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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by vadub

  1. vadub


    From the album: T5 plants

  2. vadub


    From the album: T5 plants

  3. vadub


    From the album: T5 plants

  4. vadub


    From the album: T5 plants

  5. vadub


    From the album: T5 plants

  6. vadub


    From the album: T5 plants

  7. vadub


    From the album: T5 plants

  8. vadub


    From the album: T5 plants

  9. vadub


    From the album: T5 plants

  10. You might have read my thread from the shroomery I posted a while ago. I've been mentioning this for quite a while but the wrong plant keeps on getting sold. Kinda lame. As someone growing the correct species (confirmed by flowering) I can't imagine how you couldn't think its active gtarman. Quidding fresh leaves has been the most effective route of administration.
  11. Thanks for the input. Whats great about various sedum species is they resist damage when walked on (during maintenance). Semp's fit the bill as well but I'm not sure how they would bounce back when intermittantly trampled upon.
  12. I've been interested in green roof technology for a while and have been thinking about introducing a species that would resist the nearby colonization of wind and bird-shit-bourne weed species. Is anyone familiar with hardy groundcover like sedum or other stonecrops that exhibit allelopathy or in general suppress the growth of other species?
  13. I pre-treated my I. australis with GA-3 and have been giving it nice high humidity. Been about 2.5 weeks and nothing so far. Any tips on germination? I have more seeds to play with as well.
  14. Has anyone ever heard of any anecdotal reports of people quidding leaf? I think I heard something about it being a little toxic but who knows really. These plants of mine have really developed into little bushes under the 600HPS. Small plants but I think they are very cool. I guess once they produce berries (tiny ones at that) they will go back outside in large containers to reveg and flower on a much grander scale for the summer here.
  15. That's very generous but no worries! All that matters is that I am now more familiar with the Asclepiadoideae sub-family that houses soo so many badass genus(s). Stapelianthus, Huernia, Stapelia and I know there are more... Stapelianthus madagascariensis
  16. Awesome. This genus is um really doing it for me ha. Anyone have any seeds perchance? Quite pricy on ebay... Huernia oculata This isn't even one of the more wild looking ones! Stapelia is fascinating as well, along with stinky as hell as I recall working at a nursery couple years ago.
  17. Sweet. Looking forward to it flowering to get a specific ID. Any word if they're self-fertile?
  18. Here is the seedling I posted above flowering. Confirmed Mirabilis multiflora. Pretty plant
  19. They do quite well in a coir ebb and flow table with nearly no nutrients. edit: the leaves are quite stinky, one moreso uniquely stanky. Interesting
  20. Here's a Mirabilis mutiflora I threw in a coir ebb-flow tray for reference. The cotyledons do look a little HBWR-ish. Interesting to see what your true leaves look like.
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