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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by weedRampage

  1. weedRampage


    To make a radio perform better you have to build the specific antenna that is tuned to the frequency you want to pick up. Ideally this will be almost as big as a house and made from big loops of copper wire. Probably the most intense portable light setup is a 12V xenon HID lamp designed to be put in cars. Low power consumption for an intense blue spotlight. Cattle prod? Why not hook it up to ?The sensible answer is buy a better radio, torch, cattle prod etc...
  2. weedRampage

    Anyone else into knives?

    People that are incapable of protecting themselves and other people from violence are the kind of hippy trippy idiots that will rationalise away the violence around them They are as bad as perpetrators and usually violent in their own indirect way
  3. weedRampage

    I think ive lost my mojo

    One I did recently really improved things at a time when I was under a lot of stress. Remove the skin from one fresh aloe vera leaf Slice the clear inside aloe into bite size pieces Chew up a piece of myrhh about the size of a grain of rice and eat the aloe before brekky in the morning if you do this every second day for a couple of weeks you will see some improvement in your energy and physical state and you will learn to enjoy gagging on aloe
  4. weedRampage

    "White Peyote"

  5. weedRampage

    "White Peyote"

    I have seen one of these, years ago in an old guys mega collection. He was into rare and unusual stuff and was selling rare seeds back into america. Toetz is right. They're not albino or variegated. They're a cacky grey white colour with standard loph shape. Unfortunately I went back to see his stuff again recently and he didn't have it anymore. Maybe he stashed it out of public view. If anyone is interested in rare stuff I can take photos of his collection and post because he is getting old and probably his son won't have the same enthusiasm for cacti. I picked up my Mammalaria Heyderi for free off him coz it was so almost dead.
  6. weedRampage

    Anyone else into knives?

    I just bought one of these for myself It's an american company The blade is made in japan by these people I needed a good blade for taking cuttings. The first cutting I took with it I cut my thumb to the bone and blood gushed out. Most knives you can cut something against your thumb and it just stops at your skin. This one just went through the skin with almost no resistance. I won't be able to use it for a little while. On the bright side the cut was so clean it closed up neatly with paper sutures. The company sells this model with a dummy blunt blade for martial arts practice.
  7. weedRampage

    Lutec Australia

    Back of the envelope calculations for alternative energy at subtropical and tropical latitudes about 1000 watts per square metre sunlight energy falls during the day If you average this out to be about 10 good hours of sunlight a day this is 10 kilo watt hours per day per square metre the average surburban house block is about 1000 square metres the house block receives 10,000 kilo watt hours per day of solar energy If you converted this with 100% efficiency into electrical power.... Electricity costs about 15c per kilo watt hour so.. that's $1500 of electricity per day generated from a single house block considering that there are losses in efficiency in converting electrical energy to thermal in stoves and hot water services .. you could get close to the 100% mark if you converted the solar energy into thermal, that is about $500,000 worth of power currently just being thrown in the bin per year bit of a waste If you converted to electricity with a very modest 10% efficiency benchmark you are still making $50,000 a year and the energy you took out of the system in doing this would combat global warming not to mention the fact that you are not burning hydrocarbons to generate the power
  8. weedRampage

    Loph indoor cultivation

    Pet shops sell balanced spectrum flouros for fishtanks these have the advantage over HPS or MH of lower wattage and less heat generated
  9. weedRampage

    David Icke

  10. weedRampage

    T.Peruvianus Rosei #1 & #2

    If you fill those pots right to the top with scoria and river sand its acts as a rock mulch keeping the soil temperature and water more constant Scoria will guarantee the right mineral balance and pH a handful of crusher dust or dolomite on the soil surface with the sand on top will substitute if scoria is too exxy
  11. weedRampage

    David Icke

    NOE its true i seen it on youtooob
  12. weedRampage

    David Icke

    BAAAAAAAA OMG agents of the NWO trolling yr threads!!!!
  13. weedRampage

    Youtube vids

    I don't know whether to be happy about the fact but this is what a lot of my family are like. I'm sure a lot of people would like to be this free with their self expression (joke)(possibly).
  14. weedRampage

    Youtube vids

    Max Keiser is on the edge of the financial news where future financial scandals, market crashes and monetary crises begin. Be there before it happens.
  15. weedRampage

    bridgesii 4 sale or trade

    I'll have all of those winkies
  16. weedRampage

    Cactus Soils Growing Conditions

    This debate has degenerated into hair pulling and name calling but somewhere in there we did alright, discussed some important issues. So I feel like we are all winners by engaging in this process. The drama has helped to increase the interest factor in a largely scientific brain boggle of a thread. Sigh A rabbit hops into a bar and says "What food do you have?" The barman says "I've got asparagus and cheese toasties or tomato and cheese toasties." The rabbit says "I'll have a tomato and cheese toasty thanks." He eats it up and says "Mmmm that was delicious I'll have one more thanks." He eats that one too and says "Can I have one more please?" The barman says "I'm sorry we're all out of tomato and cheese do you want asparagus and cheese?" The rabbit says "No sorry I don't like to mix-my-toasties."
  17. weedRampage

    Anyone fluent in German?

    If you are looking for a book: Translation from German for Chemists H.H.Neville W.E.Yuill Interscience Publishers Inc. 1959
  18. weedRampage

    Lophophora Grandifloria

    If you don't buy the rest of your life will be spent wandering the astral plane with the souls of the restless undead calling out Where is my jade loph?
  19. weedRampage

    Cactus Soils Growing Conditions

    Thank you for confirming that plant purity extremists do exist and are not just a product of my warped imagination. I am sorry to hear that your attachment to your ideals is greater than the value you place on your own life. In an ideal world the two things would exist as the one same thing. Anyways..... back to kaktoooos These are photos of a pot trial of different growing media growing icaro seedlings. P+C has 20% peat and 80% crusher dust in it. This plant has a deep green colour but has grown slower than the other two P+C+C has 10% peat, 40% crusher dust and 50% local acidic clay. This one has done the best after and initial slow start. It is growing fast and has a good colour. CLAY has the local acidic clay and a handful of dolomite. This one looked the best initially growing fast with a good colour. It now has a slightly paler colour than P+C+C. I have just done some repotting of bridgies into a mix of acidic clay, scoria that I ground up in a mortar and pestle and river sand. These look really nice already even though they haven't been in their new pots for long. I will post pictures in a couple of months when they have put on some new growth. These are the same pot trial icaros some months later. The acidic clay + dolomite pot has recovered a good colour and is fatter than the two others Peat + crusher dust + clay is growing well. The crusher dust and peat pots have a good dark green colour still but are a lot thinner than the clay pot. From this it is possible to see that a reverse weathering process can occur on a soil when the pH is adjusted with dolomite/aglime and the soil water regime is kept at one water per week. Crusher dust is a bit too alkaline to build a rich soil rapidly. A lot of the mixes that I have emptied out of pots that had a high percentage of crusher dust seemed a bit lacking in structure and tend to dry out and waterlog. There is no substitute for healthy soil organisms to stabilise the root environment water and nutrients. Using an existing soil gives the advantage of the established fungi and bacteria populations. I wouldn't use more than 10% crusher dust in the future. A small amount of silica rich material either crusher dust or river sand is advisable to top up the silica levels of any soil from a high rainfall area. ^ ^ | | THIS IS THE MOST RECENT POST (I SHOULD HAVE POSTED A REPLY BUT I JUST EDITED AN OLD POST)
  20. weedRampage

    Cactus Soils Growing Conditions

    Two of the best illustrations of how irrational and arbitrary weed control is are "provenance theory" and the fact that australia is covered in many places with monocultures of introduced plants. Provenance Theory Weed control extremists have the view that not only are introduced plants undesirable but to spread the seed of say Acacia A from here to just over the hill is also a mortal sin because you are contaminating the gene pool of the same species of Acacia A over the hill. Taken to the logical conclusion of the argument no plant is allowed to spread at all in its distribution, not even one metre. What is the reasonable limit of this concept? Answer, there is none, who is to say where one gene pool ends and the other one starts???? But these people are dead serious. It is the logical outgrowth of the weed control ethic, everything needs to be controlled and kept in its pristine state with liberal application of herbicide. Many of the herbicides are residual past 20 years and contaminate ground water. Some herbicides have added synergists that while not herbicides themselves are environmental poisons and have much longer half lives. Many Australian plants are also declared noxious weeds because they are a little too good at growing here. It seems that almost any plant on this continent is fair game to the weed controller. No wonder that we have such bad erosion and water pollution. How did a whole generation of tree hugging hippies become tree hating poison drinking zombies? Good propaganda machine. And that's where you faithfully play your part, why wouldn't you, you have invested so much in this scheme to date. You have already slaved in the hot sun absorbing herbicides through your skin and lungs. Inhalation is one of the most effective routes to the sensitive organs like the brain. Do you ever stop to think that one day you might be dying of cancer for your efforts? The (former) most fertile lands in this country are covered with introduced plants, but they are not prohibited as weeds. Why are some plants OK to grow and others will get you put in jail? Is there a hard scientific reason for the distinction? Even some economic plants that are commonly grown in this country are declared noxious weeds. (asparagus and olives) There is no scientific basis for controls placed on what plants are OK to grow just what the government says and even then the laws might be inconsistent in their application. All of this enviro vandalism and corruption has to stop at some point its just a matter of how bad we let it get before that point. Do we just wait till the land is utterly barren and nobody is allowed to plant anything to fix it or can we just move unilaterally towards welcoming all plants and animals into this country to share the best of what we can make it with common sense and rational scientific reason. I want giraffes and pangolins and a lot of those huge african boab trees too and I'm not going to let anyone stand in my way.
  21. Depends..

    bad joke

  22. Here is a picture of my stereo Goodmans Axiom Bass Speakers Wharfedale Three Way Speakers Technics Turntable NAD Amp only plays Enya
  23. weedRampage

    Looking for pach in WA

    I know this isn't what you asked for .. I just saw what looked like ecuadorian pach 15cm short red spines in Bunnings last week Shit I should have bought one... o well
  24. weedRampage

    Cactus Soils Growing Conditions

    Just cut and paste from the research paid for by agrochem companies does not count as fact. The fact is that weeds do not take over whole ecosystems. What they do is rapidly establish themselves on landscapes that have been totally stripped. In the photo of bitou "infestation" there is a total absence of trees. Are you suggesting that bitou came and all the trees died? No the trees were removed probably in a large scale sand mining operation and bitou established itself on totally barren naked ground. If you did a real survey in amongst the bitou you would find huge numbers of plants regenerating along with the bitou. But environmentalists turn up, poison the bitou, poison the regenerating native plants, poison the land and ground water all paid for by the government. I have photos, that are on slide film unfortunately, of a big enviro operation where a whole landscape was clearfelled with herbicide and bulldozers all because of camphor trees. Right next to the camphors are numerous rare rainforest trees also killed in the same operation. The excuse of weeds was used to totally devastate the local environment to make way for housing development. The same arguments were and are being used against camphor that they outcompete local rainforest trees when just the opposite is true. This is a not negotiable fact... The only place that the local rainforest trees germinate and survive is UNDER THE CAMPHORS. I've got a bit of a challenge for you... Name me one "dry coastal area" where lantana grows. Or even name one area on the east coast that has a rainfall less than 1000mm Do you mean dry as in recently clearfelled and burnt, and now subject to the drying effects of the sun and wind? I had a friend that was first class honors in enviro science and he couldn't even identify the most common rainforest tree growing in the area where he did his degree. What do they teach students in those degrees? Lecturer: This is a koala, what is it, a ko-a-la, what is it???? Student: A ko.. umm .. what was the question? Lecturer: OK, that's enough brain strain for one day. You can go back to manicuring your dreadlocks and posing off in your spew green clothes.
  25. War is by far the most environmentally damaging thing on the planet. At any one time a significant proportion of the world is under siege of some sort and to expect the environment to be a priority when people are fighting to survive is not realistic. It also causes a profound moral and intellectual decay in our own society that people get upset about a cat stuck in a drain but do not care about the fact that there are war profiteering corporations based in their major cities, recruiting at universities and tafes.