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The Corroboree

The Traveler

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Everything posted by The Traveler

  1. I don't believe in superstition, it brings bad luck you know...
  2. The Traveler

    Tips for germinating Iboga?

    Well, I hope this works for you, good luck! And your Salvia greenhouse looks 'groots en gaaf'. ;) Especially if you compare it with my tiny, little youngling:
  3. The Traveler

    Tips for germinating Iboga?

    A few month back I had great trouble germinating some HBWR seeds. In the end I did the following to have one of the seeds germinate successfully: I took a pair of scissors to open one of the seeds at the bottom. I then put it in really wet soil, after this it took a few weeks to germinate successfully. The non-opened control seeds I had also put in the soil didn't seed even after 2 months so I recovered them from the soil to seed them next year, with the scissor tek of course. Maybe this will work with your Iboga seeds as well. You can try it with one of them.
  4. Thank you. Yes, that one was nice too, it was a purple morning glory. I only replaced it since the current beauty is flowering right outside in my small garden pond.
  5. Well, let the huge distance between the place of happening and me not withstand me from posting a haiku: A purple moment Shared with true delight and joy A flower, blooming
  6. The Traveler

    what rhymes with caapi?

    This only works in dutch but it really rhymes with caapi (yes, really): aapie (means little monkey) slaapie (a person to share your bunk with, normally in a non-sexual way. A military thing I believe)