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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Change

  1. Change

    Nicotina tab seed giveaway

    Hell Yeah, id love some of that rustica Pmed
  2. Change

    Spring has Sprung almost. Seed giveaway.

    What a generous offer. PMed
  3. 5 day working weeks Struggling to pay rent to some asshole landlord who already owns his own place Kinda feels like Slavery. Giving the majority of income to a guy who already owns his own place thus holding me back from saving for my own. Death To Landlords
  4. This all sounds like opinions. Where is the legislation ?
  5. Change

    three trees looking for ID's...

    These were taken in the Newcastle NSW area if that helps.
  6. VVVvvv gets Psychotria Viridis, Acacia obtuisfolia, Trichocereus peruviana, Acacia Maideni (seed packs) + Some interesting spore prints vvvVVV
  7. Sweet Ill jump on thos, thanks tipz VVVvvv gets Psychotria Viridis, Acacia obtuisfolia, Trichocereus peruviana, Acacia Maideni (seed packs) + Some interesting spore prints vvvVVV
  8. Change

    Mr Tesla

    Is this real? http://www.keshefoundation.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2513
  9. Change

    Tips for NOOBS

    Multi spore in LC works fine for me, I normally do half a dozen at a time and i never loose more than 1 or 2. Could you use a fully colonized white fluffy agar plate for LC ? Pressure cookers aren't needed for noobs, Steam works fine for BRF cakes Id recommend not rushing into getting a cheap pressure cooker but instead holding back untill you can afford the 23qt Presto, being able to PC 24 half pints at a time is a dream.
  10. At the start of May i was up in Nimbin for Mardi Grass. While i was up there i picked up a banisteriopsis caapi cutting. Ive kept it inside threw winter to try and avoid frost damaged. Its not looking very happy at the moment so i thought id post some pics and see if i can get some advice. Some of the leaves on the smaller branch have dried up and gone crunchy so i pulled them off
  11. Change

    Fungi Culture New Website!

    at $30 a dozen plus postage Aussie mushroom supplies are totally ripping me off on mason jars. You should under cut them
  12. Change

    Fungi Perfecti Website upgrade

    Has anyone tried host defense before ?
  13. Change

    mutant's update

  14. Imagine a scratch and sniff sticker that smelt like something that triggered the dogs. You could hand out thousands of them at train stations leading up to the event and everyone that isn't holding could stick them on their shoes. Then one person could carry the marijuana while 4 of his/hers friends walked straight up to the dogs as decoys.
  15. It would be amazing to see some sort of flash mob protesting sniffer dogs at festivals by making it impossible to do there job. As individuals we are powerless against sniffer dogs but if we stand together on the issue it would be very interesting to see what would happen next. Im not very keen on the Big Day Out line up this year so maybe it should be the first target. Seriously how many people and how many Big Day Outs do you think it would take before this became a serious issue? Imagine turning on the ABC news to hear protestors at all Australian Big Day Outs have successfully disrupted police sniffer dog operations by spreading bong water around the venue making the sniffer dogs useless. The protestors spokesman released a statement to the media saying that until the police stops targeting the youth for carrying small amounts of marijuana they we would continue to disrupt them. Together we could stop tragedies like this one. http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/teenager-dead-after-drug-overdose-at-big-day-out-20090202-7v9v.html
  16. If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.
  17. Change

    Yesterdays bush walk

    So i went for a walk threw the bush yesterday and found these. I didn't pick any but im really interested to get an ID for this amazing blue one. Some beautiful Turkey Tails Im also unsure about what these are Hope you enjoyed my adventure Peace
  18. Change

    three trees looking for ID's...

    I was thinking it could be a.longifolia but i dont know thats why im asking. Whats the differences between a. maidenii and a.longifolia ?
  19. Change

    Yesterdays bush walk

    Another bush walk means more pictures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 I hope this isnt to many but i found alot of what i thought was interesting fungi Now this one looks to me like some sort of white oyster that's growing on top of an old rotten fruit body. Im no expert tho so comments are welcomed 16 17 18 19 Enjoy
  20. Change

    colloidal silver in mycelium

    Have you got results yet ?
  21. Change

    My banisteriopsis caapi isnt looking great

    Thanks for all the advice. I decided to upgrade her pot so she has more space to grow and gave her a stake so she doesn't get blown around as much.
  22. Change

    Good Petri Dishes

    Last week i melted all my plastic petri dishes in the pressure cooker. I only PC'd them for 15 mins at 15 psi. Either there is a better way to sterilize them for re use or glass is the way to go.