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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by strangebrew

  1. strangebrew

    monstrous X tricho seed

    Great PM system! Just send your addresses. I'm skint atm but they'll turn up eventually.
  2. strangebrew

    old mushies

    Depends how old. 6 months or more & I wouldn't expect much.
  3. strangebrew

    Cut off Bridgesii log is blooming

    You'd need pollen from a genetically different plant but it's too late as they only last a day or two.
  4. strangebrew

    SA's non-stainers

    One or two of those smaller ones did look a little different, it's hard to say, had a slightly purple tinge to them. I spotted more Agrocybes in a local park the other day, they can get fairly big. I'd never thought about looking for subs there before but really, the aspect is perfect. Main difference is mid brown gills and a mid brown spore print. Slightly thicker cap compared to SA subs and the stem isn't quite as white. If you mix them up with subs though the blue can come off on to them making distinguishing difficult. If someone had told me these were SA subs I wouldn't have given it a 2nd thought.
  5. strangebrew

    SA's non-stainers

    In one of my 1st postings here I made mention of a shroom that grew in a certain location in SA that didn't stain blue. Well here we go, I hadn't hit this area for years, only 5 or 6 stainers in the whole bunch. If anyone wants a print PM. Heehee, I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever see a shroom in-situ in SA again.
  6. strangebrew

    SA's non-stainers

    Destroying angels? Really? Are they growing under Eucalypts now? No, Paradox was right with Agrocybe. They seem to be regarded as a spring shroom and I'm never usually looking this late in the year. They're the most similar to subs I have come across, same substrate, mycellium running down hill - you could follow the line of fruits. Same mealy smell, even had the same bugs in them. I'd doubt they'd be poisonous due to this.
  7. strangebrew

    SA's non-stainers

    Thanks man, Agrocibe is a good possibilty, don't worry, I wasn't going to take them.
  8. strangebrew

    Black rot on my Bridgesii. Please help!

    If the piece is rot prone which it looks to be, (because if it wasn't, watering it wouldn't have affected it) leaving it lying down in soil isn't going to help it any. Just because it's started to root lying down doesn't mean you have to leave it that way. If you uprighted it so those bottom roots, those on the opposite end from the pup, were buried, you'd be surprised how quickly the plant will sort itself out. I'll admit I'm biased - I think trichocereus are generally are much happier upright. Why did you pull it up anyway? The rot appears to be on the bottom - it's never going to grow if you keep pulling it up to check on it. All in all I think that piece will be more trouble than it's worth.
  9. strangebrew

    Black rot on my Bridgesii. Please help!

    It was too early to water but it really doesn't look that good. You found a big plant didn't you? Couldn't you get hold of a better piece than that? If you're determined to try and save it plant it upright, out of full sun, just so those emerging roots are covered- that'll give the skin as much air exposure as possible and only give it a small amount of water in a couple of weeks.
  10. strangebrew

    Mushroom Documentary Premier 22nd August

    Nice, were they handing out rainbow chocolates?
  11. strangebrew

    Icaros - Magical Songs from Peru

    Just caught some of the tail end of the show - that mermaid icaro was really nice, I was getting mad neck and skull tingles.
  12. strangebrew

    EGA- Bear Owsley Headlining - FRI 6-MON 9 NOV - Last Tix

    Ha, anyone wanting an entertaining read should check out Orryelle's drug fuelled adventures in South America, a night spent at Huaynu Picchu comes to mind. Quite a drawer as well. http://www.crossroads.wild.net.au/travels.htm
  13. strangebrew

    Huge pedro

    Do them a favor and cut the stuff at the window. I wonder if spines scratch glass?
  14. strangebrew

    some variegate knuthianusX pix for ferret

    So more than 5% variagated? Nice. Probably be some other people around with those seed as well who should get the same. I talked with somebody O.S. who'd hit the jack pot with a fruit that threw out a high % of trichocereus crests once as well, lucky bugger.
  15. strangebrew

    mid 1970's qld heads,all gone now?

    Don't know about trippy but some very stimulating weed still gets around that must be fairly high in the sativa stakes. I only indulge occassionally but the last batch I tried kept me awake for about 5 hours repeatedly and it only required a few tokes. This is extremely unusual for me as I normally crash real quick. It was great, said to have originated from the Otways.
  16. strangebrew

    Anti-smoking drugs linked to mental illness

    Odd considering they actually prescribe bupropion (Zyban, Wellbutrin) FOR mental illness i.e. depression. It's the only dopaminergic anti-depressive currently available in the US, they haven't allowed it's use for that here though.
  17. strangebrew

    must-see documentaries

    Yeah Waco's a good one. The Killing of America - it's about serial killers. This was made back in the day before criminal profiling really became a science. Creepy. Heart of Darkness - about the making of Apocalyse Now. Grizzly Man - bears are not your friends OK!
  18. strangebrew

    Putting my Cacti in the ground

    There must be something in that because I've heard a garden design trick is to plant the same plant in groups of 3.
  19. strangebrew

    Putting my Cacti in the ground

    Spring's good, as is river sand. Drainage is the key. If you get a lot of rain, you may want to think about raising the bed a little.
  20. Well that's a theory anyway, one that makes sense to me when black rot does seem to be caused by transpiration difficulties sometimes. I can't see spraying oil would help that cause. It also seems a coincidence that our good friend Nitrogen recently experienced similar issues after reading the same advice. It may all be dependant on one's own particular environmental conditions as to whether one suffers from using oil or not. I know firsthand it can cause sunburn - it's like putting coconut oil onto yourself.
  21. strangebrew

    encountering evil

    Do other peeps get to those places/thoughts where the hairs on the back of your neck start rippling? I think some regard those as indicative of truth?
  22. The moral of the story is don't use oils on cacti. If it's bending it's knackered, take a tip cutting while you can. If you can.
  23. strangebrew

    australian pachanoi

    It would be better for you to post pics of your own as they will be in similar conditions. Looking at a PC I've got in the ground atm, fully swollen, it looks quite different at a distance.
  24. Kewl selections. Congradulations all. a beautiful sight, seeing rainbows in dew drops, no, i'm not on drugs!
  25. strangebrew

    Teen's death highlights cyber bullying trend

    Because you can't kick them in the nuts, that's why. Plus it's probably anonymous.