, occasionally seeing a star, never the plethora of stars you see here. The thick orange glow of the city just shrouds everything. The constant noise of the emergency services and other traffic, arguments, kids, breaking glass, TVs and dogs is also something that you don't realise thats there, until its not. Here in Canberra it is pretty dark, you can see endless stars.

    I sit at Aussie friends BBQs at night sometimes, just gazing. Most people don't truely appreciate the darkness and silence.

    When I'm at work, and look out the window, and some days ther are no clouds at all, just endless blue sky. Thats amazing for me as well.

    l8r Kai

  11. Time for an update, Rev.

    BTW, there is an excellent site, someone may have mentioned it already but,


    then the medicinal musrooms link at the top,

    and at the bottom there is some really good info, in fact all you'd probably need to know, about these critters.

    I think you may have to register (free) but well worth it IMO.

    l8r K.

    (oops, already mentioned in the original shroomery thread)

    [This message has been edited by squiresk (edited 18 September 2002).]
