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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by dworx

  1. nice woodrose in that photo too! -edit here- It not I will love getting up into the 36m [if brandisii] culms, lol
  2. dworx

    Vermiculite and Asbestos

    nice bit of info gogo, got a source?
  3. dworx

    Whats in a name?

    Interesting read, thanks people, I didn't think too many would reply but thanx to all that did or do in the future.
  4. dworx

    Free Seeds!

    Thanx Blood, arrived today in very good order top timing re: mail
  5. Thanx shroomeup www gets 50 Mimosa Hostilis seed www
  6. dworx

    Grafting Help Needed for Peyote

    Fenris I had a few grafts just like yours same thing happened when we got all the water recently, It happened fast and I lost the lot, with that in my mind I would do it the way EG said. I lost two out of four big grafts, but we had unbelievable humidity and the real surprise is that the other two survived for which I am thankful.
  7. dworx

    Happy Birthday Hutch

    Happy Birthday Hutch!
  8. dworx

    Whats in a name?

    LOL, incog you sound just like me! That's always a part of our nicks - a bit of anonymity,lol.
  9. dworx

    Whats in a name?

    No sorry mate this guy was a little black guy named Edsel, he was big on the bible, which I guess helped him, but he was so straight because of his christian beliefs wouldn't smoke a cone with us,wouldn't try our gear. He was accepting of us using though and an all round nice guy he was only about 19 when I met him ans he was already turning grey. We had many debates on religion and he just listened to my side, my thoughts and even though somethings he knew i was right about he just stuck to his faith. It is a weird disease hey?
  10. dworx

    Whats in a name?

    Why do you say that?
  11. dworx

    Happy Birthday Torsten

    Happy B'day Torsten, Hope it goes off with a bang!
  12. dworx

    Free Seeds!

    Thanks BTC muchly appreciated!
  13. dworx

    Free Seeds!

    And can I have the Banisteriopsis caapi
  14. dworx

    Whats in a name?

    Wow what a response, I wasn't sure anyone would answer, I think it adds abit of your own personality to your names, a little insight for all to see which is really good when we haven't met in person. My username is short for Devilworx, my mum used to be 'Godly' and everything I did was not 'Godly' then wehn I did my trade there was a little Christian dude there always preaching [really preaching] and I would quiz him, usually on his bible studies and he never had any answers, so he would just come back with you're evil, he was a really nice guy who had a rare disease - which - made him age prematurely, he is probably dead now, I don't know we lost touch, he was doing sparky trade and I was F/M trade. So yeah my beliefs don't fit the christian belief and have been seen to be evil and ungodly' or works of the devil Devilworx, u get the picture.
  15. dworx


    Meeka is a really nice person So is Amazonian, ThunderIdeal, WT, Hutch, Marcel,Ethereal, Incog T, aaaah ................................................................... and so many others here .
  16. dworx


    Thanks Marcel lol
  17. dworx

    Perpetual Motion

    You know the advantage of 2stroke over 4stroke, less moving parts. I am only guessing because their isn't a description of what is meant to happen, but the mag pistons are moving up and down? on a crank that turns? Why not make the magnets rotate on a disc via the repelling force of the magnets. The magnets on the outer being electro so you can fire them like in a regular motor. The rotating force can be used to drive a generator of some kind and feed to a battery bank, with some of the power produced being used to feed the electromags? The propulsion and power generation can be strengthened by using more magnets, In reality you only need one electro on the outer and that can be fired by elec ignition system or distributor. the only wear would really be in the bearings.
  18. dworx

    'Awareness during surgery is common'

    I had a local for a cancer removal - told the doctor "hey thats sharp", he said "can you feel that?, Don't worry nearly done and he stitched it up totally non - nonchalant, Asshole doctors - we care!lol.
  19. dworx

    IRC chat room.

    I bet it is still the same Thunder thanks for the link which IRC client did you download???