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Posts posted by Philocacti

  1. Don't know where to start

    There's no way i can thank zelly enough


    This uy has been helping me a lot, even before I joined SAB. Once I joined SAB, zelly sent me a lot of seeds throughout the years without asking me anything in return. 


    Since 2014, laws have changed a lot to the point that by late 2015 I can't receive any packages containing any plant material (seeds or cuttings). However, sometime during this period zelly offered to send me a cutting. So I asked for a PC cutting. He sent me a package but unfortunately customs refused to release it. A month later, a friend went to the states and zelly sent him a package. Fortunately, I received the package with a beautiful PC cutting that had flower buds. 


    Last year, zelly contacted me and offered me some of his seeds. I told him that they won't pass customs. He sent me a lot of crosses in a very intelligent way and the arrived to my house safe and sound. 


    I've never seen anyone get out his way and spends time in packaging and sending packages without asking anything in return. 


    Zelly I appreciate your friendship more than I can express. Thank you my friend :)


    I planted the seeds 2 weeks ago and most of the crosses already started germinating and I'm very excited as if it was my first time.




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  2. Thanks a lot buddy :)

    According to the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone, I'm in zone 14. Also we have dust in air, which might makes them look like this. Maybe it's my camera. I really don't know.

    Hahaha, yeah I had to improvise. I already caught and killed the rat. Only after it ate all the growing tips from all the Ariocarpus', except 3 that were grafted higher stocks.

    Last year, I was gifted a small cutting of a bridgesii monstrose from a local friend and he told me it's a different clone than what we have here, but I still can't see any difference yet.




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  3. Is this from Ogun? I think that mother plant looks intermediate between pachanoi and peruvianus just like many of the plants growing wild around Ancash. This plant certainly doesn't look like a Lima pachanoi but it also doesn't look like a Matucana peruvianus (which is the reference point most people have when talking about that species).

    Yup, Ogun sent me a pup, and what you say makes more sense.

    yeh im told wild type pachanoi too , i kinda see what you mean about peruvi but just learning those buggers myself too

    its definitely unique and loveable , and i think it has the power to go hyperglaukemic /glaukaceouss..nesss or whatever you say for it's blueability/glaukosity ...

    I'm sure if it will blu-up , it'll do it in your scorching sunshine and capable hands mate.

    took some pics of mine to add if they're any help

    attachicon.gif2016-03-06 00.28.34.jpgattachicon.gif2016-03-06 00.28.42.jpgattachicon.gif2016-03-06 00.28.51.jpgattachicon.gif2016-03-06 00.29.02.jpg

    and if it's any consolation i keep seeing peruvianus in the beloved single 1cm spined pachanois knocking about too..

    Hahaha, yeah I read this term before; "wild" pachanoi.

    Does "wild" describe the spination? Or is it just a term to distinguish it from other "common" pachanoi.

    I've had this clone for a little more than 2 years now. The original pup has 2 offshoots and is in a more shaded place than the graft (the pic in the 1st post), which is in full sun. Non of the 2 is showing any glaucinous ;)

    It's a unique and beautiful plant, but I just wanted to understand what makes cactophiles label it as pachanoi or "wild" pachanoi.

  4. Hi all!

    I want to grow other cacti than trichos also but I'm quite clueless and need to learn a LOT. Im looking for collectible, rare plants.

    Would you be so kind to enlighten my ignorance and guide me through a choice of seeds? Thankxz so much!

    Try Ariocarpus, lophophora , astrophytum and aztecium.

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