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The Corroboree

anita muscaria

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About anita muscaria

  • Rank
    Day Tripper

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  1. anita muscaria

    anyone have nonbridgesii dark exps?

    sounds like we could have a winner! would love to know the name, its been over 5 years since i gave mine away before going o/s...
  2. anita muscaria

    anyone have nonbridgesii dark exps?

    btw, whats the ID of that spec?
  3. anita muscaria

    anyone have nonbridgesii dark exps?

    looks similar though it had no spines at all. zero. blue skin, very thick, very fast grower plus super conc; a true all rounder
  4. anita muscaria

    New PM restrictions and member group

    lazy mans pm quick-getter
  5. anita muscaria

    What are you currently listening to thread.

    online radio - whisky on a wire. lovin it!
  6. anita muscaria

    anyone have nonbridgesii dark exps?

    i used to have a spineless bridg that looked like a scop and could imagine people being easily confused, i wonder.... real scop has always been similar to pach for me though probably stronger
  7. anita muscaria

    anyone have nonbridgesii dark exps?

    this sounds very familiar to me. With bridg, the feeling is electric blue over darkness / neon lit alley. with pachanoi it is bright, golden, positive etc. once made up a batch for a group with about 80% pach and 20% bridg and result was the same for all. adding a slice of fresh monstrose to you pach soup is similar