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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Scientician

  1. Scientician

    Doctors warn about fatal ibuprofen link

    200mg of celebrex is a fairly large dose to take on a regular basis. But on the bright side Celebrex is much less damaging to the internal organs than other NSAID's. Tell your doctor not to be a stingy big pharma whore & give you the steroids (oil not pills). That's of course if the pain is muscular related. Accelerated protein synthesis from steroids is not nearly as harmful as NSAID's when used on a short term basis. Cissus quadrangularis is also another favorite of mine for physical injuries.
  2. Scientician

    Sore Throat

    Try mixing a drop or two of clove oil into a large teaspoons worth of honey, manuka preferably & swallow slowly allowing the mixture to coat the inside of your throat. The clove oil will act as a local anesthetic.
  3. Scientician

    Hangover cure?

    A teaspoon of Cystine Hydrochloride in a glass of water wins hands down IMO. It tastes like drinking a liquid dog fart going down but the positives far outweigh the negatives. Definitely worth a shot people.
  4. Scientician

    WTB - Mandrake

    The SAB store used to sell jars of mandrake pieces but I haven't seen them available for many moons. www.allrareherbs.com.au sells live plants from time to time. Also there is an Australian vendor who sells seeds on ebay. Good luck.
  5. Scientician

    The Corroboree top 100

    And I love Katatonia.
  6. Scientician

    The Corroboree top 100

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDE-zsOH9tU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUBKujcsqtk I love Witchcraft.
  7. Scientician

    What is that god damn movie???

    Glad to be of assistance. Now I just hope for your sake the movie isn't complete shit.
  8. Scientician

    What is that god damn movie???

    There's a German movie from around this time called Nightshapes. Maybe?
  9. Scientician

    Non-Active ID

    kinda looks like a snap dragon of some sort. But I am definitely not certain.
  10. Scientician

    must-see documentaries

    Just head to www.topdocumentaryfilms.com. Endless entertainment. One that they don't have which is one of my favorites is (Manifesting the mind: Footprints of the shaman) Peace.
  11. Scientician

    Cacti for sale

    Hi Tripsis, I will take. Sausage plant type 1 - $35.00 Kai 30cm - $25.00 T.Peruvianus x T.Bridgesii - $25.00 Thank You Muskrat
  12. Scientician

    Trichocereus for sale

    Hi Interbeing, Put me down for the pachanoi #7 and the yowie #8. Cheers
  13. Scientician

    lost most of my collection

    Hi Razor, I too have lost most of my garden to Yasi. Although I can't really offer you anything I thought I might point out that there are some great cacti going for really good prices in the seed & plant exchange which I have been scooping up to replenish my loses. Sorry that this is all I can add but I thought I would share this before they're all gone. Best of luck restoring your garden. Muskrat
  14. Scientician

    Cacti for sale

    Hi Tripsis, I will also take the Eileen & the psycho0. Cheers Muskrat
  15. Scientician

    Cacti for sale

    I will also take the non-PC pach. Thanks
  16. Scientician


  17. Scientician

    Cacti for sale

    I wil also take the T. Macrogonus #2 aswell. Cheers
  18. Scientician

    Cacti for sale

    I would like to purchase..... SEED GROWN PERUVIANOID #2. Please PM me with bank or Paypal details thank you.
  19. Scientician

    Cyclone Yasi

    I live in a wooden pole home on a rain-forest block next to the beach just outside of Cairns so I got as far away from home as I could (Hervey Bay). I took the missus & the dog too of course. After the cyclone hit I ended up being cut off from returning home by floods & highway damage. Just got back last night about 11pm. My yard & greenhouse are completely destroyed, trees are down everywhere & my Kombi is covered in dings & scratches from debris. The house is still sound thankfully. I'm glad we evacuated it would have been immensely stressful to endure from the look of my yard. Just lodged for some emergency relief money but I think it might take a while to come through which totally blows because I need to buy a chainsaw now. Not even going to attempt cutting this shit with my hand saw. Still I saw people who copped it way worse than me on the way home. Cardwell & Tully are pretty much wrecked.
  20. Scientician

    Lucid Dreaming

    I was actually lucid dreaming myself last night. The trick is to keep moving. I find that once you try to stop & look around you wake up. Anyway... I entered the dream & was already on horseback hammering across the desert & severe thunderstorm was closing in behind me. To my left is another man riding in-sync with me but I'm unaware of who this person is. Then right at the point where I felt like had good control of the dream I came to an instant halt & I couldn't push the dream forward. Then an enormous demon confronted me (it appeared to be made purely out of marble). It then very harshly said to me "I don't like you or what you are trying to do here, get out". I then woke up immediately. The lucidity didn't return after I fell asleep again.
  21. Scientician

    Stopping the Illegalisation of 1000's of Plant species

    Citizenship / permanent residency will be much more difficult. I'm at least a naturalized citizen of NZ. Haven't lived there since I was 6 though (now staring down the barrel of 30)
  22. Scientician

    Stopping the Illegalisation of 1000's of Plant species

    If this gets passed I'm done with Australia!! Look out New Zealand.
  23. Scientician

    Whats wrong with my Iboga?

    Hi Casuarius I had made the assumption that these were poisonshrooms only 2 ibogas & hence would become mother plants. That was the purpose of the reference. No I did not ask you about cloning. The question mark was used as a rhetorical implication. Also I can't help but feel that you are being somewhat patronizing.
  24. Scientician

    don't cha hate it when..

    I have no gripes to add just have to say that a good quality hose is worth it's weight in gold. I spent $60.00 on one 10 years ago (probably not considered expensive anymore)? But it was the best one the local hardware stocked. It has never given me any grief & still looks virtually brand new. The steel fixings don't even have pitting. Go the good hose.